Imaginary base numbers: Difference between revisions

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The following deals with conversions to and from quater-imaginary only.

As the JDK lacks a complex number class, I've included a very basic one in the program.
<lang scala>// version 1.2.10

import kotlin.math.ceil

class Complex(val real: Double, val imag: Double) {

constructor(r: Int, i: Int) : this(r.toDouble(), i.toDouble())

operator fun plus(other: Complex) = Complex(real + other.real, imag + other.imag)

operator fun times(other: Complex) = Complex(
real * other.real - imag * other.imag,
real * other.imag + imag * other.real

operator fun times(other: Double) = Complex(real * other, imag * other)

fun inv(): Complex {
val denom = real * real + imag * imag
return Complex(real / denom, -imag / denom)

operator fun unaryMinus() = Complex(-real, -imag)

operator fun minus(other: Complex) = this + (-other)

operator fun div(other: Complex) = this * other.inv()

// only works properly if 'real' and 'imag' are both integral
fun toQuaterImaginary(): QuaterImaginary {
if (real == 0.0 && imag == 0.0) return QuaterImaginary("0")
var re = real.toInt()
var im = imag.toInt()
var fi = -1
val sb = StringBuilder()
while (re != 0) {
var rem = re % -4
re /= -4
if (rem < 0) {
rem = 4 + rem
if (im != 0) {
var f = (Complex(0.0, imag) / Complex(0.0, 2.0)).real
im = ceil(f).toInt()
f = -4.0 * (f - im.toDouble())
var index = 1
while (im != 0) {
var rem = im % -4
im /= -4
if (rem < 0) {
rem = 4 + rem
if (index < sb.length) {
sb[index] = (rem + 48).toChar()
else {
index += 2
fi = f.toInt()
if (fi != -1) sb.append(".$fi")
var s = sb.toString().trimStart('0')
if (s.startsWith(".")) s = "0$s"
return QuaterImaginary(s)

override fun toString(): String {
val real2 = if (real == -0.0) 0.0 else real // get rid of negative zero
val imag2 = if (imag == -0.0) 0.0 else imag // ditto
var result = if (imag2 >= 0.0) "$real2 + ${imag2}i" else "$real2 - ${-imag2}i"
result = result.replace(".0 ", " ").replace(".0i", "i").replace(" + 0i", "")
if (result.startsWith("0 + ")) result = result.drop(4)
if (result.startsWith("0 - ")) result = "-" + result.drop(4)
return result

class QuaterImaginary(val b2i: String) {

init {
if (b2i == "" || !b2i.all { it in "0123." } || b2i.count { it == '.'} > 1 )
throw RuntimeException("Invalid Base 2i number")

fun toComplex(): Complex {
val pointPos = b2i.indexOf(".")
var posLen = if (pointPos != -1) pointPos else b2i.length
var sum = Complex(0.0, 0.0)
var prod = Complex(1.0, 0.0)
for (j in 0 until posLen) {
val k = (b2i[posLen - 1 - j] - '0').toDouble()
if (k > 0.0) sum += prod * k
prod *= twoI
if (pointPos != -1) {
prod = invTwoI
for (j in posLen + 1 until b2i.length) {
val k = (b2i[j] - '0').toDouble()
if (k > 0.0) sum += prod * k
prod *= invTwoI
return sum

override fun toString() = b2i

companion object {
val twoI = Complex(0.0, 2.0)
val invTwoI = twoI.inv()

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val fmt = "%4s -> %8s -> %4s"
for (i in 1..16) {
var c1 = Complex(i, 0)
var qi = c1.toQuaterImaginary()
var c2 = qi.toComplex()
print("$fmt ".format(c1, qi, c2))
c1 = -c1
qi = c1.toQuaterImaginary()
c2 = qi.toComplex()
println(fmt.format(c1, qi, c2))
for (i in 1..16) {
var c1 = Complex(0, i)
var qi = c1.toQuaterImaginary()
var c2 = qi.toComplex()
print("$fmt ".format(c1, qi, c2))
c1 = -c1
qi = c1.toQuaterImaginary()
c2 = qi.toComplex()
println(fmt.format(c1, qi, c2))

1 -> 1 -> 1 -1 -> 103 -> -1
2 -> 2 -> 2 -2 -> 102 -> -2
3 -> 3 -> 3 -3 -> 101 -> -3
4 -> 10300 -> 4 -4 -> 100 -> -4
5 -> 10301 -> 5 -5 -> 203 -> -5
6 -> 10302 -> 6 -6 -> 202 -> -6
7 -> 10303 -> 7 -7 -> 201 -> -7
8 -> 10200 -> 8 -8 -> 200 -> -8
9 -> 10201 -> 9 -9 -> 303 -> -9
10 -> 10202 -> 10 -10 -> 302 -> -10
11 -> 10203 -> 11 -11 -> 301 -> -11
12 -> 10100 -> 12 -12 -> 300 -> -12
13 -> 10101 -> 13 -13 -> 1030003 -> -13
14 -> 10102 -> 14 -14 -> 1030002 -> -14
15 -> 10103 -> 15 -15 -> 1030001 -> -15
16 -> 10000 -> 16 -16 -> 1030000 -> -16

1i -> 10.2 -> 1i -1i -> 0.2 -> -1i
2i -> 10.0 -> 2i -2i -> 1030.0 -> -2i
3i -> 20.2 -> 3i -3i -> 1030.2 -> -3i
4i -> 20.0 -> 4i -4i -> 1020.0 -> -4i
5i -> 30.2 -> 5i -5i -> 1020.2 -> -5i
6i -> 30.0 -> 6i -6i -> 1010.0 -> -6i
7i -> 103000.2 -> 7i -7i -> 1010.2 -> -7i
8i -> 103000.0 -> 8i -8i -> 1000.0 -> -8i
9i -> 103010.2 -> 9i -9i -> 1000.2 -> -9i
10i -> 103010.0 -> 10i -10i -> 2030.0 -> -10i
11i -> 103020.2 -> 11i -11i -> 2030.2 -> -11i
12i -> 103020.0 -> 12i -12i -> 2020.0 -> -12i
13i -> 103030.2 -> 13i -13i -> 2020.2 -> -13i
14i -> 103030.0 -> 14i -14i -> 2010.0 -> -14i
15i -> 102000.2 -> 15i -15i -> 2010.2 -> -15i
16i -> 102000.0 -> 16i -16i -> 2000.0 -> -16i

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