Go Fish/Phix
< Go Fish
Go Fish/Phix is part of Go Fish. You may find other members of Go Fish at Category:Go Fish.
constant show_non_human_hands = false
sequence players
function new_player(string name)
if name="" then
name = prompt_string("What is your name?:")
-- puts(1,"What is your name?:pete\n")
-- name = "pete"
-- name = "computer" -- plays itself
if name!="" then
name = lower(name)
name[1] = upper(name[1])
name = "Computer"
end if
end if
sequence player = repeat(0,PLAYER)
player[NAME] = name
player[HAND] = {}
player[BOOKS] = ""
player[KNOWN] = repeat(' ',13)
player[SINCE] = repeat('2',13) -- (cards picked up since you last asked)
-- aside: arguably, SINCE should be "999..99", but it would not make any
-- difference, however 9 messes up debug info almost immediately,
-- whereas 2s remain visually meaningful for 7 or so more rounds.
return player
end function
constant ranks = "123456789EJQX", -- ("1EX"->"ATK" in output)
fish = "A23456789TJQK", -- (input version of above)
suits = "CDHS",
cards = {"Ace","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven",
function map_card(integer card)
-- (input -> internal)
integer k = find(card,"ATK")
if k then card = "1EX"[k] end if
return card
end function
function unmap_cards(string cards)
-- (internal -> display)
return substitute_all(cards,"1EX","ATK")
end function
procedure show_cards(sequence cards)
end procedure
sequence deck
function deal()
string res = deck[$]
deck = deck[1..-2]
return res
end function
procedure check_empty_hand(integer player)
if players[player][HAND]={}
and deck!={} then
sequence one = {deal()}
string name = players[player][NAME]
if show_non_human_hands
or name!="Computer" then
printf(1,"%s's hand is empty. Picks up the ",{name})
end if
players[player][HAND] = one
end if
end procedure
procedure check_for_books(integer player)
sequence hand = sort(players[player][HAND])
string books = players[player][BOOKS]
integer i = length(hand)-3
while i>=1 do
if hand[i][1]=hand[i+3][1] then
books &= hand[i][1]
hand[i..i+3] = {}
i -= 4
i -= 1
end if
end while
players[player][HAND] = hand
players[player][BOOKS] = books
end procedure
procedure take_cards(integer player, sequence cards, bool bDeal=true)
players[player][HAND] &= cards
if bDeal then
end if
end procedure
function has_card(integer player, rank)
sequence hand = players[player][HAND]
for i=1 to length(hand) do
if hand[i][1]=rank then return true end if
end for
return false
end function
function hand_over(integer player, rank)
sequence cards = players[player][HAND]
integer l = length(cards)
for i=1 to l do
if cards[i][1]=rank then
for j=i+1 to l+1 do
if j=l+1 or cards[j][1]!=rank then
cards = cards[i..j-1]
players[player][HAND][i..j-1] = {}
printf(1,"%s hands over ",{players[player][NAME]})
return cards
end if
end for
end if
end for
return 9/0 -- should never trigger
end function
constant ESC=#1B
function wanted_card(integer player)
integer wanted,
opponent = 3-player
string name = players[player][NAME],
books = players[player][BOOKS],
known = players[player][KNOWN],
since = players[player][SINCE]
sequence hand = players[player][HAND]
if show_non_human_hands
or name!="Computer" then
printf(1,"%s's hand: ",{name})
-- printf(1," books: %s\n",{unmap_cards(books)})
printf(1," opponent is known to have: %s\n",{unmap_cards(known)})
-- aside: this is not very clear: should probably space out any
-- entries for known!=' ', and do better than ..789:;<=>?@..
printf(1," and not have since: %s\n",{since})
end if
if name="Computer" then
-- strategy: if known then take,
-- otherwise pick largest since
-- (or try something else here)
integer hs = 0, hw -- highest; hs==since[hw]
for i=1 to length(hand) do
integer wdx = find(hand[i][1],ranks)
wanted = known[wdx]
if wanted!=' ' then exit end if
integer sw = since[wdx]
if sw>hs then {hs,hw} = {sw,wdx} end if
end for
if wanted=' ' then wanted = ranks[hw] end if
while 1 do
printf(1,"What rank to ask for?:")
while 1 do
wanted = wait_key()
if wanted=ESC then
elsif wanted<#FF then -- ignore ctrl/shift etc
wanted = upper(wanted)
end if
end while
if not find(wanted,fish) then
printf(1," not a valid rank -- try again.\n")
wanted = map_card(wanted)
if has_card(player,wanted) then exit end if
printf(1," you don't have any of those -- try again\n")
end if
end while
end if
return wanted
end function
function query(integer player)
integer wanted = wanted_card(player),
wdx = find(wanted,ranks),
opponent = 3-player
string name = players[player][NAME],
card = substitute(cards[wdx],"x","xe") -- (Sixs -> Sixes)
-- we now (or soon will) know opponent no longer has that card
players[player][SINCE][wdx] = '0'
players[player][KNOWN][wdx] = ' '
-- opponent now knows we have one or more of that card:
players[opponent][KNOWN][wdx] = wanted
players[opponent][SINCE][wdx] = '0'
printf(1,"%s: Do you have any %ss?\n",{name,card})
if not has_card(opponent,wanted) then
printf(1,"%s: Go fish!\n",{players[opponent][NAME]})
players[player][SINCE] = sq_add(players[player][SINCE],1)
if deck!={} then
sequence one = {deal()}
if show_non_human_hands
or name!="Computer" then
printf(1,"%s picks up ",{name})
end if
end if
return false
end if
sequence cards = hand_over(opponent,wanted)
return true -- another go
end function
function gameover()
return length(players[1][BOOKS])+length(players[2][BOOKS])=13
end function
procedure GoFishGame()
deck = {}
for rank=1 to length(ranks) do
for suit=1 to length(suits) do
string card = ""&ranks[rank]&suits[suit]
deck = append(deck,card)
end for
end for
deck = shuffle(deck)
players = {new_player("Computer"),
for i=1 to 9 do
for p=1 to 2 do
end for
end for
integer player = rand(2)
while not gameover() do
if not query(player) then
player = 3-player
end if
end while
puts(1,"Game over\n")
for p=1 to 2 do
integer l = length(players[p][BOOKS])
string name = players[p][NAME],
s = iff(l=1?"":"s")
printf(1,"%s has %d book%s\n",{name,l,s})
end for
end procedure