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<lang racket>
#lang racket

(define-syntax-rule (with-raw body ...)
(let ([saved #f])
(define (stty x) (system (~a "stty " x)) (void))
(dynamic-wind (λ() (set! saved (with-output-to-string (λ() (stty "-g"))))
(stty "raw -echo opost"))
(λ() body ...)
(λ() (stty saved)))))

(define (->bytes x)
(cond [(bytes? x) x]
[(string? x) (string->bytes/utf-8 x)]
[(not (list? x)) (error '->bytes "don't know how to convert: ~e" x)]
[(andmap byte? x) (list->bytes x)]
[(andmap char? x) (->bytes (list->string x))]))
(define (open x)
(open-input-bytes (->bytes x)))

(define macros (make-vector 256 #f))
(define (macro-set! seq expansion)
(let loop ([bs (bytes->list (->bytes seq))] [v (vector macros)] [i 0])
(if (null? bs)
(vector-set! v i expansion)
(begin (unless (vector-ref v i) (vector-set! v i (make-vector 256 #f)))
(loop (cdr bs) (vector-ref v i) (car bs))))))

;; Some examples
(macro-set! "\3" exit)
(macro-set! "ME" "Random J. Hacker")
(macro-set! "EMAIL" (λ() (open "ME <>")))
(macro-set! "\r" "\r\n")
(macro-set! "\n" "\r\n")
(for ([c "ABCD"]) (macro-set! (~a "\eO" c) (~a "\e[" c)))

(printf "Type away, `C-c' to exit...\n")
(let loop ([inps (list (current-input-port))] [v macros] [pending '()])
(define b (read-byte (car inps)))
(if (eq? b eof) (loop (cdr inps) v pending)
(let mloop ([m (vector-ref v b)])
(cond [(vector? m) (loop inps m (cons b pending))]
[(input-port? m) (loop (cons m inps) macros '())]
[(or (bytes? m) (string? m))
(display m) (flush-output) (loop inps macros '())]
[(procedure? m) (mloop (m))]
[(and m (not (void? m))) (error "bad macro mapping!")]
[(pair? pending)
(define rp (reverse (cons b pending)))
(write-byte (car rp)) (flush-output)
(loop (if (null? (cdr rp)) inps
(cons (open (list->bytes (cdr rp))) inps))
macros '())]
[else (write-byte b) (flush-output) (loop inps v '())])))))