Execute Brain****/TI-89 BASIC

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 11:33, 27 August 2016 by rosettacode>Smls (use `trans` template instead of `trans subpage`)
Execute Brain****/TI-89 BASIC is an implementation of Brainf***. Other implementations of Brainf***.
Execute Brain****/TI-89 BASIC is part of RCBF. You may find other members of RCBF at Category:RCBF.
Translation of: TI-83 BASIC

This implementation (in TI-89 BASIC) is basically a direct translation of the TI-83 BASIC example. It makes use of some TI-89 features; the program and memory size are given as parameters, and all variables are declared local.

IO is performed with numbers; character IO could be done (using char() and ord() to convert) but the TI-89 has no cursor for user program IO, so it would be necessary to either implement one or buffer output until the program exits or waits for input, in order to display more than one character per line.

<lang ti89b>Define bf(Raw) = Prgm

 Local valid, raw, BFprog, inst, memory, ip, brackets, memp
 "+-.,[]<>" → valid
 "" → BFprog
 {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} → memory
 0 → brackets
 1 → memp
 For ip, 1, dim(raw)
   If inString(valid,mid(raw,ip,1))>0 Then
     BFprog & mid(raw,ip,1) → BFprog
     If mid(raw,ip,1) = "["
       brackets+1 → brackets
     If mid(raw,ip,1) = "]"
       brackets-1 → brackets
 If brackets ≠ 0 Then
   Disp "Uneven brackets"
 For ip, 2, dim(BFprog)
   mid(BFprog,ip,1) → inst
   If inst = "+" Then
     memory[memp]+1 → memory[memp]
   ElseIf inst = "-" Then
     memory[memp]-1 → memory[memp]
   ElseIf inst = "." Then
     Disp memory[memp]
   ElseIf inst = "," Then
     Input value
     value → memory[memp]
   ElseIf inst = "[" and memory[memp] = 0 Then
     1 → brackets
     ip+1 → ip
     While ip ≤ dim(BFprog) and brackets ≠ 0
       If mid(BFprog,ip,1) = "[" Then
         brackets+1 → brackets
       ElseIf mid(BFprog,ip,1) = "]" Then
         brackets-1 → brackets
       ip+1 → ip
     ip-1 → ip
   ElseIf inst = "]" and memory[memp] ≠ 0 Then
     1 → brackets
     ip-1 → ip
     While ip≥0 and brackets ≠ 0
       If mid(BFprog,ip,1) = "[" Then
         brackets+1 → brackets
       ElseIf mid(BFprog,ip,1) = "]" Then
         brackets-1 → brackets
       ip-1 → ip
   ElseIf inst = "<" Then
     memp-1 → memp
     If memp ≤ 0 Then
       Disp "Memory pointer out of range"
   ElseIf inst = ">" Then
     memp+1 → memp
     If memp > dim(memory)
       0 → memory[memp]
