Greed: Difference between revisions

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(Added Perl)
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greedapp(12, 29)
greedapp(12, 29)

<lang perl>use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';

my @board;
my $w = 79;
my $h = 22;
for (1..$h) {
my @row;
push @row, int 1 + rand 9 for 1..$w;
push @board, [@row];
my $X = int 0.5 + rand $w;
my $Y = int 0.5 + rand $h;
$board[$Y][$X] = '@';

my $score = 0;

sub execute {
my($y,$x) = @_;
my $i = $board[$Y+$y][$X+$x];
if (countSteps($i, $x, $y)) {
$score += $i;
$board[ $Y + $y*$_ ][ $X + $x*$_ ] = ' ' for 0..$i;
$board[ $Y += $y*$i ][ $X += $x*$i ] = '@';

sub countSteps {
my($i, $x, $y) = @_;
my $tX = $X;
my $tY = $Y;
for (0..$i) {
$tX += $x;
$tY += $y;
return 0 if $tX < 0 or $tY < 0 or $tX >= $w or $tY >= $h or $board[$tY][$tX] eq ' '
return 1

sub existsMoves {
for ([-1,-1], [-1,0], [-1,1], [0,-1], [0,0], [0,1], [1,-1], [1,0], [1,1]) {
my($x,$y) = @$_;
next if $x == 0 and $y == 0;
next if $X+$x < 0 or $X+$x > $w or $Y+$y < 0 or $Y+$y > $h ;
my $i = $board[$Y+$y][$X+$x];
return 1 if ( $i ne ' ' and countSteps($i, $x, $y) )
return 0;

while () {
say join '', @$_ for @board;
say "Game over." and last unless existsMoves();
print "Current score : " . $score . "\n";
my $c = <> ; chomp $c;
if ($c eq 'q') { say "So long." and last}
if ($c eq 'e') { execute(-1,-1) if $X > 0 and $Y > 0 } # North-West
if ($c eq 'r') { execute(-1, 0) if $Y > 0 } # North
if ($c eq 't') { execute(-1, 1) if $X < $w and $Y > 0 } # North-East
if ($c eq 'd') { execute( 0,-1) if $X > 0 } # West
if ($c eq 'g') { execute( 0, 1) if $X < $w } # East
if ($c eq 'x') { execute( 1,-1) if $X > 0 and $Y < $h } # South-West
if ($c eq 'c') { execute( 1, 0) if $Y < $h } # South
if ($c eq 'v') { execute( 1, 1) if $X < $w and $Y < $h } # South-East
