K-means++ clustering: Difference between revisions

Add Nim example
(Add Nim example)
Line 2,630:
Iteration[newlabels, newclusters]]];
Return[Iteration[clusters, Label[clusters]]]]
{{trans|Python, C}}
<lang nim>#
# compile:
# nim c -d:release kmeans.nim
# and pipe the resultant EPS output to a file, e.g.
# kmeans > results.eps
import random, math, strutils
FloatMax = 1.0e100
nPoints = 100_000
nClusters = 11
Point = object
x, y: float
group: int
Points = seq[Point]
ClusterDist = tuple[indx: int, dist: float]
ColorRGB = tuple[r, g, b: float]
proc generatePoints(nPoints: int, radius: float): Points =
for i in 0..<nPoints:
r = rand(1.0) * radius
ang = rand(1.0) * 2 * PI
result[i] = Point(x: r * cos(ang),
y: r * sin(ang),
group: 0)
proc nearestClusterCenter(point: Point, cluster_centers: Points): ClusterDist =
# Distance and index of the closest cluster center
proc sqrDistance2D(a, b: Point): float =
result = (a.x - b.x) ^ 2 + (a.y - b.y) ^ 2
result = (indx: point.group, dist: FLOAT_MAX)
for i, cc in pairs(cluster_centers):
let d = sqrDistance2D(cc, point)
if result.dist > d:
result.dist = d
result.indx = i
proc kpp(points: var Points, clusterCenters: var Points) =
choice = points[rand(points.high)]
clusterCenters[0] = choice
d: seq[float]
sum = 0.0
for i in 1..clusterCenters.high:
sum = 0.0
for j, p in pairs(points):
d[j] = nearestClusterCenter(p, cluster_centers[0..i])[1]
sum += d[j]
sum *= rand(1.0)
for j, di in pairs(d):
sum -= di
if sum > 0.0:
clusterCenters[i] = points[j]
for _, p in mpairs(points):
p.group = nearestClusterCenter(p, clusterCenters)[0]
proc lloyd(points: var Points, nclusters: int): Points =
#result is the cluster_centers
let lenpts10 = points.len shr 10
changed = 0
minI = 0
# call k++ init
kpp(points, result)
while true:
# group element for centroids are used as counters
for _, cc in mpairs(result):
cc.x = 0.0
cc.y = 0.0
cc.group = 0
for p in points:
let i = p.group
result[i].group += 1
result[i].x += p.x
result[i].y += p.y
for _, cc in mpairs(result):
cc.x /= cc.group.float
cc.y /= cc.group.float
# find closest centroid of each PointPtr
changed = 0
for _, p in mpairs(points):
minI = nearest_cluster_center(p, result)[0]
if minI != p.group:
changed += 1
p.group = minI
# stop when 99.9% of points are good
if changed <= lenpts10:
for i, cc in mpairs(result):
cc.group = i
proc printEps(points: Points, cluster_centers: Points, W: int = 400, H: int = 400) =
colors: seq[ColorRGB]
#assert((3.0 * 5.0) mod 11.0 == 4.0)
#assert(3.0 * 5.0 mod 11.0 == 4.0)
#assert((3.0 * 5.0 mod 11.0) / 2.0 == 2.0)
#assert(3.0 * 5.0 mod 11.0 / 2.0 == 2.0)
for i in 0..<clusterCenters.len:
f1 = i.float
f2 = (i + 1).float
colors[i] = (r: (3.0 * f2) mod 11.0 / 11.0,
g: (7.0 * f1) mod 11.0 / 11.0,
b: (9.0 * f1) mod 11.0 / 11.0 )
max_x = -FLOAT_MAX
max_y = -FLOAT_MAX
min_x = FLOAT_MAX
min_y = FLOAT_MAX
for p in points:
if max_x < p.x: max_x = p.x
if min_x > p.x: min_x = p.x
if max_y < p.y: max_y = p.y
if min_y > p.y: min_y = p.y
scale = min(W.float / (max_x - min_x),
H.float / (max_y - min_y))
cx = (max_x + min_x) / 2.0
cy = (max_y + min_y) / 2.0
echo "%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n%%BoundingBox: -5 -5 $1 $2" % [$(W + 10), $(H + 10)]
echo """/l {rlineto} def /m {rmoveto} def
/c { .25 sub exch .25 sub exch .5 0 360 arc fill } def
/s { moveto -2 0 m 2 2 l 2 -2 l -2 -2 l closepath
gsave 1 setgray fill grestore gsave 3 setlinewidth
1 setgray stroke grestore 0 setgray stroke }def"""
for i, cc in pairs(clusterCenters):
echo "$1 $2 $3 setrgbcolor" %
[$(colors[i].r.int), $(colors[i].g.int), $(colors[i].b.int)]
for p in points:
if p.group != i:
echo "$1 $2 c" % [formatFloat( ((p.x - cx) * scale + W / 2), ffDecimal, 3),
formatFloat( ((p.y - cy) * scale + H / 2), ffDecimal, 3)]
echo "\n0 setgray $1 $2 s" % [formatFloat( ((cc.x - cx) * scale + W / 2), ffDecimal, 3),
formatFloat( ((cc.y - cy) * scale + H / 2), ffDecimal, 3)]
echo "\n%%EOF"
proc main() =
points = generatePoints(nPoints, 10.0)
clusterCentrs = lloyd(points, nClusters)
printEps(points, clusterCentrs)
=={{header|Perl 6}}==
