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*# Take two numbers to be multiplied and write them down at the top of two columns.
*# In the left-hand column repeatedly halve the last number, discarding any remainders, and write the result below the last in the same column, until you write a value of 1.
*# In the right-hand column repeatedly double the last number and write the result below. stop when you add a result in the same row as where the left hand column shows 1.
*# Examine the table produced and discard any row where the value in the left column is even.
*# Sum the values in the right-hand column that remain to produce the result of multiplying the original two numbers together<br><br>
'''For example:''' 17 x 34
17 34
Halving the first column:
17 34
Line 20 ⟶ 17:
Doubling the second column:
17 34
8 68
Line 28 ⟶ 23:
2 272
1 544
Strike-out rows whose first cell is even:
17 34
8 --
Line 36 ⟶ 29:
2 ---
1 544
Sum the remaining numbers in the right-hand column:
17 34
8 --
Line 46 ⟶ 37:
So 17 multiplied by 34, by the Ethiopian method is 578.
The task is to '''define three functions'''/methods/procedures/subroutines:
# one to '''halve an integer''',
<br>'''The task is to define three functions/methods/procedures/subroutines: to half an integer; to double an integer; and one to state if an integer is even. Use these functions to create a function that does Ethiopian multiplication.'''<br>
# one to '''double an integer''', and
# one to '''state if an integer is even'''.
Use these functions to '''create a function that does Ethiopian multiplication'''.
:*[ A Night Of Numbers - Go Forth And Multiply] (Video)
:*[ Ethiopian multiplication]
:*[ Russian Peasant Multiplication]

Revision as of 09:42, 23 July 2009

Ethiopian multiplication
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

A method of multiplying integers using only addition, doubling, and halving.


  1. Take two numbers to be multiplied and write them down at the top of two columns.
  2. In the left-hand column repeatedly halve the last number, discarding any remainders, and write the result below the last in the same column, until you write a value of 1.
  3. In the right-hand column repeatedly double the last number and write the result below. stop when you add a result in the same row as where the left hand column shows 1.
  4. Examine the table produced and discard any row where the value in the left column is even.
  5. Sum the values in the right-hand column that remain to produce the result of multiplying the original two numbers together

For example: 17 x 34

       17    34

Halving the first column:

       17    34

Doubling the second column:

       17    34
        8    68
        4   136 
        2   272
        1   544

Strike-out rows whose first cell is even:

       17    34
        8    -- 
        4   --- 
        2   --- 
        1   544

Sum the remaining numbers in the right-hand column:

       17    34
        8    -- 
        4   --- 
        2   --- 
        1   544

So 17 multiplied by 34, by the Ethiopian method is 578.

The task is to define three functions/methods/procedures/subroutines:

  1. one to halve an integer,
  2. one to double an integer, and
  3. one to state if an integer is even.

Use these functions to create a function that does Ethiopian multiplication.



<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdbool.h>

void halve(int *x) { *x >>= 1; } void doublit(int *x) { *x <<= 1; } bool iseven(const int x) { return (x%2) == 0; }

int ethiopian(int plier, int plicand, const bool tutor) {

 int result=0;
 if (tutor)
   printf("ethiopian multiplication of %d by %d\n", plier, plicand);
 while(plier >= 1) {
   if ( iseven(plier) ) {
     if (tutor) printf("%4d %6d struck\n", plier, plicand);
   } else {
     if (tutor) printf("%4d %6d kept\n", plier, plicand);
     result += plicand;
   halve(&plier); doublit(&plicand);
 return result;


int main() {

 printf("%d\n", ethiopian(17, 34, true));
 return 0;



<lang python> tutor = True

def halve(x):

   return x//2

def double(x):

   return x*2

def even(x):

   return not x % 2

def ethiopian(multiplier, multiplicand):

   if tutor:
       print( "Ethiopian multiplication of %i and %i" %
              (multiplier, multiplicand) )
   result = 0
   while multiplier >= 1:
       if even(multiplier):
           if tutor: print( "%4i %6i STRUCK" %
                            (multiplier, multiplicand) )
           if tutor: print( "%4i %6i KEPT" %
                            (multiplier, multiplicand) )
           result += multiplicand
       multiplier = halve(multiplier)
       multiplicand = double(multiplicand)
   if tutor: print()
   return result


Sample output

Python 3.1 (r31:73574, Jun 26 2009, 20:21:35) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> ethiopian(17, 34)
Ethiopian multiplication of 17 and 34
  17     34 KEPT
   8     68 STRUCK
   4    136 STRUCK
   2    272 STRUCK
   1    544 KEPT



Works with: GNU Smalltalk

<lang smalltalk>Number extend [

 double [ ^ self * 2 ]
 halve  [ ^ self // 2 ]
 ethiopianMultiplyBy: aNumber withTutor: tutor [
   |result multiplier multiplicand|
   multiplier := self.
   multiplicand := aNumber.
   tutor ifTrue: [ ('ethiopian multiplication of %1 and %2' % 
                     { multiplier. multiplicand }) displayNl ].
   result := 0.
   [ multiplier >= 1 ]
     whileTrue: [
       multiplier even ifFalse: [
                          result := result + multiplicand.
                          tutor ifTrue: [
                             ('%1, %2 kept' % { multiplier. multiplicand })
                       ifTrue: [
                          tutor ifTrue: [
                            ('%1, %2 struck' % { multiplier. multiplicand })


       multiplier := multiplier halve.
       multiplicand := multiplicand double.
 ethiopianMultiplyBy: aNumber [ ^ self ethiopianMultiplyBy: aNumber withTutor: false ]


<lang smalltalk>(17 ethiopianMultiplyBy: 34 withTutor: true) displayNl.</lang>


<lang tcl>proc tcl::mathfunc::double n {expr {$n * 2}} proc tcl::mathfunc::halve n {expr {$n / 2}} proc tcl::mathfunc::even n {expr {($n & 1) == 0}} proc tcl::mathfunc::mult {a b} {expr {

   $a < 1 ? 0 :
   even($a) ? [logmult STRUCK] + mult(halve($a), double($b))

 : [logmult KEPT] + mult(halve($a), double($b)) + $b }}

  1. Wrapper to set up the logging

proc ethiopianMultiply {a b {tutor false}} {

   if {$tutor} {

set wa [expr {[string length $a]+1}] set wb [expr {$wa+[string length $b]-1}] puts stderr "Ethiopian multiplication of $a and $b" interp alias {} logmult {} apply {{wa wb msg} { upvar 1 a a b b puts stderr [format "%*d %*d %s" $wa $a $wb $b $msg] return 0 }} $wa $wb

   } else {

proc logmult args {return 0}

   return [expr {mult($a,$b)}]

}</lang> Demo code: <lang tcl>puts "17 * 34 = [ethiopianMultiply 17 34 true]"</lang> Output:

Ethiopian multiplication of 17 and 34
 17   34 KEPT
  8   68 STRUCK
  4  136 STRUCK
  2  272 STRUCK
  1  544 KEPT
17 * 34 = 578