Logical operations: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|Wren}}: Removed an unnecessary comma.)
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===Short version===
<syntaxhighlight lang="agda">module AndOrNot where
module AndOrNot where
open import Data.Bool using (Bool ; false ; true ; _∧_ ; _∨_ ; not)
open import Data.Product using (_,_ ; _×_)
test : Bool → Bool → Bool × Bool × Bool
test xa yb = xayb , xayb , not x</syntaxhighlight>a
test true false ⇒ false , true , false
===Long version===
<syntaxhighlight lang="agda">
module AndOrNot where
-- This part is to compute the values
open import Data.Bool using (Bool ; false ; true ; _∧_ ; _∨_ ; not)
open import Data.Product using (_,_ ; _×_)
test : Bool → Bool → Bool × Bool × Bool
test a b = a ∧ b , a ∨ b , not a
-- This part is to print the result
open import Agda.Builtin.IO using (IO)
open import Agda.Builtin.Unit using (⊤)
open import Data.String using (String ; _++_)
open import Data.Bool.Show using (show)
get-and-or-not-str : Bool × Bool × Bool → String
get-and-or-not-str (t₁ , t₂ , t₃) =
"a and b: " ++ (show t₁) ++ ", " ++
"a or b: " ++ (show t₂) ++ ", " ++
"not a: " ++ (show t₃)
test-str : Bool → Bool → String
test-str a b = get-and-or-not-str (test a b)
postulate putStrLn : String → IO ⊤
{-# FOREIGN GHC import qualified Data.Text as T #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC putStrLn = putStrLn . T.unpack #-}
run : Bool → Bool → IO ⊤
run a b = putStrLn (test-str a b)
main : IO ⊤
main = run true false
-- This program outputs:
-- a and b: false, a or b: true, not a: false
