Find the missing permutation: Difference between revisions

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Hakank (talk | contribs)
Not a robot (talk | contribs)
Add 8080 assembly
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<pre>DBAC is missing</pre>
=={{header|8080 Assembly}}==
<lang asm>PRMLEN: equ 4 ; length of permutation string
puts: equ 9 ; CP/M print string
org 100h
lxi d,perms ; Start with first permutation
perm: lxi h,mperm ; Missing permutation
mvi b,PRMLEN ; Length of permutation
char: ldax d ; Load character
ora a ; Done?
jz done
xra m ; If not, XOR into missing permutation
mov m,a
inx h ; Increment pointers
inx d
dcr b ; Next character of current permutation
jnz char
jmp perm ; Next permutation
done: lxi d,msg ; Print the message and exit
mvi c,puts
jmp 5
msg: db 'Missing permutation: '
mperm: db 0,0,0,0,'$' ; placeholder
perms: db 'ABCD','CABD','ACDB','DACB','BCDA','ACBD','ADCB','CDAB'
db 0 ; end marker </lang>
<pre>Missing permutation: DBAC</pre>