Hello world/Web server: Difference between revisions

Links, +Java
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(Links, +Java)
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{{task|Networking and Web Interaction}}
The browser is the new [[GUI]]!
The task is to serve our standard text "Goodbye, World!" to http://localhost:8080/ so that it can be viewed with a web browser. The provided solution must start or implement a server that accepts multiple client connections and serves text as requested.
Note that starting a web browser or opening a new window with this URL is not part of the task. Additionally, it is permissible to serve the provided page as a plain text file (there is no requirement to serve properly formatted [[HTML]] here). The browser will generally do the right thing with simple text like this.
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<lang java>import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.net.Socket;
public class HelloWorld{
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
ServerSocket listener = new ServerSocket(8080);
Socket sock = listener.accept();
new PrintWriter(sock.getOutputStream(), true).
println("Goodbye, World!");
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