Langton's ant: Difference between revisions

(Removed one cast from D version)
Line 258:
<lang python>width = 75
height = 52
nsteps = 12000
class Dir: up, right, down, left = range(4)
class Turn: left, right = False, True
class Color: white, black = '.', '#'
M = [[Color.white] * width for _ in xrange(height)]
x = width // 2
y = height // 2
dir = Dir.up
i = 0
while i < nsteps and x >= 0 and y >= 0 and x < width and y < height:
turn = Turn.left if M[y][x] == else Turn.right
M[y][x] = Color.white if M[y][x] == else
dir = (4 + dir + (1 if turn else -1)) % 4
dir = [Dir.up, Dir.right, Dir.down, Dir.left][dir]
if dir == Dir.up: y -= 1
elif dir == Dir.right: x -= 1
elif dir == Dir.down: y += 1
elif dir == Dir.left: x += 1
else: assert False
i += 1
print "\n".join("".join(row) for row in M)</lang>
The output is the same as the basic D version.
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