Fibonacci matrix-exponentiation

Revision as of 17:25, 31 January 2020 by Wherrera (talk | contribs)

The Fibonacci sequence defined with matrix-exponentiation:

Fibonacci matrix-exponentiation is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.
      F0 = 0 
      F1 = 1 

Write a function using matrix-exponentiation to generate Fibonacci number for n = 232 and n = 264.

Display only the 20 first digits and 20 last digits of each Fibonacci number.


Generate the same Fibonacci numbers using Binet's formula below or another method.

Related tasks


Because Julia uses the GMP library for its BigInt type, a BigInt cannot be larger in bits than about 2^37. This prevents generation of the 2^64-th fibonacchi number, due to BigInt overflow. The Binet method actually overflows even with the 2^32-rd fibonacchi number, so the Lucas method is used as the alternative method.

<lang julia>const b = [big"1" 1; 1 0] matrixfibonacci(n) = n == 0 ? 0 : n == 1 ? 1 : (b^(n+1))[2,2]

  1. This is derived from the Schönhage-Strassen algorithm using Lucas numbers

function lucasfibonacci(n)

   function inner(n)
       if n == 0
           return zero(n), one(n)
       u, v = inner(n >> 1)
       q = (n & 2) - 1
       u *= u
       v *= v
       if isodd(n)
           return u + v, 3 * v - 2 * (u - q)
       return BigInt(2 * (v + q) - 3 * u), BigInt(u + v)
   u, v = inner(n >> 1)
   l = 2*v - u # the lucas function
   if isodd(n)
       q = (n & 2) - 1
       return v * l + q
   return u * l


m2s(bits) = string(matrixfibonacci(big"2"^bits)) l2s(bits) = string(lucasfibonacci(big"2"^bits)) firstlast(s) = (length(s) < 44 ? s : s[1:20] * "..." * s[end-20+1:end])

println("N", " "^23, "Matrix", " "^40, "Lucas\n", "-"^97) println("2^32 ", rpad(firstlast(m2s(32)), 45), rpad(firstlast(l2s(32)), 45))

  1. println("2^64 ", rpad(firstlast(m2s(44)), 45), rpad(firstlast(l2s(44)), 45))


N                       Matrix                                        Lucas
2^32  61999319689381859818...39623735538208076347  61999319689381859818...39623735538208076347