Go Fish/AutoHotkey
< Go Fish
Go Fish/AutoHotkey is part of Go Fish. You may find other members of Go Fish at Category:Go Fish.
Easily expanded to multiple players, any combination of human and AI.
SetBatchLines -1
#SingleInstance Force
Global Suits:={1:"♣",2:"♦",3:"♠",4:"♥"}
Global Pips:={13:"A",1:"2",2:"3",3:"4",4:"5",5:"6",6:"7",7:"8",8:"9",9:"T",10:"J",11:"Q",12:"K"}
Deck:=new Deck
Player1:=new Human
Player0:=new AI
i:=!i ; current player
o:=!i ; current opponent
While (Player%i%.Archive() || Player1.Hand.HasCards() || Player0.Hand.HasCards())
If (!Player%i%.Hand.HasCards()) ; if hand is empty,
Player%i%.Hand.Draw() ; draw 1
pip := Player%i%.Choose(o) ; player's request
If pip not in % Player%i%.Pips() ; if invalid,
Continue ; try again
If (Player%i%.Take(pip, o)) ; if received what requested from opponent,
Continue ; go again
If (Player%i%.Hand.Draw().Pip = pip) ; if obtained what requested from pond,
Continue ; go again
i:=!i ; current player
o:=!i ; current opponent
Msgbox % "Human: " Player1.Book.Show()
. "`nAI: " Player0.Book.Show()
. "`nWinner: " (Player1.Book.HasCards() > Player0.Book.HasCards() ? "Human" : "AI")
Return ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Card
__New(Pip, Suit) {
this.Pip:=Pip, this.Suit:=Suit
Show() {
Return this.Pip . this.Suit
class Cards
HasCards() {
Return this.Cards.MaxIndex()
Shuffle() { ; Knuth Shuffle from http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Knuth_Shuffle#AutoHotkey
Loop % this.HasCards()-1 {
Random, i, A_Index, this.HasCards() ; swap item 1,2... with a random item to the right of it
temp := this.Cards[i], this.Cards[i] := this.Cards[A_Index], this.Cards[A_Index] := temp
Show(Sort=0) {
For i, Card in this.Cards
s .= Card.Show() ","
If Sort
Sort, s, D,
Return s
class Deck extends Cards
__New() {
For i, Pip in Pips
For j, Suit in Suits
this.Cards.Insert(new Card(Pip,Suit))
class Hand extends Cards
lastDraw := ""
__New() {
Draw(n=1) {
Loop, %n%
If (Deck.HasCards())
this.Cards.Insert(temp:=Deck.Cards.Remove(1)) ; to deal from bottom, use Remove()
lastDraw := temp.Pip ","
Return temp.Pip
class Player
Hand := new Hand
Book := new Cards
oRequests := "" ; log pips requested by opponent here
Pip() {
For i, Card in this.Hand.Cards
s .= Card.Pip ","
Sort, s, D,
Return s
Pips() {
s := this.Pip()
Sort, s, UD,
Return s
Take(Pip, o) {
Player%o%.oRequests := Pip "," Player%o%.oRequests
For i, Card in Player%o%.Hand.Cards
If (Card.Pip = Pip)
, toremove .= i ","
Sort, toremove, RND, ; must remove in reverse order
Loop, Parse, toremove, `, ; so as not to mess up loop
Return toremove ? 1 : 0
Archive() {
s := this.Pip()
Loop, Parse, s, `,
If (A_LoopField = previous)
count := 1
If (count = Suits.MaxIndex()) ; normally 4
toarchive := A_LoopField
previous := A_LoopField
If (toarchive)
For i, Card in this.Hand.Cards
If (Card.Pip = toarchive)
, toremove .= i ","
Sort, toremove, RND, ; must remove in reverse order
Loop, Parse, toremove, `, ; so as not to mess up loop
Return 0
class Human extends Player
Choose(o) {
InputBox, Pip, Enter a rank to request from opponent.
, % "Your cards: " this.Hand.Show(1)
. "`nYour books: " this.Book.Show(1)
. "`nAI's books: " Player%o%.Book.Show(1)
. "`nEnter rank: " this.Pips()
, , 900
Return Pip
class AI extends Player
Choose(o) {
Static Pip ; last asked
s := this.Pip()
Loop, Parse, s, `,
If (A_LoopField = previous)
count := 1
Random, rand, 0, 2
If (count > oldcount - rand//2 && count < Suits.MaxIndex())
oldcount := count
, IHaveMostOf := A_LoopField
previous := A_LoopField
ChoicePrefs := this.oRequests . this.Hand.lastDraw . IHaveMostOf . "," . s
this.Hand.lastDraw := ""
Loop, Parse, ChoicePrefs, `,
If A_LoopField in % this.Pips()
If (A_LoopField != Pip) ; don't repeat last asked
Pip := A_LoopField
Msgbox, , Opponent requests a rank from you.
, % "Your cards: " Player%o%.Hand.Show(1)
. "`nYour books: " Player%o%.Book.Show(1)
. "`nAI's books: " this.Book.Show(1)
. "`n`n`nRequested rank: " Pip
Return Pip