Hello world/Web server: Difference between revisions

(perl: now the plack/plackup examples with port 8080)
Line 795:
simple_http_server(8080, procedure(header, connection)
{ respond_text(connection, "Goodbye, World!"); });</lang>
{{works with|Smalltalk/X}}
starting server:
<lang smalltalk>Smalltalk loadPackage:'stx:goodies/webServer'. "usually already loaded"
|myServer service|
myServer := HTTPServer startServerOnPort:8082.
service := HTTPPluggableActionService new.
service register:[:request | self halt. request reply:'<HTML><BODY><H1>Hello World</H1></BODY></HTML>'] as:'hello'.
service linkNames:#('/' ).
service registerServiceOn: myServer.
myServer start.</lang>
Be aware that the above is an ad-hoc minimal scripting example. Normally, a service subclass is used and response handlers are defined as methods of it (not as action blocks).
Also, services and HTML generation is usually done using a framework (at least DOM-based, but usually a higher level toolkit).
Especially take a look at smalltalk frameworks like Aida, Seaside, VisualWave etc.
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