IBAN: Difference between revisions

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GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 may be valid
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is not valid
=== With IBAN REGISTRY parser ===
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package rosettacode
import rosettacode.Outcome.Fail
import rosettacode.Outcome.Ok
import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
import java.math.BigInteger
sealed class Outcome {
object Ok : Outcome() {
override fun toString(): String = "Ok"
data class Fail(val error: String) : Outcome()
fun Boolean.asOutcome(error: String = "") = when (this) {
true -> Ok
false -> Fail(error)
* A validator based on a pattern (e.g GB2!n4!a6!n8!n) as defined in the IBAN REGISTRY
* Doesn't handle variable length IBANs - sufficient for Rosetta
* IBAN REGISTRY: https://www.swift.com/swift_resource/9606
class Validator(private val pattern: String) {
private val triplet: Regex = """(\d+)!([n,a,c])""".toRegex() // e.g: 10!n
private val rules: List<Regex>
init {
val countTypePairs = triplet
.map { Pair(it.groups[1]!!.value.toInt(), it.groups[2]!!.value) }
rules = countTypePairs.fold(emptyList()) { acc, p ->
acc + when (p.second) {
"n" -> """[0-9]{${p.first}}""".toRegex()
"a" -> """[A-Z]{${p.first}}""".toRegex()
"c" -> """[A-Z,0-9]{${p.first}}""".toRegex()
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected pattern: $pattern")
fun isValid(ccbban: String): Outcome {
var k = 0
for (rule in rules) {
when (val match = rule.matchAt(ccbban, k)) {
null -> return Fail("failed rule: $rule")
else -> {
k = match.range.last + 1
return (k == ccbban.length).asOutcome("IBAN is too long")
object Registry : MutableMap<String, Validator> by mutableMapOf()
fun String.split(i: Int) = Pair(this.substring(0, i), this.substring(i))
fun String.toDigits() = this.fold("") { acc, ch -> acc + Character.getNumericValue(ch) }
fun Pair<String, String>.swap() = this.second + this.first
object CDCheck {
private val _97 = BigInteger.valueOf(97)
private val _1 = BigInteger.ONE
operator fun invoke(digits: String) = (BigInteger(digits).mod(_97) == _1).asOutcome("Invalid Check Digits")
fun validate(iban: String): Outcome {
val normalized = iban.replace(" ", "").uppercase().also {
if (it.length < 5) {
return Fail("IBAN is too short")
val (cc, tail) = normalized.split(2)
val validator = Registry[cc] ?: return Fail("Unknown Country Code: $cc")
return when (val outcome = validator.isValid(tail)) {
is Fail -> outcome
is Ok -> {
val allDigits = normalized
.split(4).swap() // (CC + CD) -> end
.toDigits() // letters -> digits
fun main() {
Registry["GB"] = Validator("GB2!n4!a6!n8!n")
Registry["DE"] = Validator("DE2!n8!n10!n")
validate("GB82WEST12345698765432").also { println(it) } // Ok
validate("GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32").also { println(it) } // Ok
validate("DE89370400440532013000").also { println(it) } // Ok
validate("XX82WEST1234569A765432").also { println(it) } // Unknown Country Code: XX
validate("GB82").also { println(it) } // IBAN is too short
validate("GB82WEST1234569A765432").also { println(it) } // failed rule: [0-9]{8}
validate("GB82WE5T1234569A765432").also { println(it) } // failed rule: [A-Z]{4}
validate("GB82WEST123456987654329").also { println(it) } // IBAN is too long
validate("GB80WEST12345698765432").also { println(it) } // Invalid Check Digits
Fail(error=Unknown Country Code: XX)
Fail(error=IBAN is too short)
Fail(error=failed rule: [0-9]{8})
Fail(error=failed rule: [A-Z]{4})
Fail(error=IBAN is too long)
Fail(error=Invalid Check Digits)
