Kronecker product: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|Fortran}}: Or, don't produce array AB as such.
(→‎{{header|Fortran}}: Or, don't produce array AB as such.)
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The plan is to pass the two arrays to a subroutine, which will return their Kronecker product as a third parameter. This relies on the expanded array-handling facilities introduced with F90, especially the ability of a subroutine to allocate an array of a size of its choosing, this array being a parameter to the subroutine. Some compilers offering the "allocate" statement do not handle this! Further features of the MODULE protocol of F90 allow arrays passed to a subroutine to have their sizes ascertained in the subroutine (via function UBOUND, ''etc.'') rather than this information being supplied via the programmer coding additional parameters. This is not all to the good: multi-dimensional arrays must therefore be the actual size of their usage rather than say A(100,100) but only using the first fifty elements (in one place) and the first thirty in another. Thus, for such usage the array must be re-allocated the correct size each time, and, the speed of access to such arrays is reduced - see [[Sequence_of_primorial_primes#Fixed-size_data_aggregates]] for an example. Similarly, suppose a portion of a large array is to be passed as a parameter, as is enabled by F90 syntax such as <code>A(3:7,9:12)</code> to select a 5x4 block: those elements will ''not'' be in contiguous memory locations, as is expected by the subroutine, so they will be copied into a temporary storage area that will become the parameter and their values will be copied back on return. Copy-in copy-out, instead of by reference. With large arrays, this imposes a large overhead. A further detail of the MODULE protocol when passing arrays is that if the parameter's declaration does not specify the lower bound, it will be treated as if it were one even if the actual array is declared otherwise - see [[Array_length#Fortran]] for example.
In older-style Fortran, the arrays would be of some "surely-big-enough" size, fixed at compile time, and there would be additional parameters describing the bounds in use for each invocation. Since no array-assignment statements were available, there would be additional DO-loops to copy each block of values. In all versions of Fortran, the ordering of array elements in storage is "column-major" so that the DATA statement appears to initialise the arrays with their transpose - see [[Matrix_transposition#Fortran]] for example. As a result, the default output order for an array, if written as just <code>WRITE (6,*) A</code> will be that of the transposed order, just as with the default order of the DATA statement's data. To show the desired order of A(''row'',''column''), the array must be written with explicit specification of the order of elements, as is done by subroutine SHOW: columns across the page, rows running down the page. <lang Fortran> MODULE ARRAYMUSH !A rather small collection.
CONTAINS !For the specific problem only.
SUBROUTINE KPRODUCT(A,B,AB) !AB = Kronecker product of A and B, both two-dimensional arrays.
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0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
An alternative approach is not to produce the array AB at all, just calculate its elements as needed. Using the array dimension variables as defined above, <lang Fortran>AB(i,j) = A((i - 1)/RB + 1,(j - 1)/CB + 1)*B(MOD(i - 1,RB) + 1,MOD(j - 1,CB) + 1))</lang> with the subtracting and adding of one necessary because array indexing starts with row one and column one. With F90, they could start at zero (or any desired value) but if so, you will have to be very careful with counting. For instance, <code>DO I = 1,RA</code> must become <code>DO I = 0,RA - 1</code> and so forth.
