Find the intersection of a line with a plane: Difference between revisions

(Added Sidef)
Line 71:
<pre>intersection at [ 0 -5 5]</pre>
<lang racket>#lang racket
;; {{trans|Sidef}}
;; vectors are represented by lists
(struct Line (P0 u⃗))
(struct Plane (V0 n⃗))
(define (· a b) (apply + (map * a b)))
(define (line-plane-intersection L P)
(match-define (cons (Line P0 u⃗) (Plane V0 n⃗)) (cons L P))
(define cos (· n⃗ u⃗))
(when (zero? cos) (error "vectors are orthoganal"))
(define W (map - P0 V0))
(define *SI (let ((SI (- (/ (· n⃗ W) cos)))) (λ (n) (* SI n))))
(map + W (map *SI u⃗) V0))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(line-plane-intersection (Line '(0 0 10) '(0 -1 -1))
(Plane '(0 0 5) '(0 0 1)))
'(0 -5 5)))</lang>
No output -- all tests passed!
