Go Fish/J

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The essential portion of the program is a gerund of verbs action0`action1`...`actionn, one for each state of the game. Agenda @. drives the action. This iterates ^:f^:_ until reaching the termination state. Function f returns a Boolean value and is 0 when it identifies the terminal. The states by number are represented in base 0 as 0b[0-z] for easy identification. The actions return the next state. Thus verb go's guts are

Go Fish/J is part of Go Fish. You may find other members of Go Fish at Category:Go Fish.

<lang J> setup

  g`e`r`u`n`d @. extract_state ^: non_terminal ^: _ choose_1st_player


Instruct <lang J>go fish</lang> to play.

The code uses the cards as recommended and fullfills the AI requirement in a minimal fashion. If J hands over its last card to the opponent J chooses to not draw a card.

The state transitions follow. The code combines some of these states. Since J assumes undefined names are verbs we don't need to define the unused verbs of the gerund.

J CAPITAL, opponent lower.

book: remove books from hand and update score. fill: optionally draw a card into empty hand. end: no more fish in pond.

<lang C++> book -> fill ->

            draw -> BOOK     Chose to not draw a card into an empty hand before asking; silly but valid.
             ask -> RESPOND ->           
                               FISH -> draw -> BOOK
                             SUPPLY -> book


             ASK -> respond ->           
                               fish -> DRAW -> book
                             supply -> dumb -> BOOK

number name transition to

0b0 book 0b1 0b1 fill 0b2 0b3 0b5 0b2 end 0b3 draw 0b4 0b4 BOOK 0b9 0b5 ask 0b6 0b6 RESPOND 0b7 0b8 0b7 FISH 0b3 0b8 SUPPLY 0b0 0b9 FILL 0b2 0ba 0ba ASK 0bb 0bb respond 0bc 0be 0bc fish 0bd 0bd DRAW 0b0 0be supply 0bf 0bf dumb 0b4 </lang>

Here is fish.ijs which includes some test code to demonstrate and of course test some of its verbs.

<lang J> load'~user/playingcards.ijs' coinsert'rcpc'

show =: [: , ' ' ,. sayCards@:/:~ NB. show hand generates a linear display

instructions =: 0 : 0 Go Fish! Request a card using a single character: 23456789tjqka Start the game with

  go fish


write =: ": 1!:2 2: read =: 1!:1@1:

lc =:(] i.~ 'AKQJT' , ]) { 'akqjt' , ] NB. lower case

fish =: 'fish'

rnks =: ,@:(_ 1&{.)

counts =: 3 : 0 NB. return the values of the cards y having x members 4 counts y

(~. #~ x = [: +/"1 =)rnks y )

score =: 4 : 0 NB. player score J victor =. x *@- y if. 0 = victor do. 'Tie' else.

 if. 0 < victor do. a =. 'You win'
 else. a =. 'J wins'
 a =. a,' by '
 margin =. |x-y
 if. 1 = margin do. a,'a book.'
 else. a,(":margin),' books.'

end. )

HAND=:hand=:0 2$BOOKS=:books=:DEBUG =: 0 debug =: 3 : 0 if. DEBUG do.

 write y
 write(":BOOKS),' HAND ',show HAND
 write(":books),' hand ',show hand

end. )

book =: 3 : 0 debug'book' r =. counts hand books =: books+#r hand =: (#~ [: -. r e.~ rnks)hand 0b1 )

BOOK =: 3 : 0 debug'BOOK' r =. counts HAND BOOKS =: BOOKS+#r HAND =: (#~ [: -. r e.~ rnks)HAND 0b9 )

fill =: 3 : 0 debug'fill' NB. hand has cards, proceed. if. #hand do. 0b5 return. end. NB. no cards in deck, none in hand, done. if. 0 = # TheDeck__pc do. 0b2 return. end. write 'Draw a card into your empty hand? (y/n)' NB. (must draw a card) Skipped the proposed "draw" verb. hand =: hand,dealCards__pc 1 NB. failure to choose to draw ends turn. 0b4 0b5{~'1tTyY'e.~{.read ) FILL =: 3 : 0 debug'FILL' if. #HAND do. 0ba return. end. if. 0 = # TheDeck__pc do. 0b2 return. end. HAND =: HAND,dealCards__pc 1 0ba NB. This is the AI. ) R =: 'a23456789tjqk' ask =: 3 : 0 debug'ask' write 'You hold ',show hand write 'Your request please? ',R while. -.(rnks hand)e.~v=.(i.14){~R i. lc read do. write '?' end. if. v e. rnks HAND do.

 a =. (#~ v e.~ rnks) HAND
 write'You took ',' of them.',~":#a
 hand =: hand,a
 HAND =: HAND -. a


 write 'Nope.  Go fish!'

end. ) ASK =: 3 : 0 debug'ASK' a =. {.({~ ?@#)HAND

if. a e. rnks hand do.

 write 'J took "','"s.',~":a{R
 a =. (#~ a = rnks) hand
 hand =: hand-.a


 write 'J requested ','.  You said "fish".',~":a{R

end. )

draw =: 3 : 0 debug'draw' hand =: hand,c =. dealCards__pc 1 write 'You caught ','.',~show c 0b4 ) DRAW =: 3 : 0 debug'DRAW' HAND =: HAND,dealCards__pc 1 0b0 )

NB. condensed NB.0b6 RESPOND 0b7 0b8 NB.0b7 FISH 0b3 NB.0b8 SUPPLY 0b0 NB.0bb respond 0bc 0be NB.0bc Fish 0bd NB.0be supply 0bf NB.0bf dumb 0b4

test =: 3 : 0 pc =. newDeck shuffle__pc card1 =. dealCards__pc 1 card51 =. dealCards__pc 51

NB. linear display assert. 1 -: #$ show card51

NB. some assurance that it counts right assert. 1 -: # 1 counts card1 assert. 0 -: # counts card1 assert. 0 -: # 1 counts card51 assert. 1 -: # 3 counts card51 assert. 12 -: # counts card51

NB. demonstrate the main loop state machine with data passing state0 =. 0b1"_ ; 'state 0'"_ state1 =. 0b2"_ ; ' state 1'"_ ,~ >@{: eval =. state0`state1@.(>@{.)^:(0b2&~:@>@{.)^:_]0 expect =. 2 ; 'state 0 state 1' assert. expect -: eval

NB. lower case assert. 'aXq98a' -: lc 'AXQ98a'

NB. score assert. 'J wins by a book.' -: 3 score 4 assert. 'You win by a book.' -: 3 score~ 4 assert. 'Tie' -: score~3 assert. 'You win by 30 books.' -: 3 score~ 33 assert. 'J wins by 30 books.' -: 3 score 33

NB. book hand =: card51 books =: 0 book assert. 3 = # hand assert. 12 = books )


write instructions

go =: 3 : 0 NB. go fish starts the game. write instructions 0 go y

DEBUG =: x pc=:newDeck shuffle__pc 'HAND hand'=: 2 dealCards__pc 9 NB. deal two hands of five cards 'BOOKS books' =: 0 NB. initialize the score book `fill `end `draw `BOOK `ask `RESPOND`FISH `SUPPLY `FILL `ASK `respond`Fish `DRAW `supply `dumb @. ] ^: (0b2&~:) ^: _ (0b4*?2)

BOOK book if. fail =. books 13&~:@+ BOOKS do.

 write'uh oh, books add to ',":books+BOOKS

end. if. fail +. HAND 0&~:@+&# hand do.

 write 'OH NO! found cards left in hands.'
 write 'HAND ',show HAND
 write 'hand ',show hand

end. write books score BOOKS ) </lang>

Sample <lang J>

  go load'~user/fish.ijs'

Go Fish! Request a card using a single character: 23456789tjqka Start the game with

  go fish

Go Fish! Request a card using a single character: 23456789tjqka Start the game with

  go fish

J requested 9. You said "fish". You hold A♦ 4♣ 5♥ 5♠ 6♠ 7♣ 10♣ J♣ J♥ Your request please? a23456789tjqk t Nope. Go fish! You caught K♦. J requested 9. You said "fish". You hold A♦ 4♣ 5♥ 5♠ 6♠ 7♣ 10♣ J♣ J♥ K♦ Your request please? a23456789tjqk </lang>