Knuth-Morris-Pratt string search: Difference between revisions

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(julia example)
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(if (= patPos M) (- textPos M) N ) ) ) )
<lang ruby>"""
function kmp_table(W)
an array of characters, W (the word to be analyzed)
an array of integers, T (the table to be filled)
define variables:
an integer, i ← 2 (the current one-based position we are computing in T)
an integer, j ← 0 (the additive to index i in W of the next character of the current candidate substring)
function kmp_table(W)
len = length(W)
T = zeros(Int, len)
# start with the second letter of W, looking for patterns in W
i = 2
while i < len
j = 0
while i + j <= len # avoid overshooting end with index
# compute the longest proper prefix
if W[i + j] == W[j + 1]
T[i + j] = T[i + j - 1] + 1
T[i + j] = 0 # back to start
j += 1
j += 1
# entry in T found, so begin at next starting point along W
i += j
return T
function kmp_search(S, W)
an array of characters, S (the text to be searched)
an array of characters, W (the word sought)
an array of integers, P (positions in S at which W is found)
define variables (one based indexing in Julia differs from the Wikipedia example):
an integer, i ← 1 (the position of the current character in S)
an integer, j ← 1 (the position of the current character in W)
an array of integers, T (the table, computed elsewhere)
function kmp_search(S, W)
lenW, lenS = length(W), length(S)
i, P = 1, Int[]
T = kmp_table(W) # get pattern table
while i <= lenS - lenW + 1
for j in 1:lenW
if S[i + j - 1] != W[j]
# pattern not found, so skip unnecessary inner loops
i += T[j] + 1
@goto next_outer_loop
# found pattern W in S, so add to output P
push!(P, i)
i += 1
@label next_outer_loop
return P
const text1 = "InhisbookseriesTheArtofComputerProgrammingpublishedbyAddisonWesleyDKnuthusesanimaginarycomputertheMIXanditsassociatedmachinecodeandassemblylanguagestoillustratetheconceptsandalgorithmsastheyarepresented"
const text2 = "Nearby farms grew a half acre of alfalfa on the dairy's behalf, with bales of all that alfalfa exchanged for milk."
const pat1, pat2, pat3 = "put", "and", "alfalfa"
println("Found <$pat1> at: (one-based indices) ", kmp_search(text1, pat1))
println("Found <$pat2> at: (one-based indices) ", kmp_search(text1, pat2))
println("Found <$pat3> at: (one-based indices) ", kmp_search(text2, pat3))
Found <put> at: (one-based indices) [27, 91]
Found <and> at: (one-based indices) [102, 129, 172]
Found <alfalfa> at: (one-based indices) [34, 88]