Langton's ant: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|Uiua}}: Upscaled image
m (→‎{{header|Uiua}}: Upscaled image)
(11 intermediate revisions by 7 users not shown)
Line 28:
;Related task:
*   Rosetta Code:   [[Conway%27s_Game_of_Life|Conway's Game of Life]].
*   [[Elementary_cellular_automaton|Elementary cellular automaton]]
Line 2,268 ⟶ 2,269:
[ Run it]
[ Run it]
<syntaxhighlight lang="text">
len f[] 100 * 100
funcproc show . .
for y = 0 to 99
for x = 0 to 99
if f[y * 100 + x + 1] = 1
move x y
rect 1 1
funcproc run x y dir . .
dx[] = [ 0 1 0 -1 ]
dy[] = [ -1 0 1 0 ]
while x >= 0 and x < 100 and y >= 0 and y < 100
v = f[y * 100 + x + 1]
f[y * 100 + x + 1] = 1 - v
dir = (dir + 2 * v) mod 4 + 1
x += dx[dir]
y += dy[dir]
call run 70 40 0
call show
Line 3,861 ⟶ 3,862:
{ „direction” }
<syntaxhighlight lang="peri">
###sysinclude standard.uh
###sysinclude system.uh
###sysinclude str.uh
###sysinclude X.uh
$ff0000 sto szin1
$ffffff sto szin2
10 sto pausetime
//maxypixel 100 - sto YRES
//maxypixel 20 - sto YRES
//maxypixel 7 - sto YRES
//maxypixel 13 - sto YRES
maxypixel 20 - sto YRES
maxxpixel sto XRES
zero ant
// Az ant iránykódjai:
// 0 : fel
// 1 : le
// 2 : jobbra
// 3 : balra
@XRES 2 / sto antx // Az ant kezdeti koordinátái
@YRES 2 / sto anty
myscreen "Furor monitor" @YRES @XRES graphic // Create the graphic screen
."Kilépés: ESC\n"
{.. // infinite loop begins
myscreen @anty @antx getpixel // A pixel színe amin az ant ül épp
@szin2 == {
myscreen @anty @antx @szin1 setpixel // másik színre átállítjuk a pixelt
2 // Jobbra fog fordulni
myscreen @anty @antx @szin2 setpixel // másik színre átállítjuk a pixelt
3 // Balra fog fordulni
// Elvégezzük az új koordináta beállítását:
sto direction
@ant 0 == @direction 2 == & { ++() antx @antx @XRES == { zero antx } 2 sto ant goto §beolvas }
@ant 0 == @direction 3 == & { @antx inv { @XRES -- sto antx }{ --() antx } 3 sto ant goto §beolvas }
@ant 1 == @direction 3 == & { ++() antx @antx @XRES == { zero antx } 2 sto ant goto §beolvas }
@ant 1 == @direction 2 == & { @antx inv { @XRES -- sto antx }{ --() antx } 3 sto ant goto §beolvas }
@ant 2 == @direction 2 == & { @anty inv { @YRES -- sto anty }{ --() anty } 1 sto ant goto §beolvas }
@ant 2 == @direction 3 == & { ++() anty @anty @YRES == { zero anty } 0 sto ant goto §beolvas }
@ant 3 == @direction 2 == & { ++() anty @anty @YRES == { zero anty } 0 sto ant goto §beolvas }
@ant 3 == @direction 3 == & { @anty inv { @YRES -- sto anty }{ --() anty } 1 sto ant goto §beolvas }
myscreen key !sto billkód @pausetime inv sleep $1b == {
."Made " {..} print ." generations.\n" {.>.} }
myscreen inv graphic
{ „myscreen” }
{ „billkód” }
{ „pausetime” }
{ „XRES” }
{ „YRES” }
{ „szin1” }
{ „szin2” }
{ „ant” }
{ „antx” }
{ „anty” }
{ „direction” }
Line 4,652 ⟶ 4,719:
| ($grid|length) as $height
| ($grid[0]|length) as $width
| reduce range(0;$height) as $i ("\u001BHu001B[H"; # ANSI code
. + reduce range(0;$width) as $j ("\n";
. + if $grid[$i][$j] then " " else "#" end ) );
Line 6,011 ⟶ 6,078:
</pre >
<syntaxhighlight lang="make"># Langton's ant Makefile
# netpbm is an ancient collection of picture file formats
# convert and display are from imagemagick
.PHONY: display
display: ant.png
display $<
ant.png: ant.pbm
convert $< $@
n9:=1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
n100:=$(n9) $(foreach i,$(n9),$(foreach j,0 $(n9),$i$j)) 100
ndec:=0 $(n100)
ninc:=$(wordlist 2,99,$(n100))
$(foreach i,$(n100),$(eval row$i:=$(foreach j,$(n100),0)))
.PHONY: $(foreach i,$(ndec),row$i)
@echo >ant.pbm P1
@echo >>ant.pbm '#' Langton"'"s ant
@echo >>ant.pbm 100 100
rowrule=row$i: row$(word $i,$(ndec)); @echo >>ant.pbm $$($$@)
$(foreach i,$(n100),$(eval $(rowrule)))
ant.pbm: Makefile row100
turn=$(eval direction:=$(t$(xy)$(direction)))
xy=$(word $x,$(row$y))
flip=$(eval row$y:=$(start) $(not$(xy)) $(end))
start=$(wordlist 1,$(word $x,$(ndec)),$(row$y))
end=$(wordlist $(word $x,$(ninc) 100),100,$(row$y))
step=$(eval $(step$(direction)))
step1=y:=$(word $y,exit $(n100))
step2=x:=$(word $x,$(ninc) exit)
step3=y:=$(word $y,$(ninc) exit)
step4=x:=$(word $x,exit $(n100))
iteration=$(if $(filter exit,$x $y),,$(turn)$(flip)$(step))
$(foreach i,$(n100) $(n100),$(foreach j,$(n100),$(iteration)))
=={{header|Mathematica}}/{{header|Wolfram Language}}==
Line 8,806 ⟶ 8,931:
## ############ #
[ Run it in Uiua Pad!]
<syntaxhighlight lang="Uiua">
# Draw Langton's Ant.
N ← 100
# initialise dir pos map
[¯1 0] [50 50] ↯N_N 1
# Run until out of bounds
| ≥0⋅/↧
# Scale up
[[File:Uiua Langton's Ant Upscaled.png|thumb|center]]
Line 9,185 ⟶ 9,333:
The textual version only.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">var width = 75
var height = 52
var maxSteps = 12000
