IBAN: Difference between revisions

3,200 bytes added ,  9 years ago
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(Added F# version)
Line 1,109:
<pre>GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 validation is: true
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 validation is: false</pre>
<lang fsharp>
open System
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
// A little utility to thread a negative test result (Option.None) through a
// pipeline of tests
let inline (|~>) valOption proc =
match valOption with
| Some(value) -> proc value
| None -> None
let main argv =
let iban = if argv.Length = 0 then "" else argv.[0]
|> (fun iban -> // Check for illegal characters
if Regex.IsMatch(iban, @"[^0-9A-Za-z ]") then None else Some(iban.ToUpper().Replace(" ", "")))
|~> (fun iban -> // Check length per country code
let lengthPerCountry =
dict [
("AL", 28); ("AD", 24); ("AT", 20); ("AZ", 28); ("BE", 16); ("BH", 22); ("BA", 20); ("BR", 29);
("BG", 22); ("CR", 21); ("HR", 21); ("CY", 28); ("CZ", 24); ("DK", 18); ("DO", 28); ("EE", 20);
("FO", 18); ("FI", 18); ("FR", 27); ("GE", 22); ("DE", 22); ("GI", 23); ("GR", 27); ("GL", 18);
("GT", 28); ("HU", 28); ("IS", 26); ("IE", 22); ("IL", 23); ("IT", 27); ("KZ", 20); ("KW", 30);
("LV", 21); ("LB", 28); ("LI", 21); ("LT", 20); ("LU", 20); ("MK", 19); ("MT", 31); ("MR", 27);
("MU", 30); ("MC", 27); ("MD", 24); ("ME", 22); ("NL", 18); ("NO", 15); ("PK", 24); ("PS", 29);
("PL", 28); ("PT", 25); ("RO", 24); ("SM", 27); ("SA", 24); ("RS", 22); ("SK", 24); ("SI", 19);
("ES", 24); ("SE", 24); ("CH", 21); ("TN", 24); ("TR", 26); ("AE", 23); ("GB", 22); ("VG", 24);
let country = iban.Substring(0, Math.Min(2, iban.Length))
match lengthPerCountry.TryGetValue(country) with
| true, length -> // country should have iban of this length
if length = iban.Length then Some(iban) else None
| _ -> None // country not known
|~> (fun iban -> Some(iban.Substring(4) + iban.Substring(0,4)))
|~> (fun iban ->
let replaceBase36LetterWithBase10String (s : string) (c :char) = s.Replace(c.ToString(), ((int)c - (int)'A' + 10).ToString())
Some(List.fold replaceBase36LetterWithBase10String iban [ 'A' .. 'Z' ]))
|~> (fun iban -> // iban mod 97
// We could have used BigInteger, but with a loop by 7 char each
// over the long digit string we get away with Int32 arithmetic
// (as described in the Wikipedia article)
let reduceOnce r n = Int32.Parse(r.ToString() + n) % 97
let rest =
Regex.Matches(iban.Substring(2), @"\d{1,7}") |> Seq.cast |> Seq.map (fun x -> x.ToString())
|> Seq.fold reduceOnce (reduceOnce 0 (iban.Substring(0,2)))
// an iban needs a rest of 1
if rest = 1 then Some(1) else None
|> function | Some(_) -> "a valid IBAN" | None -> "an invalid IBAN"
|> printfn "%s is %s" iban
>Rosetta.exe "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is a valid IBAN
>Rosetta.exe "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 is an invalid IBAN
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