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[ "Hello form child" print flush 0 _exit ] [ drop "Hi from parent" print flush ] with-fork</lang>
<lang haskell>import ControlSystem.ConcurrentPosix.Process
{{incorrect|Haskell|It creates threads, not processes.}}
<lang haskell>import Control.Concurrent
main = do
forkIOforkProcess (putStrLn "This is the new process")
putStrLn "This is the original process"</lang>

Revision as of 06:32, 26 February 2010

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

In this task, the goal is to spawn a new process which can run simultaneously with, and independently of, the original parent process.


Translation of: C
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release mk15-0.8b.fc9 - "fork" is not part of the standard's prelude.

<lang algol68>main: (

 INT pid;
 IF (pid:=fork)=0 THEN
   print("This is new process")
 ELIF pid>0 THEN
   print("This is the original process")
   print("ERROR: Something went wrong")

)</lang> Output:

This is new process
This is the original process


This example is untested. Please check that it's correct, debug it as necessary, and remove this message.

<lang AutoHotkey>instancenum = %1%+1 MsgBox, 4, Fork Process, %instancenum% number: run another? IfMsgBox, Yes

  Run, %A_ScriptFullName% %instancenum%



Library: POSIX

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <unistd.h>

int main() { pid_t pid;

if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { printf("child process\n"); } else if (pid > 0) { printf("parent process\n"); } else { perror("fork"); return EXIT_FAILURE; }

return EXIT_SUCCESS; }</lang>


Translation of: C
Library: POSIX

<lang cpp>#include<iostream>

  1. include<unistd.h>

int main() {

 pid_t pid = fork();
 if (pid == 0)
   std::cout << "This is the new process\n";
 else if (pid > 0)
   std::cout << "This is the original process\n";
   std::cerr << "ERROR: Something went wrong\n";
 return 0;



This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.

Details: It creates threads, not processes.

In Clojure, a computation can be done asynchronously, with Clojure managing the thread pool, by creating an agent with an initial step. Computational requests are sent using 'send', and the agent can be dereferenced to obtain its current state. To make sure the computation has finished, await can be used, or await-for for a bounded wait.

<lang lisp>user=> (def child (agent (iterate inc 1)))

  1. 'user/child

user=> (send child #(reduce + (take 1000 %)))

  1. <Agent@215f7107: 500500>

user=> (await child) nil user=> @child 500500</lang>

Common Lisp

There's not a standard way to fork, but some implementations have built-in bindings for POSIX fork.

Translation of: C
Works with: SBCL

<lang lisp>(let ((pid (sb-posix:fork)))

  ((zerop pid) (write-line "This is the new process."))
  ((plusp pid) (write-line "This is the original process."))
  (t           (error "Something went wrong while forking."))))</lang>


<lang erlang>-module(fork). -export([start/0]).

start() ->

   io:format("This is the original process~n").

child() ->

   io:format("This is the new process~n").</lang>

Then you can compile your code and execute it:

<lang erlang>c(fork). fork:start().</lang>


This works only in the terminal, if used from the UI the child process won't print.

<lang factor>USING: unix unix.process ;

[ "Hello form child" print flush 0 _exit ] [ drop "Hi from parent" print flush ] with-fork</lang>


<lang haskell>import System.Posix.Process

main = do

 forkProcess (putStrLn "This is the new process")
 putStrLn "This is the original process"</lang>


<lang ocaml>#load "unix.cma";; let pid = Unix.fork ();; if pid > 0 then

 print_endline "This is the original process"


 print_endline "This is the new process";;</lang>


Mozart's support for distributed programming is quite unique. We can send code accross the network and share data by lexical scoping. It doesn't matter whether we create the process on the local machine (as in this example) or on some remote computer as long as we have ssh access (or some similar method) and Mozart is installed.

<lang oz>declare

 ParentVar1 = "parent data"
 functor RemoteCode
 import QTk at 'x-oz://system/wp/QTk.ozf'
    %% Show a simple window. When it is closed by the user, set Result.
    Window =
     td(action:proc {$} Result = 42 end %% on close
        label(text:"In child process: "#ParentVar1))} %% read parent process variable
    {Window show}
    !ParentVar2 = childData %% write to parent process variable
    {Wait Result}
 %% create a new process on the same machine
 RM = {New Remote.manager init(host:localhost)}
 %% execute the code encapsulated in the given functor
 RemoteModule = {RM apply(RemoteCode $)}


 %% retrieve data from child process
 {Show RemoteModule.result} %% prints 42
 %% exit child process
 {RM close}
 {Show ParentVar2} %% print "childData"</lang>


Works with: Perl version 5.x

In the child code, you may have to re-open database handles and such.

<lang perl>FORK: if ($pid = fork()) {

   # parent code

} elsif (defined($pid)) {

   setsid; # tells apache to let go of this process and let it run solo
   # disconnect ourselves from input, output, and errors
   # re-open to /dev/null to prevent irrelevant warn messages.
   open(STDOUT, '>/dev/null');
   open(STDIN, '>/dev/null');
   open(STDERR, '>>/home/virtual/logs/err.log');
   # child code
   exit; # important to exit

} elsif($! =~ /emporar/){

   warn '[' . localtime() . "] Failed to Fork - Will try again in 10 seconds.\n";
   goto FORK;

} else {

   warn '[' . localtime() . "] Unable to fork - $!";


Obviously you could do a Fork in a lot less lines, but this code covers all the bases


Translation of: C

<lang php><?php $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == 0)

 echo "This is the new process\n";

else if ($pid > 0)

 echo "This is the original process\n";


 echo "ERROR: Something went wrong\n";



<lang PicoLisp>(unless (fork) # In child process

  (println *Pid)                      # Print the child's PID
  (bye) )                             # and terminate</lang>


<lang pop11>lvars ress; if sys_fork(false) ->> ress then

  ;;; parent
  printf(ress, 'Child pid = %p\n');


  printf('In child\n');



Works with: Python version 2.5

<lang python>import os

pid = os.fork() if pid > 0:

# parent code


# child code</lang>


<lang ruby>pid = fork if pid

# parent code


# child code

end</lang> or <lang ruby>fork do

 # child code


  1. parent code</lang>


The following built-in method uses the cloneSystem primitive (which calls fork()) to fork code. The parent and the child both get a socket from a socketpair which they can use to communicate. The cloneSystem is currently unimplemented on windows (since there isn't a fork() system call).

<lang slate>p@(Process traits) forkAndDo: b [ | ret |

 ret: (lobby cloneSystem).
 ret first ifTrue: [p pipes addLast: ret second. ret second]
           ifFalse: [[p pipes clear. p pipes addLast: ret second. b applyWith: ret second] ensure: [lobby quit]]



<lang smalltalk>'Here I am' displayNl. |a| a := [

 (Delay forSeconds: 2) wait . 
 1 to: 100 do: [ :i | i displayNl ]

] fork. 'Child will start after 2 seconds' displayNl. "wait to avoid terminating first the parent;

a better way should use semaphores"

(Delay forSeconds: 10) wait.</lang>

Standard ML

<lang sml>case Posix.Process.fork () of

  SOME pid => print "This is the original process\n"
| NONE     => print "This is the new process\n";</lang>


(from the Tcl Wiki)

Fork is one of the primitives used for process creation in Unixy systems. It creates a copy of the process that calls it, and the only difference in internal state between the original and the copy is in the return value from the fork call (0 in the copy, but the pid of the copy in the parent).


Library: Expect

package includes a fork. So does the

Library: TclX



<lang tcl>package require Expect

  1. or

package require Tclx

for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {

   set pid [fork]
   switch $pid {
       -1 {
           puts "Fork attempt #$i failed."
       0 {
           puts "I am child process #$i."
       default {
           puts "The parent just spawned child process #$i."


In most cases though, one is not interested in spawning a copy of the process one already has, but rather wants a different process. When using POSIX APIs, this has to be done by first forking and then having the child use the exec system call to replace itself with a different program. The Tcl exec command does this fork&exec combination — in part because non-Unix OSs typicallly don't have "make a copy of parent process" as an intermediate step when spawning new processes.

Note that fork is only supported at all on unthreaded builds of Tcl. This is because the POSIX threads library does not sit well with the fork() system call.


<lang toka>needs shell getpid is-data PID [ fork getpid PID = [ ." Child PID: " . cr ] [ ." In child\n" ] ifTrueFalse ] invoke</lang>


Demonstrating a subshell getting forked, and running concurrently with the original process

<lang bash>(echo "Process 1" >&2 ;sleep 5; echo "1 done" ) | (echo "Process 2";cat;echo "2 done")</lang>