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a b c d e f g h
===Fortran 95===
{{works with|gfortran|11.2.1}}
<lang fortran>!-----------------------------------------------------------------------
! Find Knight’s Tours.
! Using Warnsdorff’s heuristic, find multiple solutions.
! Optionally accept only closed tours.
! This program is migrated from my implementation for
! ATS/Postiats. Unlike my FORTRAN 77 implementation (which simply
! cannot do so), it uses a recursive call.
! Compile with, for instance:
! gfortran -O2 -g -std=f95 -o knights_tour knights_tour.f90
! Usage examples:
! One tour starting at a1, either open or closed:
! echo "a1 1 F" | ./knights_tour
! No more than 2000 closed tours starting at c5:
! echo "c5 2000 T" | ./knights_tour
program knights_tour
implicit none
character(len = 2) inp__alg
integer inp__istart
integer inp__jstart
integer inp__max_tours
logical inp__closed
read (*,*) inp__alg, inp__max_tours, inp__closed
call alg2ij (inp__alg, inp__istart, inp__jstart)
call main (inp__istart, inp__jstart, inp__max_tours, inp__closed)
subroutine main (istart, jstart, max_tours, closed)
integer, intent(in) :: istart, jstart ! The starting position.
integer, intent(in) :: max_tours ! The max. no. of tours to print.
logical, intent(in) :: closed ! Closed tours only?
integer board(1:8,1:8)
integer num_tours_printed
num_tours_printed = 0
call init_board (board)
call explore (board, 1, istart, jstart, max_tours, &
& num_tours_printed, closed)
end subroutine main
recursive subroutine explore (board, n, i, j, max_tours, &
& num_tours_printed, closed)
! Recursively the space of 'Warnsdorffian' knight’s paths, looking
! for and printing complete tours.
integer, intent(inout) :: board(1:8,1:8)
integer, intent(in) :: n
integer, intent(in) :: i, j
integer, intent(in) :: max_tours
integer, intent(inout) :: num_tours_printed
logical, intent(in) :: closed
integer imove(1:8)
integer jmove(1:8)
integer k
if (num_tours_printed < max_tours .and. n /= 0) then
if (is_good_move (i, j)) then
call mkmove (board, i, j, n)
if (n == 63) then
call find_possible_moves (board, i, j, imove, jmove)
call try_last_move (board, n + 1, imove(1), jmove(1), &
& num_tours_printed, closed)
call try_last_move (board, n + 1, imove(2), jmove(2), &
& num_tours_printed, closed)
call try_last_move (board, n + 1, imove(3), jmove(3), &
& num_tours_printed, closed)
call try_last_move (board, n + 1, imove(4), jmove(4), &
& num_tours_printed, closed)
call try_last_move (board, n + 1, imove(5), jmove(5), &
& num_tours_printed, closed)
call try_last_move (board, n + 1, imove(6), jmove(6), &
& num_tours_printed, closed)
call try_last_move (board, n + 1, imove(7), jmove(7), &
& num_tours_printed, closed)
call try_last_move (board, n + 1, imove(8), jmove(8), &
& num_tours_printed, closed)
call find_next_moves (board, n, i, j, imove, jmove)
do k = 1, 8
if (is_good_move (imove(k), jmove(k))) then
! Here is the recursive call.
call explore (board, n + 1, imove(k), jmove(k), &
& max_tours, num_tours_printed, closed)
end if
end do
end if
call unmove (board, i, j)
end if
end if
end subroutine explore
subroutine try_last_move (board, n, i, j, num_tours_printed, closed)
integer, intent(inout) :: board(1:8,1:8)
integer, intent(in) :: n
integer, intent(in) :: i, j
integer, intent(inout) :: num_tours_printed
logical, intent(in) :: closed
integer ipos(1:64)
integer jpos(1:64)
integer numpos
integer idiff
integer jdiff
if (is_good_move (i, j)) then
call mkmove (board, i, j, n)
if (.not. closed) then
num_tours_printed = num_tours_printed + 1
call print_tour (board, num_tours_printed)
call board2positions (board, ipos, jpos, numpos)
idiff = abs (i - ipos(1))
jdiff = abs (j - jpos(1))
if ((idiff == 1 .and. jdiff == 2) .or. &
(idiff == 2 .and. jdiff == 1)) then
num_tours_printed = num_tours_printed + 1
call print_tour (board, num_tours_printed)
end if
end if
call unmove (board, i, j)
end if
end subroutine try_last_move
subroutine init_board (board)
! Initialize a chessboard with empty squares.
integer, intent(out) :: board(1:8,1:8)
integer i, j
do j = 1, 8
do i = 1, 8
board(i, j) = -1
end do
end do
end subroutine init_board
subroutine mkmove (board, i, j, n)
! Fill a square with a move number.
integer, intent(inout) :: board(1:8, 1:8)
integer, intent(in) :: i, j
integer, intent(in) :: n
board(i, j) = n
end subroutine mkmove
subroutine unmove (board, i, j)
! Unmake a mkmove.
integer, intent(inout) :: board(1:8, 1:8)
integer, intent(in) :: i, j
board(i, j) = -1
end subroutine unmove
function is_good_move (i, j)
logical is_good_move
integer, intent(in) :: i, j
is_good_move = (i /= -1 .and. j /= -1)
end function is_good_move
subroutine print_tour (board, num_tours_printed)
! Print a knight's tour.
integer, intent(in) :: board(1:8,1:8)
integer, intent(in) :: num_tours_printed
write (*, '("Tour number ", I0)') num_tours_printed
call print_moves (board)
call print_board (board)
write (*, '()')
end subroutine print_tour
subroutine print_board (board)
! Print a chessboard with the move number in each square.
integer, intent(in) :: board(1:8,1:8)
integer i, j
do i = 8, 1, -1
write (*, '(" ", 8("+----"), "+")')
write (*, '(I2, " ", 8(" | ", I2), " | ")') &
i, (board(i, j), j = 1, 8)
end do
write (*, '(" ", 8("+----"), "+")')
write (*, '(" ", 8(" ", A1))') &
'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'
end subroutine print_board
subroutine print_moves (board)
! Print the moves of a knight's path, in algebraic notation.
integer, intent(in) :: board(1:8,1:8)
integer ipos(1:64)
integer jpos(1:64)
integer numpos
character(len = 2) alg(1:64)
integer columns(1:8)
integer k
integer m
character(len = 72) lines(1:8)
call board2positions (board, ipos, jpos, numpos)
! Convert the positions to algebraic notation.
do k = 1, numpos
call ij2alg (ipos(k), jpos(k), alg(k))
end do
! Fill lines with algebraic notations.
do m = 1, 8
columns(m) = 1
end do
m = 1
do k = 1, numpos
lines(m)(columns(m) : columns(m) + 1) = alg(k)(1:2)
columns(m) = columns(m) + 2
if (k /= numpos) then
lines(m)(columns(m) : columns(m) + 3) = " -> "
columns(m) = columns(m) + 4
else if (numpos == 64 .and. &
((abs (ipos(numpos) - ipos(1)) == 2 &
.and. abs (jpos(numpos) - jpos(1)) == 1) .or. &
((abs (ipos(numpos) - ipos(1)) == 1 &
.and. abs (jpos(numpos) - jpos(1)) == 2)))) then
lines(m)(columns(m) : columns(m) + 8) = " -> cycle"
columns(m) = columns(m) + 9
if (mod (k, 8) == 0) m = m + 1
end do
! Print the lines that have stuff in them.
do m = 1, 8
if (columns(m) /= 1) then
write (*, '(A)') lines(m)(1 : columns(m) - 1)
end if
end do
end subroutine print_moves
function is_closed (board)
! Is a board a closed tour?
logical is_closed
integer board(1:8,1:8)
integer ipos(1:64) ! The i-positions in order.
integer jpos(1:64) ! The j-positions in order.
integer numpos ! The number of positions so far.
call board2positions (board, ipos, jpos, numpos)
is_closed = (numpos == 64 .and. &
((abs (ipos(numpos) - ipos(1)) == 2 &
.and. abs (jpos(numpos) - jpos(1)) == 1) .or. &
((abs (ipos(numpos) - ipos(1)) == 1 &
.and. abs (jpos(numpos) - jpos(1)) == 2))))
end function is_closed
subroutine board2positions (board, ipos, jpos, numpos)
! Convert from a board to a list of board positions.
integer, intent(in) :: board(1:8,1:8)
integer, intent(out) :: ipos(1:64) ! The i-positions in order.
integer, intent(out) :: jpos(1:64) ! The j-positions in order.
integer, intent(out) :: numpos ! The number of positions so far.
integer i, j
numpos = 0
do i = 1, 8
do j = 1, 8
if (board(i, j) /= -1) then
numpos = max (board(i, j), numpos)
ipos(board(i, j)) = i
jpos(board(i, j)) = j
end if
end do
end do
end subroutine board2positions
subroutine find_next_moves (board, n, i, j, imove, jmove)
! Find possible next moves. Prune and sort the moves according to
! Warnsdorff's heuristic, keeping only those that have the minimum
! number of legal following moves.
integer, intent(inout) :: board(1:8,1:8)
integer, intent(in) :: n
integer, intent(in) :: i, j
integer, intent(inout) :: imove(1:8)
integer, intent(inout) :: jmove(1:8)
integer w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8
integer w
call find_possible_moves (board, i, j, imove, jmove)
call count_following (board, n + 1, imove(1), jmove(1), w1)
call count_following (board, n + 1, imove(2), jmove(2), w2)
call count_following (board, n + 1, imove(3), jmove(3), w3)
call count_following (board, n + 1, imove(4), jmove(4), w4)
call count_following (board, n + 1, imove(5), jmove(5), w5)
call count_following (board, n + 1, imove(6), jmove(6), w6)
call count_following (board, n + 1, imove(7), jmove(7), w7)
call count_following (board, n + 1, imove(8), jmove(8), w8)
w = pick_w (w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8)
if (w == 0) then
call disable (imove(1), jmove(1))
call disable (imove(2), jmove(2))
call disable (imove(3), jmove(3))
call disable (imove(4), jmove(4))
call disable (imove(5), jmove(5))
call disable (imove(6), jmove(6))
call disable (imove(7), jmove(7))
call disable (imove(8), jmove(8))
if (w /= w1) call disable (imove(1), jmove(1))
if (w /= w2) call disable (imove(2), jmove(2))
if (w /= w3) call disable (imove(3), jmove(3))
if (w /= w4) call disable (imove(4), jmove(4))
if (w /= w5) call disable (imove(5), jmove(5))
if (w /= w6) call disable (imove(6), jmove(6))
if (w /= w7) call disable (imove(7), jmove(7))
if (w /= w8) call disable (imove(8), jmove(8))
end if
end subroutine find_next_moves
subroutine count_following (board, n, i, j, w)
! Count the number of moves possible after an nth move.
integer, intent(inout) :: board(1:8,1:8)
integer, intent(in) :: n
integer, intent(in) :: i, j
integer, intent(out) :: w
integer imove(1:8)
integer jmove(1:8)
if (is_good_move (i, j)) then
call mkmove (board, i, j, n)
call find_possible_moves (board, i, j, imove, jmove)
w = 0
if (is_good_move (imove(1), jmove(1))) w = w + 1
if (is_good_move (imove(2), jmove(2))) w = w + 1
if (is_good_move (imove(3), jmove(3))) w = w + 1
if (is_good_move (imove(4), jmove(4))) w = w + 1
if (is_good_move (imove(5), jmove(5))) w = w + 1
if (is_good_move (imove(6), jmove(6))) w = w + 1
if (is_good_move (imove(7), jmove(7))) w = w + 1
if (is_good_move (imove(8), jmove(8))) w = w + 1
call unmove (board, i, j)
! The nth move itself is impossible.
w = 0
end if
end subroutine count_following
function pick_w (w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8) result (w)
! From w1..w8, pick out the least nonzero value (or zero if they
! all equal zero).
integer, intent(in) :: w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8
integer w
w = 0
w = pick_w1 (w, w1)
w = pick_w1 (w, w2)
w = pick_w1 (w, w3)
w = pick_w1 (w, w4)
w = pick_w1 (w, w5)
w = pick_w1 (w, w6)
w = pick_w1 (w, w7)
w = pick_w1 (w, w8)
end function pick_w
function pick_w1 (u, v)
! A small function used by pick_w.
integer pick_w1
integer, intent(in) :: u, v
if (v == 0) then
pick_w1 = u
else if (u == 0) then
pick_w1 = v
pick_w1 = min (u, v)
end if
end function pick_w1
subroutine find_possible_moves (board, i, j, imove, jmove)
! Find moves that are possible from a position.
integer, intent(in) :: board(1:8,1:8)
integer, intent(in) :: i, j
integer, intent(out) :: imove(1:8)
integer, intent(out) :: jmove(1:8)
call trymov (board, i + 1, j + 2, imove(1), jmove(1))
call trymov (board, i + 2, j + 1, imove(2), jmove(2))
call trymov (board, i + 1, j - 2, imove(3), jmove(3))
call trymov (board, i + 2, j - 1, imove(4), jmove(4))
call trymov (board, i - 1, j + 2, imove(5), jmove(5))
call trymov (board, i - 2, j + 1, imove(6), jmove(6))
call trymov (board, i - 1, j - 2, imove(7), jmove(7))
call trymov (board, i - 2, j - 1, imove(8), jmove(8))
end subroutine find_possible_moves
subroutine trymov (board, i, j, imove, jmove)
! Try a move to square (i, j).
integer, intent(in) :: board(1:8,1:8)
integer, intent(in) :: i, j
integer, intent(inout) :: imove, jmove
call disable (imove, jmove)
if (1 <= i .and. i <= 8 .and. 1 <= j .and. j <= 8) then
if (square_is_empty (board, i, j)) then
call enable (i, j, imove, jmove)
end if
end if
end subroutine trymov
function square_is_empty (board, i, j)
logical square_is_empty
integer, intent(in) :: board(1:8,1:8)
integer, intent(in) :: i, j
square_is_empty = (board(i, j) == -1)
end function square_is_empty
subroutine enable (i, j, imove, jmove)
! Enable a potential move.
integer, intent(in) :: i, j
integer, intent(inout) :: imove, jmove
imove = i
jmove = j
end subroutine enable
subroutine disable (imove, jmove)
! Disable a potential move.
integer, intent(out) :: imove, jmove
imove = -1
jmove = -1
end subroutine disable
subroutine alg2ij (alg, i, j)
! Convert, for instance, 'c5' to i=3,j=5.
character(len = 2), intent(in) :: alg
integer, intent(out) :: i, j
if (alg(1:1) == 'a') j = 1
if (alg(1:1) == 'b') j = 2
if (alg(1:1) == 'c') j = 3
if (alg(1:1) == 'd') j = 4
if (alg(1:1) == 'e') j = 5
if (alg(1:1) == 'f') j = 6
if (alg(1:1) == 'g') j = 7
if (alg(1:1) == 'h') j = 8
if (alg(2:2) == '1') i = 1
if (alg(2:2) == '2') i = 2
if (alg(2:2) == '3') i = 3
if (alg(2:2) == '4') i = 4
if (alg(2:2) == '5') i = 5
if (alg(2:2) == '6') i = 6
if (alg(2:2) == '7') i = 7
if (alg(2:2) == '8') i = 8
end subroutine alg2ij
subroutine ij2alg (i, j, alg)
! Convert, for instance, i=3,j=5 to 'c5'.
integer, intent(in) :: i, j
character(len = 2), intent(out) :: alg
character alg1
character alg2
if (j == 1) alg1 = 'a'
if (j == 2) alg1 = 'b'
if (j == 3) alg1 = 'c'
if (j == 4) alg1 = 'd'
if (j == 5) alg1 = 'e'
if (j == 6) alg1 = 'f'
if (j == 7) alg1 = 'g'
if (j == 8) alg1 = 'h'
if (i == 1) alg2 = '1'
if (i == 2) alg2 = '2'
if (i == 3) alg2 = '3'
if (i == 4) alg2 = '4'
if (i == 5) alg2 = '5'
if (i == 6) alg2 = '6'
if (i == 7) alg2 = '7'
if (i == 8) alg2 = '8'
alg(1:1) = alg1
alg(2:2) = alg2
end subroutine ij2alg
end program
$ echo "c5 2 T" | ./knights_tour
<pre>Tour number 1
c5 -> a6 -> b8 -> d7 -> f8 -> h7 -> g5 -> h3 ->
g1 -> e2 -> c1 -> a2 -> b4 -> d3 -> e1 -> g2 ->
h4 -> g6 -> h8 -> f7 -> d8 -> b7 -> a5 -> b3 ->
a1 -> c2 -> a3 -> b1 -> d2 -> f3 -> h2 -> f1 ->
g3 -> h1 -> f2 -> e4 -> c3 -> a4 -> b2 -> d1 ->
e3 -> g4 -> h6 -> g8 -> f6 -> h5 -> f4 -> d5 ->
e7 -> c8 -> a7 -> c6 -> e5 -> c4 -> b6 -> a8 ->
c7 -> e8 -> d6 -> b5 -> d4 -> f5 -> g7 -> e6 -> cycle
8 | 56 | 3 | 50 | 21 | 58 | 5 | 44 | 19 |
7 | 51 | 22 | 57 | 4 | 49 | 20 | 63 | 6 |
6 | 2 | 55 | 52 | 59 | 64 | 45 | 18 | 43 |
5 | 23 | 60 | 1 | 48 | 53 | 62 | 7 | 46 |
4 | 38 | 13 | 54 | 61 | 36 | 47 | 42 | 17 |
3 | 27 | 24 | 37 | 14 | 41 | 30 | 33 | 8 |
2 | 12 | 39 | 26 | 29 | 10 | 35 | 16 | 31 |
1 | 25 | 28 | 11 | 40 | 15 | 32 | 9 | 34 |
a b c d e f g h
Tour number 2
c5 -> a6 -> b8 -> d7 -> f8 -> h7 -> g5 -> h3 ->
g1 -> e2 -> c1 -> a2 -> b4 -> d3 -> e1 -> g2 ->
h4 -> g6 -> h8 -> f7 -> d8 -> b7 -> a5 -> b3 ->
a1 -> c2 -> a3 -> b1 -> d2 -> f3 -> h2 -> f1 ->
g3 -> h1 -> f2 -> e4 -> c3 -> a4 -> b2 -> d1 ->
e3 -> g4 -> h6 -> g8 -> f6 -> h5 -> f4 -> d5 ->
e7 -> c8 -> a7 -> c6 -> e5 -> c4 -> b6 -> a8 ->
c7 -> b5 -> d6 -> e8 -> g7 -> f5 -> d4 -> e6 -> cycle
8 | 56 | 3 | 50 | 21 | 60 | 5 | 44 | 19 |
7 | 51 | 22 | 57 | 4 | 49 | 20 | 61 | 6 |
6 | 2 | 55 | 52 | 59 | 64 | 45 | 18 | 43 |
5 | 23 | 58 | 1 | 48 | 53 | 62 | 7 | 46 |
4 | 38 | 13 | 54 | 63 | 36 | 47 | 42 | 17 |
3 | 27 | 24 | 37 | 14 | 41 | 30 | 33 | 8 |
2 | 12 | 39 | 26 | 29 | 10 | 35 | 16 | 31 |
1 | 25 | 28 | 11 | 40 | 15 | 32 | 9 | 34 |
a b c d e f g h
