Hunt The Wumpus/Java: Difference between revisions

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In this version, arrows only fire a distance of one room. Since bats relocate, we don't have to worry
about the wumpus room being unreachable. There are also 3 bats instead of 2, and you get 3 arrows instead of 5.
Since bats relocate, we don't have to worry about the wumpus room being unreachable. <br>
about the wumpus room being unreachable. There are also 3 bats instead of 2, and you get 3 arrows instead of 5.
{{works with|Java|8}}
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="java">import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.Path2D;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;
import static;
import javax.swing.*;
import static*;
import static javax.swing.SwingUtilities.*;
public class Wumpus extends JPanel {
enum Hazard {
Wumpus(0),"there's Bat(1an awful smell"), Pit(2);
Bat("you hear a rustling"), "you feel a draft"};
Pit("you feel a draft");
Hazard(intString idxwarning) {
this.warning = warnings[idx]warning;
final String warning;
final String[] warnings = {"there's an awful smell",
"you hear a rustling", "you feel a draft"};
static final Random rand = new Random();
final int caveSizeroomSize = 45;
final int playerSize = 16;
Line 34 ⟶ 37:
int currRoom, numArrows, wumpusRoom;
List<String> messages;
Map<Integer, ListSet<Hazard>>[] hazards;
public Wumpus() {
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(721, 677687));
Line 44 ⟶ 47:
addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
boolean firedArrow = false;
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
if (gameOver) {
Line 73 ⟶ 76:
} else if (isRightMouseButton(e)) {
if shoot(!firedArrowselectedRoom) {;
firedArrow = true;
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
firedArrow = false;
boolean insideRoom(int ex, int ey, int cx, int cy) {
return ((ex > cx && ex < cx + caveSizeroomSize)
&& (ey > cy && ey < cy + caveSizeroomSize));
Line 95 ⟶ 90:
void startNewGame() {
numArrows = }3;
currRoom = rand.nextInt(rooms.length);
numArrows = 3;
messages = new ArrayList<>();
hazards = new HashMap<>()Set[rooms.length];
for (int i = 0; i < rooms.length; i++)
hazards.put([i,] new= LinkedList<>EnumSet.noneOf()Hazard.class);
// hazards can share rooms (unless they are identical)
int[] ordinals = {0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2};
Hazard[] values = Hazard.values();
Line 110 ⟶ 105:
do {
room = rand.nextInt(rooms.length);
} while (tooCloseForComforttooClose(room) || hazards[room].contains(values[ord]));
if (ord == 0)
wumpusRoom = room;
Line 122 ⟶ 117:
// don't place hazards close to the starting room
boolean tooCloseForComforttooClose(int room) {
if (currRoom == room)
return true;
Line 132 ⟶ 127:
void situation() {
ListSet<Hazard> lstset = hazards.get([currRoom)];
if (lstset.contains(Hazard.Wumpus)) {
messages.add("you've been eaten by the Wumpus");
gameOver = true;
} else if (lstset.contains(Hazard.Pit)) {
messages.add("you fell into a pit");
gameOver = true;
} else if (lstset.contains(Hazard.Bat)) {
messages.add("a bat dropped you in a random room");
Line 147 ⟶ 143:
do {
currRoom = rand.nextInt(rooms.length);
} while (hazards.get([currRoom)].contains(Hazard.Bat));
// relocate the bat, but not to the player room or a room with a bat
int newRoom;
do {
newRoom = rand.nextInt(rooms.length);
} while (newRoom == currRoom || hazards[newRoom].contains(Hazard.Bat));
// re-evaluate
Line 164 ⟶ 160:
// look around
for (int link : links[currRoom]) {
for (Hazard hazard : hazards.get([link)])
Line 171 ⟶ 167:
void shoot(int room) {
if (hazards.get([room)].contains(Hazard.Wumpus)) {
messages.add("You win! You've killed the Wumpus!");
gameOver = true;
Line 181 ⟶ 177:
gameOver = true;
} else if (rand.nextInt(4) != 0) { // 75 %
wumpusRoom = links[wumpusRoom][rand.nextInt(3)];
if (wumpusRoom == currRoom) {
messages.add("You woke the Wumpus and he ate you");
gameOver = true;
} else {
messages.add("You woke the Wumpus and he moved");
Line 196 ⟶ 194:
void drawPlayer(Graphics2D g) {
int x = rooms[currRoom][0] + (caveSizeroomSize - playerSize) / 2;
int y = rooms[currRoom][1] + (caveSizeroomSize - playerSize) - 2;
Path2D player = new Path2D.Double();
Line 229 ⟶ 227:
g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2));
for (int i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
for (int link : links[i]) {
int x1 = rooms[i][0] + caveSizeroomSize / 2;
int y1 = rooms[i][1] + caveSizeroomSize / 2;
int x2 = rooms[link][0] + caveSizeroomSize / 2;
int y2 = rooms[link][1] + caveSizeroomSize / 2;
g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
Line 241 ⟶ 240:
for (int[] r : rooms)
g.fillOval(r[0], r[1], caveSizeroomSize, caveSizeroomSize);
if (!gameOver) {
for (int link : links[currRoom])
g.fillOval(rooms[link][0], rooms[link][1], caveSizeroomSize, caveSizeroomSize);
for (int[] r : rooms)
g.drawOval(r[0], r[1], caveSizeroomSize, caveSizeroomSize);
void drawMessage(Graphics2D g) {
if (!gameOver)
g.drawString("arrows " + String.valueOf(numArrows), 610, 30);
if (messages != null) {
String msg =" & "));
g.drawString(msg,// 20,collapse getHeight()identical - 30);messages
messages =;
// concat at most three
String msg =" & "));
g.drawString(msg, 20, getHeight() - 40);
// if there's more, print underneath
if (messages.size() > 3) {
g.drawString("& " + messages.get(3), 20, getHeight() - 17);
Line 304 ⟶ 314:
{10, 2, 12}, {13, 19, 11}, {14, 3, 12}, {5, 15, 13}, {14, 16, 19},
{6, 17, 15}, {16, 8, 18}, {19, 10, 17}, {15, 12, 18}};
