Langton's ant: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|PHP}}: Add incorrect chirality note.)
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Line 2,171:
print "\n".join("".join(row) for row in M)</lang>
The output is the same as the basic D version.
[[File:Racket_Langtons_ant.png|thumb|Sample display of Racket solution]]
This Racket program attempts to avoid mutation.
<lang racket>#lang racket
;; contracts allow us to describe expected behaviour of funcitons
(define direction/c (or/c 'u 'r 'l 'd))
(define turn/c (-> direction/c direction/c))
(define grid/c (hash/c integer? (hash/c integer? boolean?)))
(define-struct/contract ant ([d direction/c] [x integer?] [y integer?]))
(define/contract (turn-right dir) turn/c
(case dir ((u) 'r) ((d) 'l) ((r) 'd) ((l) 'u)))
(define/contract (turn-left dir) turn/c
(case dir ((u) 'l) ((d) 'r) ((r) 'u) ((l) 'd)))
(define/contract (move d x y)
(-> direction/c integer? integer? (list/c direction/c integer? integer?))
(+ x (case d ((l) -1) ((r) 1) (else 0)))
(+ y (case d ((u) -1) ((d) 1) (else 0)))))
(define/contract (move-ant d a) (-> direction/c ant? ant?)
(apply make-ant (move d (ant-x a) (ant-y a))))
(define/contract (langton a grid) (-> ant? grid/c grid/c)
(let ((ax (ant-x a)) (ay (ant-y a)))
(if (and (<= 1 ax 100) (<= 1 ay 100))
(let* ((grid-row (hash-ref grid ay hash))
(cell-black? (hash-ref grid-row ax #f)))
(move-ant ((if cell-black? turn-left turn-right) (ant-d a)) a)
(hash-set grid ay (hash-set grid-row ax (not cell-black?)))))
(define/contract (show-grid/text grid) (-> grid/c void?)
(for* ; for* allows us to refer to y in rw
((y (in-range 1 101))
(rw (in-value (hash-ref grid y #f)))
#:when rw ; if there is no row, the ant never visisted it
#:when (newline) ; when can be used simply for its side effect
(x (in-range 1 101)))
(case (hash-ref rw x #\?)
((#\?) (display #\space)) ; distingush between "ant-visited white" vs. pure white
((#f) (display #\:)) ; little anty footprints left
((#t) (display #\#)))))
(show-grid/text (langton (make-ant 'u 50 50) (hash)))
(require 2htdp/image)
(define/contract (show-grid/png grid) (-> grid/c image?)
((scn (empty-scene 408 408)))
((y (in-range 1 101))
(rw (in-value (hash-ref grid y #f)))
#:when rw ; if there is no row, the ant never visisted it
(x (in-range 1 101)))
(case (hash-ref rw x #\?)
((#\?) scn) ; distingush between "ant-visited white" vs. pure white
((#f) (place-image (circle 2 "outline" "gray") (* x 4) (* y 4) scn)) ; little anty footprints left
((#t) (place-image (circle 2 "solid" "black") (* x 4) (* y 4) scn)))))
(show-grid/png (langton (make-ant 'u 50 50) (hash)))
Output (text):
<pre style="height:60ex;overflow:scroll">
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