Help:Similar Sites/Online Execution: Difference between revisions

added Exercism
m (Add Go Playgrounds)
m (added Exercism)
(10 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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! Notes
![ Easylang]
|IDE, Tutorials
![ Exercism]
|70 languages, can browse hundreds of solutions to each exercise.
|Pre-specified exercises only
| [[Fōrmulæ]]
| Scripts can be saved/loaded to/from local files
![https://gambas-playground.proko.euone/playground/ Gambas Playground]
|CLI only
![ The Go Play Space]
|Playground with Doc-Ref, Turtle- & Nightmode
![ The Go Playground]
|The official Golang playground
![ Groovy Playground]
|Load save via Github/Gist
!http[ Groovy web console]
|Save and share. Runs on Google Cloud (GAE)
!http[ Ideone]
|Basic, C, C++, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, ...
|Bash, C, C++, Go, Haskell, Java, Pascal, Rust, ...
|... and many more
|Bash, C, C++, Go, Haskell, Java, Pascal, Rust, ...
|Basic, C, C++, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, ...
|... and many more
![ ScalaFiddle]
|Scala.JS, a transpiler that translates your Scala code into highly performant and optimised JavaScript.
|CLI only
![ Scastie]
|Scastie is an interactive playground for Scala running on a JVM.
|Only supports static input
![ TIO: Try It Online]
|More than 500 languages
|Only supports static input - no interactivity
