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Print the [[wp:Word_size#Word_size_choice|word size]] and [[wp:Endianness|endianness]] of the host machine.
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<lang ada>
<!-- Served in 0.324 secs. --><!-->
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with System; use System;

procedure Host_Introspection is
Put_Line ("Word size" & Integer'Image (Word_Size));
Put_Line ("Endianness " & Bit_Order'Image (Default_Bit_Order));
end Host_Introspection;
Sample output on a Pentium machine:
Word size 32
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
INT max abs bit = ABS(BIN 1 SHL 1)-1;
INT bits per char = ENTIER (ln(max abs char+1)/ln(max abs bit+1));
INT bits per int = ENTIER (1+ln(max int+1.0)/ln(max abs bit+1));

printf(($"states per bit: "dl$,max abs bit+1));
printf(($"bits per char: "z-dl$,bits per char));
printf(($"bits per int: "z-dl$,bits per int));
printf(($"chars per int: "z-dl$,bits per int OVER bits per char));

printf(($"bits width: "z-dl$, bits width));

STRING abcds = "ABCD";
FILE abcdf;
INT abcdi;

INT errno := open(abcdf, "abcd.dat",stand back channel);
put(abcdf,abcds); # output alphabetically #
get bin(abcdf,abcdi); # input in word byte order #
STRING int byte order := "";
FOR shift FROM 0 BY bits per char TO bits per int - bits per char DO
int byte order +:= REPR(abcdi OVER (max abs bit+1) ** shift MOD (max abs char+1))
printf(($"int byte order: "g,", Hex:",16r8dl$,int byte order, BIN abcdi))
Output (Intel i686):
states per bit: 2
bits per char: 8
bits per int: 32
chars per int: 4
bits width: 32
int byte order: ABCD, Hex:44434241
On older CPUs the results would vary:
{|border="1" align="center"
|| ALGOL 68R
|| ~ <pre>
bits per char: 6
bits per int: 24
chars per int: 4</pre>
|| ICL 2900 <pre>
bits per char: 8
bits per int: 32
chars per int: 4</pre>
|| Multics <pre>
bits per char: 6
bits per int: 36
chars per int: 6</pre>

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h> /* for size_t */
#include <limits.h> /* for CHAR_BIT */

int main() {
int one = 1;
printf("word size = %d\n", CHAR_BIT * sizeof(size_t)); /* best bet: size_t typically is exactly one word */
if (*(char *)&one) /* if the least significant bit is located in the lowest-address byte */
printf("little endian\n");
printf("big endian\n");
return 0;

On POSIX-compatible systems, the following also tests the endianness (this makes use of the fact that network order is big endian):
<lang c>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

int main()
if (htonl(1) == 1)
printf("big endian\n");
printf("little endian\n");
<lang d>
import std.stdio, std.system;

void main() {
writefln("word size = ", size_t.sizeof * 8);
writefln(endian == Endian.LittleEndian ? "little" : "big", " endian");

USING: alien.c-types io layouts ;
"Word size: " write cell 8 * .
"Endianness: " write little-endian? "little" "big" ? print

: endian
cr 1 cells . ." address units per cell"
s" ADDRESS-UNIT-BITS" environment? if cr . ." bits per address unit" then
cr 1 here ! here c@ if ." little" else ." big" then ." endian" ;
This relies on '''c@''' being a byte fetch (4 chars = 1 cells). Although it is on most architectures, ANS Forth only guarantees that 1 chars <= 1 cells. Some Forths like OpenFirmware have explicitly sized fetches, like b@.

{{works with|Fortran|90 and later}}
INTEGER(i8) :: a(2)
INTEGER(i16) :: b
WRITE(*,*) bit_size(1) ! number of bits in the default integer type
! which may (or may not!) equal the word size
b = Z'1234' ! Hexadecimal assignment
a = (TRANSFER(b, a)) ! Split a 16 bit number into two 8 bit numbers
IF (a(1) == Z'12') THEN ! where did the most significant 8 bits end up
WRITE(*,*) "Big Endian"
WRITE(*,*) "Little Endian"

import Data.Bits

main = print $ bitSize (undefined :: Int) -- print word size
Dunno about endianness

'''Method A''':

":&> (|: 32 64 ;"0 big`little) {"_1~ 2 2 #: 16b_e0 + a. i. 0 { 3!:1 <nowiki>''</nowiki>

'''Method B''':

((4*#) ,:&": little`big {::~ '7'={.) {: 3!:3 ] 33 b.~_1
<lang java>System.out.println("word size: "+System.getProperty(""));
System.out.println("endianness: "+System.getProperty("sun.cpu.endian"));</lang>


IMPORT IO, Fmt, Word, Swap;

IO.Put("Word Size: " & Fmt.Int(Word.Size) & "\n");
IF Swap.endian = Swap.Endian.Big THEN
IO.Put("Endianness: Big\n");
IO.Put("Endianness: Little\n");
END Host.

Output (on an x86):
Word Size: 32
Endianness: Little

<lang ocaml>Printf.printf "%d\n" Sys.word_size; (* Print word size *)
Printf.printf "%s\n" Sys.os_type; (* Print operating system *)</lang>
Dunno about endianness

<lang python>>>> import sys, math
>>> int(round(math.log(sys.maxint,2)+1)) # this only works in Python 2.x
>>> import struct
>>> struct.calcsize('i') * 8
>>> sys.byteorder
>>> import socket
>>> socket.gethostname()
>>> </lang>

irb(main):001:0> 42.size * 8
=> 32
irb(main):002:0> if [1].pack('i')[0] != 0
irb(main):003:1> 'little endian'
irb(main):004:1> else
irb(main):005:1* 'big endian'
irb(main):006:1> end
=> "little endian"

Revision as of 15:16, 3 February 2009

Host introspection
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Print the word size and endianness of the host machine.


<lang ada> with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with System; use System;

procedure Host_Introspection is begin

  Put_Line ("Word size" & Integer'Image (Word_Size));
  Put_Line ("Endianness " & Bit_Order'Image (Default_Bit_Order));

end Host_Introspection; </lang> Sample output on a Pentium machine:

Word size 32


INT max abs bit = ABS(BIN 1 SHL 1)-1;
INT bits per char = ENTIER (ln(max abs char+1)/ln(max abs bit+1));
INT bits per int = ENTIER (1+ln(max int+1.0)/ln(max abs bit+1));

printf(($"states per bit: "dl$,max abs bit+1));
printf(($"bits per char: "z-dl$,bits per char));
printf(($"bits per int:  "z-dl$,bits per int));
printf(($"chars per int: "z-dl$,bits per int OVER bits per char));

printf(($"bits width: "z-dl$, bits width));

STRING abcds = "ABCD";
FILE abcdf;
INT abcdi;

INT errno := open(abcdf, "abcd.dat",stand back channel);
put(abcdf,abcds); # output alphabetically #
get bin(abcdf,abcdi); # input in word byte order #
STRING int byte order := "";
FOR shift FROM 0 BY bits per char TO bits per int - bits per char DO
  int byte order +:= REPR(abcdi OVER (max abs bit+1) ** shift MOD (max abs char+1))
printf(($"int byte order: "g,", Hex:",16r8dl$,int byte order, BIN abcdi))

Output (Intel i686):

states per bit:  2
bits per char:   8
bits per int:   32
chars per int:   4
bits width:  32
int byte order: ABCD, Hex:44434241

On older CPUs the results would vary:

bits per char:   6
bits per int:   24
chars per int:   4
ICL 2900
bits per char:   8
bits per int:   32
chars per int:   4
bits per char:   6
bits per int:   36
chars per int:   6


<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stddef.h> /* for size_t */
  2. include <limits.h> /* for CHAR_BIT */

int main() {

   int one = 1;
   printf("word size = %d\n", CHAR_BIT * sizeof(size_t)); /* best bet: size_t typically is exactly one word */
   if (*(char *)&one) /* if the least significant bit is located in the lowest-address byte */
       printf("little endian\n");
       printf("big endian\n");
   return 0;


On POSIX-compatible systems, the following also tests the endianness (this makes use of the fact that network order is big endian): <lang c>

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <arpa/inet.h>

int main() {

 if (htonl(1) == 1)
   printf("big endian\n");
   printf("little endian\n");

} </lang>


<lang d> import std.stdio, std.system;

void main() {

 writefln("word size = ", size_t.sizeof * 8);
 writefln(endian == Endian.LittleEndian ? "little" : "big", " endian");

} </lang>


USING: alien.c-types io layouts ;
"Word size: " write cell 8 * .
"Endianness: " write little-endian? "little" "big" ? print


: endian
  cr 1 cells . ." address units per cell"
  s" ADDRESS-UNIT-BITS" environment? if cr . ." bits per address unit" then
  cr 1 here ! here c@ if ." little" else ." big" then ."  endian" ;

This relies on c@ being a byte fetch (4 chars = 1 cells). Although it is on most architectures, ANS Forth only guarantees that 1 chars <= 1 cells. Some Forths like OpenFirmware have explicitly sized fetches, like b@.


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later
INTEGER(i8) :: a(2)
INTEGER(i16) :: b

WRITE(*,*) bit_size(1)     ! number of bits in the default integer type
                           ! which may (or may not!) equal the word size

b = Z'1234'                ! Hexadecimal assignment
a = (TRANSFER(b, a))       ! Split a 16 bit number into two 8 bit numbers

IF (a(1) == Z'12') THEN    ! where did the most significant 8 bits end up
  WRITE(*,*) "Big Endian"
  WRITE(*,*) "Little Endian"


import Data.Bits

main = print $ bitSize (undefined :: Int) -- print word size

Dunno about endianness


Method A:

   ":&> (|: 32 64 ;"0 big`little) {"_1~ 2 2 #: 16b_e0 + a. i. 0 { 3!:1 ''  

Method B:

   ((4*#) ,:&": little`big {::~ '7'={.) {: 3!:3 ] 33 b.~_1


<lang java>System.out.println("word size: "+System.getProperty("")); System.out.println("endianness: "+System.getProperty("sun.cpu.endian"));</lang>



IMPORT IO, Fmt, Word, Swap;

  IO.Put("Word Size: " & Fmt.Int(Word.Size) & "\n");
  IF Swap.endian = Swap.Endian.Big THEN
    IO.Put("Endianness: Big\n");
    IO.Put("Endianness: Little\n");
END Host.

Output (on an x86):

Word Size: 32
Endianness: Little


<lang ocaml>Printf.printf "%d\n" Sys.word_size; (* Print word size *) Printf.printf "%s\n" Sys.os_type; (* Print operating system *)</lang> Dunno about endianness


<lang python>>>> import sys, math >>> int(round(math.log(sys.maxint,2)+1)) # this only works in Python 2.x 32 >>> import struct >>> struct.calcsize('i') * 8 32 >>> sys.byteorder little >>> import socket >>> socket.gethostname() 'PADDY3118-RESTING' >>> </lang>


irb(main):001:0> 42.size * 8
=> 32
irb(main):002:0> if [1].pack('i')[0] != 0
irb(main):003:1>   'little endian'
irb(main):004:1> else
irb(main):005:1*   'big endian'
irb(main):006:1> end
=> "little endian"