Help:Programming Example Prototypes

From Rosetta Code

These are prototypes of well-formed programming examples conforming to curring Rosetta Code formatting style. View this page's source to see how to construct your own programming examples.

Use the one which supplies the most information possible.


When using a compiler and a library, with illustrative text:

Your Language Here

Compiler: Your Compiler Here (Your version here)

Some code.
Notice how each line begins with at least one space.
  Multiple spaces are fine; Please use proper indentation in your code.

Here, I can talk a bit about the next bit of code.

Now I'm typing more code, with the spaces again at the beginning of the line.

Now I'm talking about the next bit of code again.

And here's that final bit of code...

When using a compiler and a library, but without illustrative text:

Your Language Here

Compiler: Your Compiler Here (Your version here)

Some code.
Notice how each line begins with at least one space.
  Multiple spaces are fine; Please use proper indentation in your code.

When using an interpreter and a library, with illustrative text:

Your Language Here

Interpreter: Your Interpreter Here (Your version here)

Some code.
Notice how each line begins with at least one space.
  Multiple spaces are fine; Please use proper indentation in your code.

Here, I can talk a bit about the next bit of code.

Now I'm typing more code, with the spaces again at the beginning of the line.

Now I'm talking about the next bit of code again.

And here's that final bit of code...

When using an interpreter and a library, but without illustrative text:

Your Language Here

Interpreter: Your Interpreter Here (Your version here)

Some code.
Notice how each line begins with at least one space.
  Multiple spaces are fine; Please use proper indentation in your code.

When using a compiler, with illustrative text:

Your Language Here

Compiler: Your Compiler Here

Some code.
Notice how each line begins with at least one space.
  Multiple spaces are fine; Please use proper indentation in your code.

Here, I can talk a bit about the next bit of code.

Now I'm typing more code, with the spaces again at the beginning of the line.

Now I'm talking about the next bit of code again.

And here's that final bit of code...

When using a compiler, but without illustrative text:

Your Language Here

Compiler: Your Compiler Here (Your version here)

Some code.
Notice how each line begins with at least one space.
  Multiple spaces are fine; Please use proper indentation in your code.

When using an interpreter, with illustrative text:

Your Language Here

Compiler: Your Interpreter Here (Your version here)

Some code.
Notice how each line begins with at least one space.
  Multiple spaces are fine; Please use proper indentation in your code.

Here, I can talk a bit about the next bit of code.

Now I'm typing more code, with the spaces again at the beginning of the line.

Now I'm talking about the next bit of code again.

And here's that final bit of code...

When using an interpreter, but without illustrative text:

Your Language Here

Interpreter: Your Interpreter Here (Your version here)

Some code.
Notice how each line begins with at least one space.
  Multiple spaces are fine; Please use proper indentation in your code.

When you don't know the compiler or interpreter, but you're using a library, and you are using illustrative text:

Your Language Here

Some code.
Notice how each line begins with at least one space.
  Multiple spaces are fine; Please use proper indentation in your code.

Here, I can talk a bit about the next bit of code.

Now I'm typing more code, with the spaces again at the beginning of the line.

Now I'm talking about the next bit of code again.

And here's that final bit of code...

When you don't know the compiler or interpreter, but you're using a library, and you are not using illustrative text:

Your Language Here

Some code.
Notice how each line begins with at least one space.
  Multiple spaces are fine; Please use proper indentation in your code.

When you don't know the compiler or interpreter, and you are using illustrative text:

Your Language Here

Some code.
Notice how each line begins with at least one space.
  Multiple spaces are fine; Please use proper indentation in your code.

Here, I can talk a bit about the next bit of code.

Now I'm typing more code, with the spaces again at the beginning of the line.

Now I'm talking about the next bit of code again.

And here's that final bit of code...

When you don't know the compiler or interpreter, and you are not using illustrative text:

Your Language Here

Some code.
Notice how each line begins with at least one space.
  Multiple spaces are fine; Please use proper indentation in your code.

Your Language Here

<lang c>int main(){

  printf("this is highlighted code");
  printf("there is no need for spaces at the start of lines");
  return 0;


Your Language Here

Works with: library/compiler/interpreter version Version Number

<lang c>int main(){

  printf("this is highlighted code");
  printf("there is no need for spaces at the start of lines");
  return 0;
