Go Fish/Lua is part of Go_Fish. You may find other members of Go_Fish at Category:Go_Fish.

Library: LÖVE

LÖVE (Love2D) v.11.3 solution. There is no card suit characters in the standard font, so suits are A, B, C and D, but ranks are 1 to 13.

<lang Lua> function createDeck () Deck = {} for iSuit = 1, #CardSuits do for iRank = 1, #CardRanks do local card = { iSuit = iSuit, iRank = iRank, suit = CardSuits[iSuit], rank = CardRanks[iRank], name = CardSuits[iSuit]..'-'..CardRanks[iRank] } local i = math.random (#Deck + 1) table.insert (Deck, i, card) end end end

function createPlayers (nPlayers) Players = {} for index = 1, nPlayers do local player = { cards = {}, moves = {}, score = 0, index = index, } table.insert (Players, player) end end

function dealPlayers () local nCards = 7 if #Players > 2 then nCards = 5 end

for i = 1, nCards do for iPlayer = 1, #Players do -- player takes a card from deck takeCardFromDeck (Players[iPlayer]) end end end

function isKeyValueInList (key, value, list) for index, element in ipairs (list) do if element[key] == value then return element, index end end return false end

function updateMoves () for iPlayer = 1, #Players do local player = Players[iPlayer]

local moves = {} for iCard = 1, #player.cards do local rank = player.cards[iCard].rank local move = isKeyValueInList ("rank", rank, moves) if not move then move = {rank = rank, amount = 1} table.insert (moves, move) else move.amount = move.amount + 1 end end player.moves = moves end end

function takeCardFromDeck (player) if #Deck > 0 then -- player takes last card from deck table.insert (player.cards, table.remove(Deck, #Deck)) return true end return false end

function updateGUI () local player = Players[1] local nMoves = #player.moves local x1, y1 = 100, 450 local cardW = 50 local cardH = 30

GUI = {} local totalCards = 0 totalCards = totalCards + #Deck for iPlayer = 1, #Players do local player = Players [iPlayer] totalCards = totalCards + #player.cards end if totalCards == 0 then GameOver = true table.insert (Statistics, 1, "Game Over") local winners = {} local max = 0 for iPlayer = 1, #Players do local player = Players [iPlayer] if player.score > max then winners = {player.index} max = player.score elseif player.score == max then table.insert (winners, player.index) end end if #winners == 1 then table.insert (Statistics, 1, "Player " .. winners[1] .. ' wins the game') elseif #winners > 1 then table.insert (Statistics, 1, "Players " .. table.concat(winners, ', ') .. ' win the game') end end

if #Players > 2 then GUI.selectedPlayer = nil local amount, last = 0, nil for iPlayer = 2, #Players do local player = Players [iPlayer] if #player.cards > 0 then local x = x1 + cardW*(iPlayer-2) local y = y1 local button = { x=x, y=y, w=cardW, h=cardH, text = 'Player' .. iPlayer, iPlayer = iPlayer, playerButton = true, } table.insert (GUI, button) amount = amount + 1 last = player end end if amount == 1 then -- only one player GUI.selectedPlayer = last end else GUI.selectedPlayer = 2 end for iMove, move in ipairs (player.moves) do local x = x1 + cardW*(iMove-1) local y = y1 + cardH local button = { x=x, y=y, w=cardW, h=cardH, text = move.rank .. ' (' .. move.amount..')', rank = move.rank, moveButton = true, } table.insert (GUI, button) end end

function love.load() love.window.setTitle( 'Go Fish' ) Statistics = {} CardSuits = {"A", "B", "C", "D"} CardRanks = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13"} NPlayers = 6 Hidden = true

-- new game createDeck () createPlayers (NPlayers) dealPlayers ()

updateMoves () updateGUI () end

function love.draw() if not Hidden then for i, t in ipairs (Deck) do love.graphics.print (t.name, 0, i*11) end end for iPlayer, player in ipairs (Players) do local x = 60 * iPlayer local y = 0 love.graphics.print ('player '..iPlayer, x, y) y = y + 14 love.graphics.print ('score: '.. player.score, x, y) if not Hidden or (iPlayer == 1) then for iCard, card in ipairs (player.cards) do y = y + 14 love.graphics.print (card.name, x, y) end end if not Hidden then y = y + 14 for iMove, move in ipairs (player.moves) do y = y + 14 love.graphics.print (move.rank .. ' ' .. move.amount, x, y) end end end

-- draw first player moves for iGUI, button in ipairs (GUI) do -- print (GUI.selectedPlayer or , button.iPlayer or ) if GUI.hoveredMove and (GUI.hoveredMove == iGUI) or GUI.selectedPlayer and button.iPlayer and (GUI.selectedPlayer.index == button.iPlayer) then love.graphics.setColor (0.3,0.3,0.3) love.graphics.rectangle ('fill', button.x, button.y, button.w, button.h) end love.graphics.setColor (1,1,1) love.graphics.rectangle ('line', button.x, button.y, button.w, button.h) love.graphics.printf(button.text, button.x, button.y, button.w, 'center', 0, 1, 1, 0, -math.floor(button.h/4)) end for i = 1, math.min(30, #Statistics) do local str = Statistics[i] love.graphics.print (str, 430, 20+(i-1)*14) end end

function love.keypressed(key, scancode, isrepeat) if false then elseif key == "h" then Hidden = not Hidden elseif key == "escape" then love.event.quit() end end

function love.mousemoved( x, y, dx, dy, istouch ) GUI.hoveredMove = nil for iGUI, button in ipairs (GUI) do if x > button.x and x < button.x + button.w and y > button.y and y < button.y + button.h then GUI.hoveredMove = iGUI end end end

function checkHandCards (player) local sets = {} for iCard = 1, #player.cards do local rank = player.cards[iCard].rank local set = isKeyValueInList ("rank", rank, sets) if not set then set = {rank = rank, amount = 1} table.insert (sets, set) else set.amount = set.amount + 1 end end for iSet = 1, #sets do local set = sets[iSet] if set.amount == 4 then -- full set local rank = set.rank

table.insert (Statistics, 1, "Player "..player.index .. ' has set of "' .. rank .. '"') -- remove cards for iCard = #player.cards, 1, -1 do -- backwards local card = player.cards[iCard] if card.rank == rank then table.remove (player.cards, iCard) end end player.score = player.score + 1 end end end

function fillHandCards (player)

if #player.cards == 0 and #Deck > 0 then local nCards = math.min(5, #Deck) if nCards == 1 then table.insert (Statistics, 1, "Player ".. player.index .. ' takes one card from deck') else table.insert (Statistics, 1, "Player ".. player.index .. ' takes '.. nCards ..' cards from deck') end for i = 1, nCards do takeCardFromDeck (player) end end end

function doMove (activePlayer, selectedPlayer, rank) local takenCards = 0 for iCard = #selectedPlayer.cards, 1, -1 do -- iterate backwards local card = selectedPlayer.cards[iCard] if card.rank == rank then table.insert (activePlayer.cards, table.remove (selectedPlayer.cards, iCard)) takenCards = takenCards + 1 end end if takenCards > 0 then if takenCards == 1 then table.insert (Statistics, 1, "Player "..activePlayer.index .. ' asks the Player '.. selectedPlayer.index .. ' for card "'.. rank .. '" and get one card.') else table.insert (Statistics, 1, "Player "..activePlayer.index .. ' asks the Player '.. selectedPlayer.index .. ' for card "'.. rank .. '" and get ' .. takenCards .. ' cards.') end checkHandCards (activePlayer) fillHandCards (activePlayer) fillHandCards (selectedPlayer) updateMoves () if #activePlayer.cards > 0 then -- repeat the turn return true else return false end else table.insert (Statistics, 1, "Player "..activePlayer.index .. ' asks the Player '.. selectedPlayer.index .. ' for card "'.. rank .. '", but he has no one.') if takeCardFromDeck (activePlayer) then table.insert (Statistics, 1, "Player ".. activePlayer.index .. ' takes one card from deck') end checkHandCards (activePlayer) -- next player turn return false end


function AI_moves () for iPlayer = 2, #Players do local activePlayer = Players[iPlayer] if #activePlayer.moves > 0 then local iMove = math.random (#activePlayer.moves) local rank = activePlayer.moves[iMove].rank local activePlayers = {} for iPlayer, player in ipairs (Players) do if #player.cards > 0 and not (activePlayer == player) then table.insert (activePlayers, player) end end local selectedPlayer = activePlayers[math.random (#activePlayers)] while doMove (activePlayer, selectedPlayer, rank) do activePlayers = {} for iPlayer, player in ipairs (Players) do if #player.cards > 0 and not (activePlayer == player) then table.insert (activePlayers, player) end end iMove = math.random (#activePlayer.moves) rank = activePlayer.moves[iMove].rank end else table.insert (Statistics, 1, "Player ".. activePlayer.index .. ' has no cards') end end end

function love.mousereleased( x, y, button, istouch, presses ) if GameOver then GameOver = false

createDeck () createPlayers (NPlayers) dealPlayers ()

updateMoves () updateGUI () elseif GUI.hoveredMove then local button = GUI[GUI.hoveredMove]

if button.playerButton then GUI.selectedPlayer = Players[button.iPlayer] table.insert (Statistics, 1, 'Selected Player: ' .. button.iPlayer) elseif button.moveButton then -- check if the player has these cards GUI.hoveredMove = nil if GUI.selectedPlayer then -- no SelectedPlayer means no move if doMove (Players[1], GUI.selectedPlayer, button.rank) then -- player has another move else -- other players AI_moves () end updateGUI () end

end elseif #Players[1].cards == 0 then -- player has no cards table.insert (Statistics, 1, 'Player 1 has no cards;') AI_moves () updateGUI () end end
