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The following code build a ppm file named julia.ppm. So there is no need of an external library to create the final image.

<lang julia>
function iter(z,c)
n = 0
while (n<256 && norm(z)<2) z = z^2+c ; n+=1 end
return n

coord(i,j,w,h,a,b) = 2*a*(i-1)/(w-1) - a + im * (2*b*(j-1)/(h-1) - b)

palette(n) = string(min(3n,255)," ", min(n,255)," ", 0," ");

julia(c) = (w,h,a,b,i,j) -> palette(iter(coord(i,j,w,h,a,b), c))

writeppm(f; width=600,height=300,a=2,b=1,file="julia.ppm") =
open(file, "w") do out
write(out, string("P3\n", width, " ", height, "\n255\n"))
writedlm(out, [f(width,height,a,b,i,j) for j = 1:height, i = 1:width], '\n')

We can then produce a 800x600 ppm image of the Julia set associated to the parameter ''-0.786+0.147i'' as follows.


The following code makes use of the library '''Images''' to build a png image.

<lang julia>using Images
<lang julia>using Images