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Execute Brain****/Standard ML

From Rosetta Code
Execute Brain****/Standard ML is an implementation of Brainf***. Other implementations of Brainf***.
Execute Brain****/Standard ML is part of RCBF. You may find other members of RCBF at Category:RCBF.

Quick implementation of a Brainfuck interpreter in Standard ML.

Like the Haskell version but without the lazy lists:

Pairs of lists are used to implement both the two-side infinite band of cells, and the program storage.

run interprets a Brainfuck program as a list of characters and reads integers from stdin and outputs them to stdout.

A more efficient implementation could for example only admit well-bracketed brainfuck programs, and parse bracket blocks first, to replace the matchLeft and matchRight which need linear time.

fun moveLeft  (x::l, r) = (l, x::r)
fun moveRight (l, x::r) = (x::l, r) 

fun matchLeft (d as (#"["::_, _)) = d
  | matchLeft (d as (#"]"::_, _)) = matchLeft (moveLeft (matchLeft (moveLeft d)))
  | matchLeft  d                  = matchLeft (moveLeft d)

fun matchRight (d as (_, #"]"::_)) = moveRight d
  | matchRight (d as (_, #"["::_)) = matchRight (matchRight (moveRight d))
  | matchRight  d                  = matchRight (moveRight d)

fun pad ([], []) = ([0], [0])
  | pad ([], r ) = ([0], r  )
  | pad (l , []) = (l  , [0])
  | pad d        = d

fun modify (f, (l, x::r)) = (l, f x :: r)

fun exec (     (_, []     ), _             ) = ()
  | exec (p as (_, #">"::_), d             ) = exec (moveRight p, pad (moveRight d))
  | exec (p as (_, #"<"::_), d             ) = exec (moveRight p, pad (moveLeft  d))
  | exec (p as (_, #"+"::_), d             ) = exec (moveRight p, modify (fn x => x + 1, d))
  | exec (p as (_, #"-"::_), d             ) = exec (moveRight p, modify (fn x => x - 1, d))
  | exec (p as (_, #","::_), d             ) = let val c = valOf (Int.fromString (valOf (TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn))) in
                                                 exec (moveRight p, modify (fn _ => c    , d))
  | exec (p as (_, #"."::_), d as (_, x::_)) = (print (Int.toString x ^ "\n");
                                               exec (moveRight p, d))
  | exec (p as (_, #"["::_), d as (_, 0::_)) = exec (matchRight (moveRight p), d)
  | exec (p as (_, #"["::_), d             ) = exec (moveRight p, d)
  | exec (p as (_, #"]"::_), d as (_, 0::_)) = exec (moveRight p, d)
  | exec (p as (_, #"]"::_), d             ) = exec (matchLeft (moveLeft p), d)

fun run s = exec (([], s), ([0], [0]))

Example output:

- run (explode ",[>+<-].>.");
val it = () : unit
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