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Enter your IBAN: GB82TEST12345698765432
<lang freebasic>' FB 1.05.0 Win64
' List updated to release 72, 25 November 2016, of IBAN Registry (75 countries)
Dim Shared countryCodes As String
countryCodes = _
"AD24 AE23 AL28 AT20 AZ28 BA20 BE16 BG22 BH22 BR29 BY28 CH21 CR22 CY28 CZ24 DE22 " _
"DK18 DO28 EE20 ES24 FI18 FO18 FR27 GB22 GE22 GI23 GL18 GR27 GT28 HR21 HU28 IE22 " _
"IL23 IQ23 IS26 IT27 JO30 KW30 KZ20 LB28 LC32 LI21 LT20 LU20 LV21 MC27 MD24 ME22 " _
"MK19 MR27 MT31 MU30 NL18 NO15 PK24 PL28 PS29 PT25 QA29 RO24 RS22 SA24 SC31 SE24 " _
"SI19 SK24 SM27 ST25 SV28 TL23 TN24 TR26 UA29 VG24 XK20"
Function checkCountryCode(cc As String) As Boolean
Return Instr(countryCodes, cc)
End Function
' To avoid having to use the GMP library, a piece-wise calculation is used
Function mod97(s As String) As UInteger
Dim r As UInteger = ValULng(Left(s, 9)) Mod 97
Dim start As UInteger = 10
While start < Len(s)
r = ValULng(r & Mid(s, start, 7)) Mod 97
start += 7
Return r
End Function
Function validateIban(iban As Const String) As Boolean
' remove spaces from IBAN
Dim s As String = iban
Dim count As Integer = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To Len(s) - 1
If s[i] = 32 Then
For j As Integer = i + 1 To Len(s) - 1
s[j - 1] = s[j]
count += 1
End If
If i = Len(s) - 1 - count Then Exit For
Next i
If count > 0 Then
s[Len(s) - count] = 0
Dim p As UInteger Ptr = CPtr(UInteger Ptr, @s)
*(p + 1) = Len(s) - count ''change length of string in descriptor
End If
' check country code
Dim isValid As Boolean = checkCountryCode(Left(s, 2) + Str(Len(s)))
If Not isValid Then Return False
' move first 4 characters to end
s = Mid(s, 5) + Left(s, 4)
' replace A to Z with numbers 10 To 35
For i As Integer = Len(s) To 1 Step -1
If s[i - 1] >= 65 AndAlso s[i - 1] <= 90 Then
s = Left(s, i - 1) + Str(s[i - 1] - 55) + Mid(s, i + 1)
End If
' do mod97 calculation
Return mod97(s) = 1 '' remainder needs to be 1 for validity
End Function
Dim As String ibans(1 To 2) = {"GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32", "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32"}
For i As Integer = 1 To 2
Dim isValid As Boolean = validateIban(ibans(i))
Print ibans(i); IIf(isValid, " : may be valid", " : is not valid")
Print "Press any key to quit"
GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 : may be valid
GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 : is not valid