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exec NOP 0 NOP 0 STP 0 NOP 0 LDA 3 SUB 29 BRZ 18 LDA 3 STA 29 BRZ 14 LDA 1 ADD 31 STA 1 JMP 2 LDA 0 ADD 31 STA 0 JMP 2 LDA 3 STA 29 LDA 1 ADD 30 ADD 3 STA 1 LDA 0 ADD 30 ADD 3 STA 0 JMP 2 0 1 3
exec NOP 0 NOP 0 STP 0 NOP 0 LDA 3 SUB 29 BRZ 18 LDA 3 STA 29 BRZ 14 LDA 1 ADD 31 STA 1 JMP 2 LDA 0 ADD 31 STA 0 JMP 2 LDA 3 STA 29 LDA 1 ADD 30 ADD 3 STA 1 LDA 0 ADD 30 ADD 3 STA 0 JMP 2 0 1 3

{{works with|Java|8}}

<lang python>import static java.lang.Math.floorMod;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toMap;

import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

public class ComputerZero {

private static final int MEM = 32;

private static final int NOP = 0;
private static final int LDA = 1;
private static final int STA = 2;
private static final int ADD = 3;
private static final int SUB = 4;
private static final int BRZ = 5;
private static final int JMP = 6;
private static final int STP = 7;

private static final Map<String, Integer> OPCODES = Stream.of(
new SimpleEntry<>("NOP", NOP),
new SimpleEntry<>("LDA", LDA),
new SimpleEntry<>("STA", STA),
new SimpleEntry<>("ADD", ADD),
new SimpleEntry<>("SUB", SUB),
new SimpleEntry<>("BRZ", BRZ),
new SimpleEntry<>("JMP", JMP),
new SimpleEntry<>("STP", STP))
.collect(toMap(SimpleEntry::getKey, SimpleEntry::getValue));

private static final Pattern RE_INSTRUCTION = Pattern.compile(
"\\s*" +
"(?:(?<label>\\w+):)?" +
"\\s*" +
String.format("(?<opcode>%s)?", String.join("|", OPCODES.keySet())) +
"\\s*" +
"(?<argument>\\w+)?" +
"\\s*" +

public static class ComputerZeroException extends RuntimeException {
public ComputerZeroException(String msg) {

private static class Instruction {
String opcode;
String argument;

public Instruction(String opcode, String argument) {
this.opcode = opcode;
this.argument = argument;

private static class Assembly {
public Iterable<Instruction> instructions;
public Map<String, Integer> labels;

public Assembly(Iterable<Instruction> instructions, Map<String, Integer> labels) {
this.instructions = instructions;
this.labels = labels;

public static Assembly parse(String assembly) {
ArrayList<Instruction> instructions = new ArrayList<Instruction>();
HashMap<String, Integer> labels = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
int lineNumber = 0;

for (String line : assembly.split("\\R")) {
Matcher matcher = RE_INSTRUCTION.matcher(line);

if (!matcher.matches()) {
throw new ComputerZeroException(String.format("%s %d", line, lineNumber));

if (matcher.group("label") != null) {
labels.put(matcher.group("label"), lineNumber);

instructions.add(new Instruction(matcher.group("opcode"), matcher.group("argument")));

return new Assembly(instructions, labels);

public static Integer[] compile(Assembly assembly) {
ArrayList<Integer> bytecode = new ArrayList<Integer>();

for (Instruction instruction : assembly.instructions) {
int argument;
if (instruction.argument == null) {
argument = 0;
} else if (instruction.argument.matches("\\d+")) {
argument = Integer.parseInt(instruction.argument);
} else {
argument = assembly.labels.getOrDefault(instruction.argument, 0);

if (instruction.opcode != null) {
bytecode.add(OPCODES.get(instruction.opcode) << 5 | argument);
} else {

return bytecode.toArray(new Integer[0]);

public static int run(Integer[] bytecode) {
int accumulator = 0;
int instruction_pointer = 0;
Integer[] memory = new Integer[MEM];
Arrays.fill(memory, 0);
System.arraycopy(bytecode, 0, memory, 0, min(MEM, bytecode.length));

vm: while (instruction_pointer < MEM) {
int operation = memory[instruction_pointer] >> 5;
int argument = memory[instruction_pointer] & 0b11111;

switch (operation) {
case NOP:
case LDA:
accumulator = memory[argument];
case STA:
memory[argument] = accumulator;
case ADD:
accumulator = floorMod(accumulator + memory[argument], 256);
case SUB:
accumulator = floorMod(accumulator - memory[argument], 256);
case BRZ:
if (accumulator == 0) {
instruction_pointer = argument;
case JMP:
instruction_pointer = argument;
case STP:
break vm;
throw new ComputerZeroException(
String.format("error: %d %d", operation, argument));


return accumulator;

public static int run(String source) {
return run(compile(parse(source)));

public static final List<String> TEST_CASES = Arrays.asList(
" LDA x",
" ADD y ; accumulator = x + y",
" STP",
"x: 2",
"y: 2"),
"loop: LDA prodt",
" ADD x",
" STA prodt",
" LDA y",
" SUB one",
" STA y",
" BRZ done",
" JMP loop",
"done: LDA prodt ; to display it",
" STP",
"x: 8",
"y: 7",
"prodt: 0",
"one: 1"),
"loop: LDA n",
" STA temp",
" ADD m",
" STA n",
" LDA temp",
" STA m",
" LDA count",
" SUB one",
" BRZ done",
" STA count",
" JMP loop",
"done: LDA n ; to display it",
" STP",
"m: 1",
"n: 1",
"temp: 0",
"count: 8 ; valid range: 1-11",
"one: 1"),
"start: LDA load",
" ADD car ; head of list",
" STA ldcar",
" ADD one",
" STA ldcdr ; next CONS cell",
"ldcar: NOP",
" STA value",
"ldcdr: NOP",
" BRZ done ; 0 stands for NIL",
" STA car",
" JMP start",
"done: LDA value ; CAR of last CONS",
" STP",
"load: LDA 0",
"value: 0",
"car: 28",
"one: 1",
" ; order of CONS cells",
" ; in memory",
" ; does not matter",
" 6",
" 0 ; 0 stands for NIL",
" 2 ; (CADR ls)",
" 26 ; (CDDR ls) -- etc.",
" 5",
" 20",
" 3",
" 30",
" 1 ; value of (CAR ls)",
" 22 ; points to (CDR ls)",
" 4",
" 24"),
"p: 0 ; NOP in first round",
"c: 0",
"start: STP ; wait for p's move",
"pmove: NOP",
" LDA pmove",
" SUB cmove",
" BRZ same",
" LDA pmove",
" STA cmove ; tit for tat",
" BRZ cdeft",
" LDA c ; p defected, c did not",
" ADD three",
" STA c",
" JMP start",
"cdeft: LDA p",
" ADD three",
" STA p",
" JMP start",
"same: LDA pmove",
" STA cmove ; tit for tat",
" LDA p",
" ADD one",
" ADD pmove",
" STA p",
" LDA c",
" ADD one",
" ADD pmove",
" STA c",
" JMP start",
"cmove: 0 ; co-operate initially",
"one: 1",
"three: 3 "),
"LDA 3",
"SUB 4",
"STP 0",
" 0",
" 255"),
"LDA 3",
"SUB 4",
"STP 0",
" 0",
" 1"),
"LDA 3",
"ADD 4",
"STP 0",
" 1",
" 255")


public static void main(String[] args) {
for (String source : TEST_CASES) {

