In three recent races at Rosetta Park, the results have been:

Horse racing is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Race 1

Pos Horse Weight Dist Sex
1 A 9.00 0.0 Colt
2 B 8.06 2.0 Filly
3 C 9.04 1.5 Colt

Time 1 minute 36.0 seconds

Race 2

Pos Horse Weight Dist Sex
1 D 8.10 0.0 Filly
2 E 9.03 1.0 Colt
3 F 9.07 3.0 Colt

(F was slowly away and lost 2 lengths at the finish as a result)

Time 1 minute 36.4 seconds

Race 3

Pos Horse Weight Dist Sex
1 G 8.04 0.0 Colt
2 H 8.10 1.5 Colt
3 I 9.05 0.5 Filly

Time 1 minute 35.8 seconds

It is assumed that:

1. Weights carried are expressed in stones and pounds (traditional in US and UK racing) where 1 stone equals 14 pounds.

2. The distances are the actual distances between horses at the finish of the race.

3. All races are run at 1 mile in similar going and weather conditions and the time shown is the time taken by the winner to run the race.

4. 2 pounds slows a horse down by 1 length at the finish.

5. 1 second is equivalent to 5 lengths at the finish.


All 9 of these horses, plus a further horse J, are due to compete against each other in Race 4 at Rosetta Park again over 1 mile and in similar conditions to the earlier races. Colts will carry 9.00 and fillies 8.11.

Suppose that:

1. Horse B has been moving well on the galops and her trainer thinks she has improved 4 pounds since her last outing.

2. Horse C has had a setback in training and his trainer expects him to perform 4 pounds below his best.

3. Horse H is being ridden by the champion jockey which is expected to improve his performance by 3 pounds compared to what it would otherwise have been.

4. Horse J, a filly, has never run before but her performance on the galops suggests she can run 1 mile in 1 minute 35.8 seconds when carrying 8.11.

Other things being equal (which they seldom are in actual horse racing!) what would you expect the full result of Race 4 to be including the time of the winner?


Translation of: Nim
' Ratings on past form, assuming a rating of 100 for horse A.
Dim As Double a = 100.0
Dim As Double b = a - 8 - 2 * 2       ' carried 8 lbs less, finished 2 lengths behind.
Dim As Double c = a + 4 - 2 * 3.5
Dim As Double d = a - 4 - 10 * 0.4    ' based on relative weight and time.
Dim As Double e = d + 7 - 2 * 1
Dim As Double f = d + 11 - 2 * (4 - 2)
Dim As Double g = a - 10  + 10 * 0.2
Dim As Double h = g + 6 - 2 * 1.5
Dim As Double i = g + 15 - 2 * 2

' Adjustments to ratings for current race.
b += 4
c -= 4
h += 3
Dim As Double j = a - 3 + 10 * 0.2

' Filly's allowance to give weight adjusted weighting.
b += 3
d += 3
i += 3
j += 3

' Create table mapping horse to its weight adjusted rating and whether colt.
Type Pair
    key As String*1
    rating As Double
    colt As Boolean
End Type

Dim As Pair list(9)
list(0).key = "A": list(0).rating = a: list(0).colt = True
list(1).key = "B": list(1).rating = b: list(1).colt = False
list(2).key = "C": list(2).rating = c: list(2).colt = True
list(3).key = "D": list(3).rating = d: list(3).colt = False
list(4).key = "E": list(4).rating = e: list(4).colt = True
list(5).key = "F": list(5).rating = f: list(5).colt = True
list(6).key = "G": list(6).rating = g: list(6).colt = True
list(7).key = "H": list(7).rating = h: list(7).colt = True
list(8).key = "I": list(8).rating = i: list(8).colt = False
list(9).key = "J": list(9).rating = j: list(9).colt = False

' Sort in descending order of rating.
Dim As Integer n = Ubound(list)
For x As Integer = 0 To n - 1
    For y As Integer = 0 To n - x - 1
        If list(y).rating < list(y + 1).rating Then Swap list(y), list(y + 1)
    Next y
Next x

' Show expected result of race.
Print !"Race 4\n"
Print "Pos Horse  Weight  Dist  Sex"
Dim As String posic = ""
For x As Integer = Lbound(list) To Ubound(list)
    Dim As Double wt = Iif(list(x).colt, 9.00, 8.11)
    Dim As Double dist = 0.0
    If x > 0 Then dist = (list(x-1).rating - list(x).rating) * 0.5
    posic = Iif(x = 0 Or dist > 0, Str(x + 1), Iif(Right(posic, 1) <> "=", Str(x) & "=", posic))
    Dim As String sx = Iif(list(x).colt, "colt", "filly")
    Print Using "\\   !     ##.##   #.#   \       \"; posic; list(x).key; wt; dist; sx
Next x

' Weight adjusted rating of winner.
Dim As Double wr = list(0).rating

' Expected time of winner (relative to A's time in Race 1).
Dim As Double t = 96 - (wr - 100) / 10
Dim As Integer min = Int(t / 60)
Dim As Integer sec = t Mod 60
Print Using "Time ## minute ##.# seconds"; min; sec

Race 4

Pos Horse  Weight  Dist  Sex
1    I      8.11   0.0   filly
2    J      8.11   2.0   filly
3    A      9.00   1.0   colt
4    F      9.00   0.5   colt
5    H      9.00   0.5   colt
6    E      9.00   0.5   colt
7    B      8.11   1.0   filly
7=   D      8.11   0.0   filly
9    C      9.00   1.0   colt
10   G      9.00   0.5   colt

Time  1 minute 35.0 seconds


Translation of: Wren
package main

import (

func main() {
    // ratings on past form, assuming a rating of 100 for horse A
    a := 100
    b := a - 8 - 2*2 // carried 8 lbs less, finished 2 lengths behind
    c := a + 4 - 2*3.5
    d := a - 4 - 10*0.4 // based on relative weight and time
    e := d + 7 - 2*1
    f := d + 11 - 2*(4-2)
    g := a - 10 + 10*0.2
    h := g + 6 - 2*1.5
    i := g + 15 - 2*2

    // adjustments to ratings for current race
    b += 4
    c -= 4
    h += 3
    j := a - 3 + 10*0.2

    // filly's allowance to give weight adjusted weighting
    b += 3
    d += 3
    i += 3
    j += 3

    // create map of horse to its weight adjusted rating and whether colt (1 == yes, 0 == no)
    m := map[string][2]int{
        "A": {a, 1},
        "B": {b, 0},
        "C": {c, 1},
        "D": {d, 0},
        "E": {e, 1},
        "F": {f, 1},
        "G": {g, 1},
        "H": {h, 1},
        "I": {i, 0},
        "J": {j, 0},

    type kv struct {
        key   string
        value [2]int

    // convert to slice of kv
    l := make([]kv, len(m))
    x := 0
    for k, v := range m {
        l[x] = kv{k, v}

    // sort in descending order of rating
    sort.Slice(l, func(i, j int) bool { return l[i].value[0] > l[j].value[0] })

    // show expected result of race
    fmt.Println("Race 4\n")
    fmt.Println("Pos Horse  Weight  Dist  Sex")
    pos := ""
    for x := 0; x < len(l); x++ {
        wt := "9.00"
        if l[x].value[1] == 0 {
            wt = "8.11"
        dist := 0.0
        if x > 0 {
            dist = float64(l[x-1].value[0]-l[x].value[0]) * 0.5
        if x == 0 || dist > 0.0 {
            pos = fmt.Sprintf("%d", x+1)
        } else if !strings.HasSuffix(pos, "=") {
            pos = fmt.Sprintf("%d=", x)
        sx := "colt"
        if l[x].value[1] == 0 {
            sx = "filly"
        fmt.Printf("%-2s  %s      %s    %3.1f   %s\n", pos, l[x].key, wt, dist, sx)

    // weight adjusted rating of winner
    wr := float64(l[0].value[0])

    // expected time of winner (relative to A's time in Race 1)
    t := 96.0 - (wr-100)/10
    min := int(t / 60)
    sec := t - float64(min)*60
    fmt.Printf("\nTime %d minute %3.1f seconds\n", min, sec)
Race 4

Pos Horse  Weight  Dist  Sex
1   I      8.11    0.0   filly
2   J      8.11    2.0   filly
3   A      9.00    1.0   colt
4   F      9.00    0.5   colt
5   H      9.00    0.5   colt
6   E      9.00    0.5   colt
7   D      8.11    1.0   filly
7=  B      8.11    0.0   filly
9   C      9.00    1.0   colt
10  G      9.00    0.5   colt

Time 1 minute 35.4 seconds


Translation of: Go
function main()
    # ratings on past form, assuming a rating of 100 for horse A
    a = 100
    b = a - 8 - 2*2 # carried 8 lbs less, finished 2 lengths behind
    c = a + 4 - 2*3.5
    d = a - 4 - 10*0.4 # based on relative weight and time
    e = d + 7 - 2*1
    f = d + 11 - 2*(4-2)
    g = a - 10 + 10*0.2
    h = g + 6 - 2*1.5
    i = g + 15 - 2*2

    # adjustments to ratings for current race
    b += 4
    c -= 4
    h += 3
    j = a - 3 + 10*0.2

    # filly's allowance to give weight adjusted weighting
    b += 3
    d += 3
    i += 3
    j += 3

    # create vector of pairs of horse to pair of weight adjusted rating and whether colt (1 == yes, 0 == no)
    m = ["A" => a => 1,
         "B" => b => 0,
         "C" => c => 1,
         "D" => d => 0,
         "E" => e => 1,
         "F" => f => 1,
         "G" => g => 1,
         "H" => h => 1,
         "I" => i => 0,
         "J" => j => 0]

    # sort in descending order of rating
    sort!(m, lt = (x, y) -> first(last(x)) > first(last(y)))

    # show expected result of race
    println("Race 4\n")
    println("Pos Horse  Weight  Dist  Sex")
    pos = ""
    for x in eachindex(m)
        wt = last(last(m[x])) == 0 ? "8.11" : "9.00"
        dist = x == 1 ? 0.0 : (first(last(m[x - 1])) - first(last(m[x]))) * 0.5
        if x == 1 || dist > 0.0
            pos = "$x"
        elseif !occursin("=", pos)
            pos = "$(x - 1)="
        sx = last(last(m[x])) == 0 ? "filly" : "colt"
        println(rpad(pos, 4), rpad(first(m[x]), 7), rpad(wt, 8), rpad(round(dist, digits=1), 6), sx)

    # expected time of winner (relative to A's weight adjusted time rating in first race)
    t = 96.0 - (first(last(first(m))) - 100) / 10
    min, sec = divrem(t, 60.0)
    println("\nTime $min minutes and ", round(sec, digits=1), " seconds.")

Race 4

Pos Horse  Weight  Dist  Sex
1   I      8.11    0.0   filly
2   J      8.11    2.0   filly
3   A      9.00    1.0   colt
4   F      9.00    0.5   colt
5   H      9.00    0.5   colt
6   E      9.00    0.5   colt
7   B      8.11    1.0   filly
7=  D      8.11    0.0   filly
9   C      9.00    1.0   colt
10  G      9.00    0.5   colt

Time 1.0 minutes and 35.4 seconds.


Translation of: Wren
import algorithm, math, strformat, strutils

# Ratings on past form, assuming a rating of 100 for horse A.
  a = 100.0
  b = a - 8 - 2 * 2       # carried 8 lbs less, finished 2 lengths behind.
  c = a + 4 - 2 * 3.5
  d = a - 4 - 10 * 0.4    # based on relative weight and time.
  e = d + 7 - 2 * 1
  f = d + 11 - 2 * (4 - 2)
  g = a - 10  + 10 * 0.2
  h = g + 6 - 2 * 1.5
  i = g + 15 - 2 * 2

# Adjustments to ratings for current race.
b += 4
c -= 4
h += 3
var j = a - 3 + 10 * 0.2

# Filly's allowance to give weight adjusted weighting.
b += 3
d += 3
i += 3
j += 3

# Create table mapping horse to its weight adjusted rating and whether colt.
type Pair = tuple[key: char; value: tuple[rating: float; colt: bool]]
let list: array[10, Pair] = {'A': (a, true), 'B': (b, false),
                             'C': (c, true), 'D': (d, false),
                             'E': (e, true), 'F': (f, true),
                             'G': (g, true), 'H': (h, true),
                             'I': (i, false), 'J': (j, false)}

# Sort in descending order of rating.
let slist = list.sortedByIt(-it.value.rating)

# Show expected result of race.
echo "Race 4\n"
echo "Pos Horse  Weight  Dist  Sex"
var pos = ""
for i, (key, value) in slist:
  let wt = if value.colt: "9.00" else: "8.11"
  var dist = 0.0
  if i > 0: dist = (slist[i-1].value.rating - value.rating) * 0.5
  pos = if i == 0 or dist > 0: $(i + 1)
        elif not pos.endsWith("="): $i & '='
        else: pos
  let sx = if value.colt: "colt" else: "filly"
  echo &"{pos:<2}  {key}      {wt}    {dist:3.1f}   {sx}"

# Weight adjusted rating of winner.
let wr = slist[0].value.rating

# Expected time of winner (relative to A's time in Race 1).
let t = 96 - (wr - 100) / 10
var min = int(t / 60)
var sec = t mod 60
echo &"\nTime {min} minute {sec:.1f} seconds"
Race 4

Pos Horse  Weight  Dist  Sex
1   I      8.11    0.0   filly
2   J      8.11    2.0   filly
3   A      9.00    1.0   colt
4   F      9.00    0.5   colt
5   H      9.00    0.5   colt
6   E      9.00    0.5   colt
7   B      8.11    1.0   filly
7=  D      8.11    0.0   filly
9   C      9.00    1.0   colt
10  G      9.00    0.5   colt

Time 1 minute 35.4 seconds


Translation of: Raku
use strict;
use warnings;

my %card;
$card{a} = { name => 'Alberta Clipper',       sex => 'M', rating => 100 };
$card{b} = { name => 'Beetlebaum',            sex => 'F', rating => $card{a}{rating} -  8 -  2*2     };
$card{c} = { name => 'Canyonero',             sex => 'M', rating => $card{a}{rating} +  4 -  2*3.5   };
$card{d} = { name => 'Donnatello',            sex => 'F', rating => $card{a}{rating} -  4 - 10*0.4   };
$card{e} = { name => 'Exterminator',          sex => 'M', rating => $card{d}{rating} +  7 -  2*1     };
$card{f} = { name => 'Frequent Flyer',        sex => 'M', rating => $card{d}{rating} + 11 -  2*(4-2) };
$card{g} = { name => 'Grindstone',            sex => 'M', rating => $card{a}{rating} - 10 + 10*0.2   };
$card{h} = { name => 'His Honor',             sex => 'M', rating => $card{g}{rating} +  6 -  2*1.5   };
$card{i} = { name => 'Iphigenia in Brooklyn', sex => 'F', rating => $card{g}{rating} + 15 -  2*2     };
$card{j} = { name => 'Josephine',             sex => 'F' };

# adjustments to ratings for current race
$card{b}{rating} += 4;
$card{c}{rating} -= 4;
$card{h}{rating} += 3;
$card{j}{rating} = $card{a}{rating} - 3 + 10*0.2;

# initialize carry weights
for (keys %card) {
    $card{$_}{rating} += 3 if $card{$_}{sex} eq 'F';
    $card{$_}{weight} = $card{$_}{sex} eq 'M' ? 9.00 : 8.11

print "Pos Horse         Name           Weight   Back    Sex    Time\n";

my($previous, $position, $leader, @predictions) = 0;
for (sort { $card{$b}{rating} <=> $card{$a}{rating} } keys %card) {
    $leader = $_ unless $leader;
    ++$position if $previous != $card{$_}{rating};
    $previous = $card{$_}{rating};
    $card{$_}{back} = ($card{$leader}{rating} - $card{$_}{rating}) / 2;
    $card{$_}{time} = 96 - ($card{$_}{rating} - 100) / 10;
    push @predictions, sprintf "%2d    %s   %-22s  %.2f    %.1f    %-6s %s\n", $position, $_, $card{$_}{name}, $card{$_}{weight},
      $card{$_}{back}, $card{$_}{sex} eq 'M' ? 'colt' : 'filly', sprintf '%1d:%.1f', int($card{$_}{time}/60), $card{$_}{time}-60;

print for sort @predictions;
 1    i   Iphigenia in Brooklyn   8.11    0.0    filly  1:35.4
 2    j   Josephine               8.11    2.0    filly  1:35.8
 3    a   Alberta Clipper         9.00    3.0    colt   1:36.0
 4    f   Frequent Flyer          9.00    3.5    colt   1:36.1
 5    h   His Honor               9.00    4.0    colt   1:36.2
 6    e   Exterminator            9.00    4.5    colt   1:36.3
 7    b   Beetlebaum              8.11    5.5    filly  1:36.5
 7    d   Donnatello              8.11    5.5    filly  1:36.5
 8    c   Canyonero               9.00    6.5    colt   1:36.7
 9    g   Grindstone              9.00    7.0    colt   1:36.8


Disclaimer: I know nothing about horse racing, all calculations were reverse-engineered from those in the Go entry.
Made table-based so you can plug in different races and adjustments, but any horse appearing in more than one race input would too in the output.

with javascript_semantics
requires ("1.0.1") // [else sort_columns() needs a deep_copy()]
enum Runners, Time

constant races = {  // (with F adjusted, plus the prediction)
{{{"A", 9,00,   0.0,    "colt"},
  {"B", 8,06,   2.0,    "filly"},
  {"C", 9,04,   1.5,    "colt"}},"1min 36s"},
{{{"D", 8,10,   0.0,    "filly"},
  {"E", 9,03,   1.0,    "colt"},
  {"F", 9,07,   3.0-2,  "colt"}},"1min 36.4s"},
{{{"G", 8,04,   0.0,    "colt"},
  {"H", 8,10,   1.5,    "colt"},
  {"I", 9,05,   0.5,    "filly"}},"1min 35.8s"},
{{{"J", 8,11,   0.0,    "filly"}},"1min 35.8s"}}

constant adjusts = columnize({{"B",+4},

function str2time(string t)
    sequence r = scanf(t,"%dmin %fs")[1]
    return r[1]*60+r[2]
end function

sequence horses = {}
string name, pos, sex
integer stone, pounds
atom wt, dist, rating
for i=1 to length(races) do
    sequence runners = races[i][Runners]
    atom s = str2time(races[i][Time]), distt = 0
    for j=1 to length(runners) do
        {name, stone, pounds, dist, sex} = runners[j]
        distt += dist
        pounds += stone*14
        rating = pounds+934-10*s-distt*2    -- (make "A" a nominal 100)
        integer k = find(name,adjusts[1])
        if k then rating += adjusts[2][k] end if
        if sex="filly" then rating += 3 end if
        horses = append(horses,{name,sex,rating})
    end for
end for
horses = sort_columns(horses,{-3})
printf(1,"Race 4\n\nPos Horse  Weight  Dist  Sex\n")
for i=1 to length(horses) do
    {name,sex,rating} = horses[i]   
    wt = iff(sex="colt"?9.00:8.11)
    dist = iff(i=1?0:(horses[i-1][3]-rating)*0.5)
    if i=1 or dist>0 then
        pos = sprintf("%d",i)
    elsif not find('=',pos) then
        pos &= '='
    end if
    printf(1,"%-2s  %s      %.2f    %3.1f   %s\n", {pos, name, wt, dist, sex})
end for
// weight adjusted rating of winner
rating = horses[1][3]
// expected time of winner (relative to A's time in Race 1)
atom t = str2time(races[1][Time]) - (rating-100)/10
string m = elapsed(floor(t/60)*60),
       s = elapsed(remainder(t,60))
printf(1,"\nTime %s %s\n", {m,s})
Race 4

Pos Horse  Weight  Dist  Sex
1   I      8.11    0.0   filly
2   J      8.11    2.0   filly
3   A      9.00    1.0   colt
4   F      9.00    0.5   colt
5   H      9.00    0.5   colt
6   E      9.00    0.5   colt
7   B      8.11    1.0   filly
7=  D      8.11    0.0   filly
9   C      9.00    1.0   colt
10  G      9.00    0.5   colt

Time 1 minute 35.4s


I know nothing about horse racing and/or handicapping. This is mostly a straightforward translation of the logic from Go though I did take certain liberties with formatting and layout.

my %card;
%card<a> = { name => 'Alberta Clipper',       :sex<M>, rating => 100 };
%card<b> = { name => 'Beetlebaum',            :sex<F>, rating => %card<a><rating> - 8 - 2*2 };
%card<c> = { name => 'Canyonero',             :sex<M>, rating => %card<a><rating> + 4 - 2*3.5 };
%card<d> = { name => 'Donnatello',            :sex<F>, rating => %card<a><rating> - 4 - 10*0.4 };
%card<e> = { name => 'Exterminator',          :sex<M>, rating => %card<d><rating> + 7 - 2*1 };
%card<f> = { name => 'Frequent Flyer',        :sex<M>, rating => %card<d><rating> + 11 - 2*(4-2) };
%card<g> = { name => 'Grindstone',            :sex<M>, rating => %card<a><rating> - 10 + 10*0.2 };
%card<h> = { name => 'His Honor',             :sex<M>, rating => %card<g><rating> + 6 - 2*1.5 };
%card<i> = { name => 'Iphigenia in Brooklyn', :sex<F>, rating => %card<g><rating> + 15 - 2*2 };
%card<j> = { name => 'Josephine',             :sex<F>, rating => Nil };

# adjustments to ratings for current race
%card<b><rating> += 4;
%card<c><rating> -= 4;
%card<h><rating> += 3;
%card<j><rating> = %card<a><rating> - 3 + 10*0.2;

# adjust filly's allowance
# initialize carry weights
for %card {
    .value<rating> += 3 if .value<sex> eq 'F';
    .value<weight> = (.value<sex> eq 'M') ?? 9.00 !! 8.11

my ($previous, $position, $leader) = 0;
say "Pos Horse         Name           Weight   Back    Sex    Time";

for %card.sort( -*.value.<rating> ) {
    FIRST $leader = $_;
    ++$position if $previous != .value.<rating>;
    $previous = .value.<rating>;
    .value<back> = ($leader.value<rating> - .value<rating>) / 2;
    .value<time> = 96 - (.value.<rating> - 100) / 10;
    printf "%2d    %s   %-22s  %.2f    %.1f    %-6s %s\n", $position, .key, .value<name>, .value<weight>,
      .value<back>, .value<sex> eq 'M' ?? 'colt' !! 'filly', .value.<time>.polymod(60 xx*).reverse.join: ':';
Pos Horse         Name           Weight   Back    Sex    Time
 1    i   Iphigenia in Brooklyn   8.11    0.0    filly  1:35.4
 2    j   Josephine               8.11    2.0    filly  1:35.8
 3    a   Alberta Clipper         9.00    3.0    colt   1:36
 4    f   Frequent Flyer          9.00    3.5    colt   1:36.1
 5    h   His Honor               9.00    4.0    colt   1:36.2
 6    e   Exterminator            9.00    4.5    colt   1:36.3
 7    d   Donnatello              8.11    5.5    filly  1:36.5
 7    b   Beetlebaum              8.11    5.5    filly  1:36.5
 8    c   Canyonero               9.00    6.5    colt   1:36.7
 9    g   Grindstone              9.00    7.0    colt   1:36.8

V (Vlang)

Translation of: go
struct Kv {
    key   string
    value []f64
fn main() {
    // ratings on past form, assuming a rating of 100 for horse A
    a := 100.0
    mut b := a - 8 - 2*2 // carried 8 lbs less, finished 2 lengths behind
    mut c := a + 4 - 2*3.5
    mut d := a - 4 - 10*0.4 // based on relative weight and time
    e := d + 7 - 2*1
    f := d + 11 - 2*(4-2)
    g := a - 10 + 10*0.2
    mut h := g + 6 - 2*1.5
    mut i := g + 15 - 2*2
    // adjustments to ratings for current race
    b += 4
    c -= 4
    h += 3
    mut j := a - 3 + 10*0.2
    // filly's allowance to give weight adjusted weighting
    b += 3
    d += 3
    i += 3
    j += 3
    // create map of horse to its weight adjusted rating and whether colt (1 == yes, 0 == no)
    m := {
        "A": [a, 1],
        "B": [b, 0],
        "C": [c, 1],
        "D": [d, 0],
        "E": [e, 1],
        "F": [f, 1],
        "G": [g, 1],
        "H": [h, 1],
        "I": [i, 0],
        "J": [j, 0],
    // convert to slice of Kv
    mut l := []Kv{ len: m.len}
    mut x := 0
    for k, v in m {
        l[x] = Kv{k, v}
    // sort in descending order of rating
    //sort.Slice(l, func(i, j int) bool { return l[i].value[0] > l[j].value[0] })
    l.sort_with_compare(fn(a &Kv, b &Kv) int {
        if a.value[0] < b.value[0] {
            return 1
        }else if a.value[0] > b.value[0] {
            return -1
        return 0
    // show expected result of race
    println("Race 4\n")
    println("Pos Horse  Weight  Dist  Sex")
    mut pos := ""
    for v in 0..l.len {
        mut wt := "9.00"
        if l[v].value[1] == 0 {
            wt = "8.11"
        mut dist := 0.0
        if v > 0 {
            dist = (l[v-1].value[0]-l[v].value[0]) * 0.5
        if v == 0 || dist > 0.0 {
            pos = "${v+1}"
        } else {
            if pos.index('=') or {-1} < 0{
                pos = "${v}="
        mut sx := "colt"
        if l[v].value[1] == 0 {
            sx = "filly"
        println("${pos:-2}  ${l[v].key}      $wt    ${dist:3.1f}   $sx")
    // weight adjusted rating of winner
    wr := l[0].value[0]
    // expected time of winner (relative to A's time in Race 1)
    t := 96.0 - (wr-100)/10
    min := int(t / 60)
    sec := t - f64(min)*60
    println("\nTime $min minute ${sec:3.1f} seconds")
Same as go entry


Library: Wren-fmt
import "./fmt" for Fmt

// ratings on past form, assuming a rating of 100 for horse A
var a = 100
var b = a - 8 - 2 * 2    // carried 8 lbs less, finished 2 lengths behind
var c = a + 4 - 2 * 3.5
var d = a - 4 - 10 * 0.4 // based on relative weight and time
var e = d + 7 - 2 * 1
var f = d + 11 - 2 * (4 - 2)
var g = a - 10  + 10 * 0.2
var h = g + 6 - 2 * 1.5
var i = g + 15 - 2 * 2

// adjustments to ratings for current race
b = b + 4
c = c - 4
h = h + 3
var j = a - 3 + 10 * 0.2

// filly's allowance to give weight adjusted weighting
b = b + 3
d = d + 3
i = i + 3
j = j + 3

// create map of horse to its weight adjusted rating and whether colt
var m = {
    "A": [a, true], 
    "B": [b, false], 
    "C": [c, true],
    "D": [d, false],
    "E": [e, true],
    "F": [f, true],
    "G": [g, true],
    "H": [h, true],
    "I": [i, false],
    "J": [j, false]
// convert to list of {key, value} map entries
var l = m.toList

// sort in descending order of rating
l.sort{ |i, j| i.value[0] >= j.value[0] }

// show expected result of race
System.print("Race 4\n")
System.print("Pos Horse  Weight  Dist  Sex")
var pos = ""
for (x in 0...l.count) {
    var wt = l[x].value[1] ? "9.00" : "8.11"
    var dist = 0
    if (x > 0) dist = (l[x-1].value[0] - l[x].value[0]) * 0.5
    pos = (x == 0 || dist > 0) ? (x+1).toString : (!pos.endsWith("=") ? x.toString + "=" : pos)
    var sx = l[x].value[1] ? "colt" : "filly"
    Fmt.print("$-2s  $s      $s    $3.1f   $s", pos, l[x].key, wt, dist, sx)

// weight adjusted rating of winner
var wr = l[0].value[0]

// expected time of winner (relative to A's time in Race 1)
var t = 96 - (wr - 100) / 10
var min = (t/60).floor
var sec = t % 60
System.print("\nTime %(min) minute %(sec) seconds")
Race 4

Pos Horse  Weight  Dist  Sex
1   I      8.11    0.0   filly
2   J      8.11    2.0   filly
3   A      9.00    1.0   colt
4   F      9.00    0.5   colt
5   H      9.00    0.5   colt
6   E      9.00    0.5   colt
7   B      8.11    1.0   filly
7=  D      8.11    0.0   filly
9   C      9.00    1.0   colt
10  G      9.00    0.5   colt

Time 1 minute 35.4 seconds