Erdős-Nicolas numbers: Difference between revisions

(Created Nim solution.)
Line 500:
91963648 equals the sum of its first 142 divisors
'''Adapted from [[#Wren]]'''
'''Works with jq and gojq, the C and Go implementations of jq'''
The following program will also work using jaq provided `sqrt` is defined appropriately
and other minor adjustments are made.
<syntaxhighlight lang=jq>
# Output a stream of the (unsorted) proper divisors of . including 1
def proper_divisors:
. as $n
| if $n > 1 then 1,
( range(2; 1 + sqrt) as $i
| if ($n % $i) == 0 then $i,
(($n / $i) | if . == $i then empty else . end)
else empty
else empty
# Emit k if . is an Erdos-Nicolas number, otherwise emit 0
def erdosNicolas:
. as $n
| ([proper_divisors] | sort) as $divisors
| ($divisors|length) as $dc
| if $dc < 3 then 0
else {sum: ($divisors[0] + $divisors[1])}
# An Erdos-Nicolas is not perfect, and hence $dc-1 in the following line:
| first(
foreach range(2; $dc-1) as $i (.;
.sum += $divisors[$i]
| if .sum == $n then .emit = $i + 1
elif .sum > $n then .emit = 0
else .
end )
| select(.emit).emit ) // 0
end ;
range(2; infinite)
| . as $n
| erdosNicolas as $k
| select($k > 0)
| "\($n) from \($k)" )
24 from 6
2016 from 31
8190 from 43
42336 from 66
45864 from 66
392448 from 68
714240 from 113
1571328 from 115
