Find words which contain the most consonants: Difference between revisions

(Alternative Python)
Line 3,006:
<lang vb>
with createobject("ADODB.Stream")
.charset ="UTF-8"
end with
a=split (s,vblf)
dim b(25) 'strings with lists of words
dim c(128)
'use regexp to count consonants
with new regexp
for each i in a
if len(trim(i))>10 then
set matches= .execute(i) 'matches.count has the nr of consonants
for each m in matches 'remove words with repeated consonants
if c(x)>1 then rep=true :exit for
erase c
if not rep then 'add item to its list
b(x1)=b(x1)&" "&i 'create strings of words with same nr
end if
end if
end with
'print strings with most consonants first
for i=25 to 0 step -1
if b(i)<>"" then wscript.echo i & " "& b(i) & vbcrlf
9 comprehensible
8 administrable anthropology blameworthy bluestocking boustrophedon bricklaying chemisorption christendom claustrophobia compensatory comprehensive counterexample demonstrable disciplinary discriminable geochemistry hypertensive indecipherable indecomposable indiscoverable lexicography manslaughter misanthropic mockingbird monkeyflower neuropathology paralinguistic pharmacology pitchblende playwriting shipbuilding shortcoming springfield stenography stockholder switchblade switchboard switzerland thunderclap
7 acknowledge algorithmic alphanumeric ambidextrous amphibology anchoritism atmospheric autobiography bakersfield bartholomew bidirectional bloodstream boardinghouse cartilaginous centrifugal chamberlain charlemagne clairvoyant combinatorial compensable complaisant conflagrate conglomerate conquistador consumptive convertible cosmopolitan counterflow countryside countrywide declamatory decomposable decomposition deliquescent description descriptive dilogarithm discernible discriminate disturbance documentary earthmoving encephalitis endothermic epistemology everlasting exchangeable exclamatory exclusionary exculpatory explanatory extemporaneous extravaganza filamentary fluorescent galvanometer geophysical glycerinate groundskeep herpetology heterozygous homebuilding honeysuckle hydrogenate hyperboloid impenetrable imperceivable .....