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===Alternative with abstalg====
{{libheader| abstalg}}
This one implements a naive LU decomposition with arbitrary fields, so it works over Rational Numbers as well as floats, (or any field)
<syntaxhighlight lang="rust">
use abstalg::*;
pub struct Matrix2D<'a, F>
F: Field,
field: MatrixRing<F>,
data: &'a mut Vec<<F as Domain>::Elem>,
rows: usize,
cols: usize,

impl<'a, F: Field + Clone> Matrix2D<'a, F> {
pub fn new(field: F, data: &'a mut Vec<<F as Domain>::Elem>, rows: usize, cols: usize) -> Self {
assert_eq!(rows * cols, data.len(), "Data does not match dimensions");
Matrix2D {
field: MatrixRing::<F>::new(field, rows),

pub fn get(&self, row: usize, col: usize) -> &<F as Domain>::Elem {
assert!(row < self.rows && col < self.cols, "Index out of bounds");
&[row * self.cols + col]

pub fn get_mut(&mut self, row: usize, col: usize) -> &mut <F as Domain>::Elem {
assert!(row < self.rows && col < self.cols, "Index out of bounds");
&mut[row * self.cols + col]

pub fn get_row(&self, row: usize) -> Vec<<F as Domain>::Elem> {
assert!(row < self.rows, "Row index out of bounds");
let mut result = Vec::new();
for col in 0..self.cols {
result.push(self.get(row, col).clone());

pub fn get_col(&self, col: usize) -> Vec<<F as Domain>::Elem> {
assert!(col < self.cols, "Column index out of bounds");
let mut result = Vec::new();
for row in 0..self.rows {
result.push(self.get(row, col).clone());

pub fn set_row(&mut self, row: usize, new_row: Vec<<F as Domain>::Elem>) {
assert!(row < self.rows, "Row index out of bounds");
assert_eq!(new_row.len(), self.cols, "New row has wrong length");
for col in 0..self.cols {
*self.get_mut(row, col) = new_row[col].clone();

pub fn set_col(&mut self, col: usize, new_col: Vec<<F as Domain>::Elem>) {
assert!(col < self.cols, "Column index out of bounds");
assert_eq!(new_col.len(), self.rows, "New column has wrong length");
for row in 0..self.rows {
*self.get_mut(row, col) = new_col[row].clone();

pub fn swap_rows(&mut self, row1: usize, row2: usize) {
row1 < self.rows && row2 < self.rows,
"Row index out of bounds"
if row1 != row2 {
for col in 0..self.cols {
let temp = self.get(row1, col).clone();
*self.get_mut(row1, col) = self.get(row2, col).clone();
*self.get_mut(row2, col) = temp;
pub fn l_u_decomposition(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<<F as Domain>::Elem>, String>
F: Clone,
// Let base = field.base()
let base = self.field.base().clone();
// Let v_a = VectorAlgebra(base, cols)
let v_a = VectorAlgebra::new(base.clone(), self.cols);
// Let the_l_matrix = I (creates an identity matrix)
let mut the_l_matrix: Vec<_> =;
// Let l_matrix = Matrix2D(base, the_l_matrix, rows, cols)
let mut l_matrix = Matrix2D::new(base.clone(), &mut the_l_matrix, self.rows, self.cols);

// For each pivot in min(rows, cols)
for pivot in 0..std::cmp::min(self.rows, self.cols) {
// Let pivot_row = self.get_row(pivot)
let pivot_row = self.get_row(pivot);
// If pivot element (pivot_row[pivot]) is zero, LU decomposition is not possible
if base.is_zero(&pivot_row[pivot]) {
return Err(
"LU decomposition without pivoting is not possible for this matrix".into(),
// Let pivot_entry_inv = 1 / pivot_row[pivot]
let pivot_entry_inv = base.inv(&pivot_row[pivot]);

// For each row_idx in (pivot + 1) to rows
for row_idx in (pivot + 1)..self.rows {
// Let row = self.get_row(row_idx)
let mut row = self.get_row(row_idx);
// Let scale = row[pivot] * pivot_entry_inv
let scale = base.mul(&row[pivot], &pivot_entry_inv);

// row += -scale * pivot_row (Vector addition and scalar multiplication)
&mut row,
&v_a.neg(&mul_vector(&v_a, scale.clone(), pivot_row.clone())),

// l_matrix[row_idx][pivot] = scale
*l_matrix.get_mut(row_idx, pivot) = scale;
// self.set_row(row_idx, row) (Sets the modified row back into the matrix)
self.set_row(row_idx, row);
// Returns the L matrix

pub fn p_l_u_decomposition(
) -> Result<
Vec<<F as Domain>::Elem>,
Vec<<F as Domain>::Elem>,
Vec<<F as Domain>::Elem>,
F: Clone,
let base = self.field.base().clone();
let mut self2 = (*;
let mut cloned_vector = Matrix2D::new(base.clone(), &mut self2, self.rows, self.cols);
let mut pivot_row = 0;

let mut the_p_matrix: Vec<_> =;
let mut p_matrix = Matrix2D::new(base.clone(), &mut the_p_matrix, self.rows, self.cols);
//let mut u_matrix = self.clone(); //Initializes the U matrix as a copy of the original matrix

for pivot_col in 0..self.cols {
// Find a non-zero entry in the pivot column
let swap_row = (pivot_row..self.rows)
.find(|&row| !base.equals(cloned_vector.get(row, pivot_col), &;
match swap_row {
Some(swap_row) => {
// Swap rows in U and P matrices to bring the non-zero entry to the pivot position
cloned_vector.swap_rows(pivot_row, swap_row);
p_matrix.swap_rows(pivot_row, swap_row);
pivot_row += 1;
None => {
// If there are no non-zero entries in the pivot column, just proceed to the next column

// Set the diagonals of P to 1
for i in 0..self.rows {
*p_matrix.get_mut(i, i) =;

// Run the LU decomposition on the permuted U matrix
let l_u_result = cloned_vector.l_u_decomposition();

match l_u_result {
Ok(the_l_matrix) => Ok((the_p_matrix, the_l_matrix,,
Err(e) => Err(e),

use std::{error::Error, fmt};
impl<'a, T> fmt::Display for Matrix2D<'a, T>
<T as Domain>::Elem: fmt::Display,
T: Field,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
for row in 0..self.rows {
for col in 0..self.cols {
write!(f, "{} ", self.get(row, col))?;

fn mul_vector<T>(
f: &VectorAlgebra<T>,
a: <T as Domain>::Elem,
d: Vec<<T as Domain>::Elem>,
) -> <VectorAlgebra<T> as Domain>::Elem
T: Field,
f.mul(&d, &f.diagonal(a))

mod tests {
use super::*; // bring into scope everything from the parent module
use abstalg::ReducedFractions;
use abstalg::I32;

fn test_p_l_u_decomposition(matrix: Vec<isize>, size: usize) {
// This test assumes that the base field is rational numbers.
// Create a test 4x4 matrix
let (matrix, size): (Vec<isize>, usize) =
(vec![11, 9, 24, 2, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 17, 18, 1, 2, 5, 7, 1], 4);
let field = abstalg::ReducedFractions::new(abstalg::I32);
let matrix_ring = MatrixRing::new(field.clone(), size);
let mut matrix: Vec<_> = matrix.clone().into_iter().map(|i|;
let mut matrix2d = Matrix2D::new(field.clone(), &mut matrix, size, size);

// Decompose the matrix using the p_l_u_decomposition function
let p_l_u_decomposition_result = matrix2d.p_l_u_decomposition().unwrap();
let (mut p_matrix, mut l_matrix, mut u_matrix) = p_l_u_decomposition_result;

// Convert the matrices back to Matrix2D form for printing
let p_matrix2d = Matrix2D::new(field.clone(), &mut p_matrix, size, size);
let l_matrix2d = Matrix2D::new(field.clone(), &mut l_matrix, size, size);
let u_matrix2d = Matrix2D::new(field.clone(), &mut u_matrix, size, size);

println!("P={} L={} U={}", p_matrix2d, l_matrix2d, u_matrix2d,);

// Multiply the resulting P, L, and U matrices
let p_l = matrix_ring.mul(&p_matrix, &l_matrix);
let mut p_l_u = matrix_ring.mul(&p_l, &u_matrix);

//let p_l_u_2d = Matrix2D::new(field.clone(), &mut p_l_u, 4, 4);
// Check that the product of P, L, and U is equal to the original matrix
assert_eq!(matrix, p_l_u);

fn test_p_l_u_decomposition_example() {
11, 9, 24, 2,
1, 5, 2, 6,
3, 17, 18, 1,
2, 5, 7, 1,
], 4);
1, 3, 5,
2, 4, 7,
1, 1, 0,
], 3);