Free polyominoes enumeration: Difference between revisions

(→‎{{header|Haskell}}: Applied hlint hindent, reduced some sub-expressions, and now a little faster, without, I hope, reducing legibility too much)
Line 1,435:
Number of free polyominoes of ranks 1 to 10:
1 1 2 5 12 35 108 369 1285 4655
{{trans|C#}} ... but didn't bother with Wrap()
<lang Phix>-- demo\rosetta\Polyominoes.exw
integer n, ns, -- rank, rank squared
target, -- rank to display
clipAt, -- max columns for display
fSiz, fWid -- field size, width
sequence polys, -- results
AnyR, -- Any Rotation count
nFlip, -- Non-Flipped count
Frees, -- Free Polyominoes count
fChk, fCkR, -- field checks
dirs, -- directions
rotO, rotX, rotY -- rotations
-- (character indexes only work properly in utf32:)
constant glyphs = utf8_to_utf32(" 12└4┘─┴8│┌├┐┤┬┼")
function Puzzle(string a, string b) -- tests each intersection to determine correct corner symbol
sequence res = ""
if length(a)>length(b) then b &= repeat(' ', length(a)-length(b)) end if
if length(a)<length(b) then a &= repeat(' ', length(b)-length(a)) end if
for i=1 to length(a)-1 do
integer n=i+1
res &= glyphs[iff(a[i]==a[n]?0:1) +
iff(b[n]==a[n]?0:2) +
iff(a[i]==b[i]?0:4) +
iff(b[i]==b[n]?0:8) + 1];
end for
return utf32_to_utf8(res)
end function
function flipXY(sequence p) -- flips a small string
sequence res = repeat("",length(p[1]))
for i=1 to length(res) do
for j=1 to length(p) do res[i] &= p[j][i] end for
end for
return res
end function
function double_width(string s)
string t = ""
for i=1 to length(s) do
integer ch = s[i]
t &= ch&ch
end for
return t
end function
function Cornered(string s) -- converts plain ascii art into cornered version
sequence lines = split(s,'\n')
string res = ""
string line = repeat(' ', length(lines[1])*2), last
for i=1 to length(lines) do
last = line
line = double_width(lines[i])
res &= Puzzle(last, line) & '\n'
end for
res &= Puzzle(line, repeat(' ', length(lines[$])*2)) & '\n'
return res
end function
function Assemble(sequence p)
-- assembles string representation of polyominoes into larger horizontal band
sequence lines = repeat("",target)
for i=1 to length(p) do
sequence t = split(p[i],'\n')
if length(t)<length(t[1]) then t = flipXY(t) end if
for l=1 to length(lines) do
lines[l] &= iff(l<=length(t)?' '&t[l]&' ':repeat(' ',length(t[1])+2))
end for
end for
for i=length(lines) to 1 by -1 do
if find('#',lines[i])=0 then lines[i..i] = {} end if
end for
return Cornered(join(lines,"\n"))&"\n"
end function
function toStr(sequence field)
-- converts field into a minimal string
string res = repeat(' ',n*(fWid+1)-1)
for i=fWid+1 to length(res) by fWid+1 do res[i] = '\n' end for
integer i = 0, j = n-2
while i<length(field) do
if and_bits(field[i+1],1)=1 then res[j+1] = '#' end if
if mod(j,fWid+1)==fWid then i -= 1 end if
i += 1
j += 1
end while
sequence t = split(res,'\n')
integer nn = 100, m = 0, v, k = 0; -- trim down
for i = 1 to length(t) do
string s = t[i]
v = find('#',s)
if v=0 then exit end if
if v<nn then nn=v end if
v = rfind('#',s)
if v>m then m=v end if
k += 1
end for
t = t[1..k]
for i=1 to length(t) do
t[i] = t[i][nn..m]
end for
if platform()=WINDOWS then return t end if
res = join(t,'\n')
return res
end function
procedure CheckIt(sequence field, integer lv)
AnyR[lv] += 1
for i=1 to ns do fChk[i] = 0 end for
integer x, y
bool bail = false
for x=n to fWid-1 do
for y=0 to fSiz-x by fWid do
bail = and_bits(field[x+y+1],1)=1
if bail then exit end if
end for
if bail then exit end if
end for
integer x2 = n - x, t, of1, of2, r
for i=1 to fSiz do
if and_bits(field[i],1)==1 then
t = (i + n - 3)
fChk[mod(t,fWid)+x2+floor(t/fWid)*n+1] = 1
end if
end for
for of1=1 to length(fChk) do if fChk[of1]!=0 then exit end if end for
bool c = true
for r=2 to 8 do
for x=0 to n-1 do
for y=0 to n-1 do
fCkR[rotO[r]+rotX[r]*x+rotY[r]*y+1] = fChk[x+y*n+1]
end for
end for
for of2=1 to length(fCkR) do if fCkR[of2]!=0 then exit end if end for
of2 -= of1
integer i = of1
while true do
if i>=ns-iff(of2>0?of2:0) then exit end if
if fChk[i+1]>fCkR[i+of2+1] then exit end if
if fChk[i+1]<fCkR[i+of2+1] then c = false; exit end if
i += 1
end while
if not c then exit end if
end for
if r>4 then nFlip[lv] +=1 end if
if c then
if lv==target+1 then polys=append(polys,toStr(field)) end if
Frees[lv] += 1
end if
end procedure
function Recurse(integer lv, sequence field, putlist, integer putno, putlast)
-- this is probably about ten times slower than C#...
-- (some you win, some you lose - it has certainly not helped converting
-- 0-based indexing to 1-based simply by adding +1 almost everywhere.)
CheckIt(field, lv)
if n<lv then return {field,putlist} end if
integer pos
for i=putno to putlast do
pos = putlist[i]
field[pos+1] = or_bits(field[pos+1],1)
integer k = 0
for d=1 to length(dirs) do
integer pos2 = pos + dirs[d]
if 0<=pos2 and pos2<fSiz and field[pos2+1]==0 then
field[pos2+1] = 2
k += 1
putlist[putlast+k] = pos2
end if
end for
{field,putlist} = Recurse(lv+1, field, putlist, i+1, putlast+k)
for j=1 to k do field[putlist[putlast+j]+1] = 0 end for
field[pos+1] = 2
end for
for i=putno to putlast do field[putlist[i]+1] = and_bits(field[putlist[i]+1],-2) end for
return {field,putlist}
end function
procedure CountEm()
ns = n * n
AnyR = repeat(0,n+1)
nFlip = repeat(0,n+1)
Frees = repeat(0,n+1)
fWid = n*2 - 2
fSiz = (n-1)*(n-1)*2 + 1
sequence pnField = repeat(0,fSiz),
pnPutList = repeat(0,fSiz)
fChk = repeat(0,ns)
fCkR = repeat(0,ns)
dirs = {1, fWid, -1, -fWid}
rotO = {0, n-1, ns-1, ns-n, n-1, 0, ns-n, ns-1}
rotX = {1, n, -1, -n, -1, n, 1, -n}
rotY = {n, -1, -n, 1, n, 1, -n, -1}
{} = Recurse(1, pnField, pnPutList, 1, 1)
end procedure
procedure main()
polys = {}
n = 11
target = 5
printf(1,"Counting polyominoes to rank %d...\n", n)
clipAt = 120
atom start = time()
atom ti = time()-start
if length(polys)>0 then
printf(1,"Displaying rank %d:\n", target);
if platform()=LINUX then
-- Windows consoles not so clever with unicode...
integer w = 0
sequence lines = {}
for i=1 to length(polys) do
for j=1 to length(polys[i]) do
if j>length(lines) then
lines = append(lines,repeat(' ',w))
end if
lines[j] &= repeat(' ',w-length(lines[j]))
if i>1 then lines[j] &= " " end if
lines[j] &= polys[i][j]
end for
w = length(lines[1])
end for
end if
end if
printf(1,"Displaying results:\n")
printf(1," n All Rotations Non-Flipped Free Polys\n")
for i=2 to n+1 do
printf(1,"%2d : %16d %15d %15d\n", {i-1, AnyR[i], nFlip[i], Frees[i]})
end for
printf(1,"Elapsed: %s\n",{elapsed(ti)})
atom ms = ti*1000
if ms>250 then
printf(1,"Estimated completion times:\n")
for i=n+1 to n+10 do
ms = (ms+44)*4
printf(1,"%2d : %s\n",{i,elapsed(ms/1000)})
end for
end if
{} = wait_key()
end procedure
Counting polyominoes to rank 11...
Displaying rank 5:
### ### ### #### ### ## ## ## #### ### ##### #
## # ## # # # ## # ## # # ###
# # ## # # #
Displaying results:
n All Rotations Non-Flipped Free Polys
1 : 1 1 1
2 : 2 1 1
3 : 6 2 2
4 : 19 7 5
5 : 63 18 12
6 : 216 60 35
7 : 760 196 108
8 : 2725 704 369
9 : 9910 2500 1285
10 : 36446 9189 4655
11 : 135268 33896 17073
Elapsed: 5.8s
Estimated completion times:
12 : 23.5s
13 : 1 minute and 34s
14 : 6 minutes and 17s
15 : 25 minutes and 07s
16 : 1 hour, 40 minutes and 28s
17 : 6 hours, 41 minutes and 52s
18 : 1 day, 2 hours, 47 minutes and 27s
19 : 4 days, 11 hours, 9 minutes and 49s
20 : 17 days, 20 hours, 39 minutes and 14s
21 : 71 days, 10 hours, 36 minutes and 57s
Displaying rank 5:
┌───┐ ┌─────┐ ┌─┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌─┐ ┌─────┐ ┌─┐ ┌─┐
│ │ │ ┌───┘ ┌─┘ │ │ ┌─┘ │ ┌─┘ ┌─┘ ┌─┘ │ ┌─┘ ┌─┘ ┌─┘ │ └─┐ └─┐ ┌─┘ │ │ ┌─┘ └─┐
│ ┌─┘ │ │ │ ┌─┘ │ │ │ └─┐ └─┐ │ ┌─┘ │ │ ┌─┘ │ ┌─┘ │ │ │ │ └─┐ ┌─┘
└─┘ └─┘ │ │ │ │ └───┘ └─┘ └───┘ └─┘ │ │ └─┘ │ │ └─┘
└─┘ └─┘ └─┘ │ │
