Inverted index: Difference between revisions

(D entry 2nd try: identifiers capitalization according to the Dstyle, data file names closer to the Task name for simpler directory retrieval)
Line 1,895:
['T0.txt', 'T0.txt', 'T2.txt']
The phrase is found most commonly in text: 'T0.txt'</pre>
<lang racket>
#!/usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket
#:args (term . files)
(define rindex (make-hasheq))
(for ([file files])
(call-with-input-file file
(λ(in) (let loop ()
(define w (regexp-match #px"\\w+" in))
(when w
(let* ([w (bytes->string/utf-8 (car w))]
[w (string->symbol (string-foldcase w))]
[r (hash-ref rindex w '())])
(unless (member file r) (hash-set! rindex w (cons file r)))
(define res
(for/list ([w (regexp-match* #px"\\w+" term)])
(list->set (hash-ref rindex (string->symbol (string-foldcase w)) '()))))
(define all (set->list (apply set-intersect res)))
(if (null? all)
(printf "No matching files.\n")
(printf "Terms found at: ~a.\n" (string-join all ", "))))
$ echo "It is what it is." > F1
$ echo "What is it?" > F2
$ echo "It is a banana." > F3
$ ./search.rkt "what" F?
Terms found at: F1, F2.
$ ./search.rkt "a" F?
Terms found at: F3.
$ ./search.rkt "what a" F?
No matching files.
$ ./search.rkt "what is it" F?
Terms found at: F1, F2.