Elliptic curve arithmetic: Difference between revisions

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(Updated C++ entry, add subtraction fixed negative integer multiplication)
(OCaml implementation)
Line 1,270:
a + b + d = Zero
a * 12345 = (10.759, 35.388)</pre>
Original version by [http://rosettacode.org/wiki/User:Vanyamil User:Vanyamil].
Some float-precision issues but overall works.
<lang OCaml>
(* Task : Elliptic_curve_arithmetic *)
Using the secp256k1 elliptic curve (a=0, b=7),
define the addition operation on points on the curve.
Extra credit: define the full elliptic curve arithmetic
(still not modular, though) by defining a "multiply" function.
(*** Helpers ***)
type ec_point = Point of float * float | Inf
type ec_curve = { a : float; b : float }
(* By default, cube root doesn't work for negative bases *)
let cube_root : float -> float =
let third = 1. /. 3. in
let f x =
if x > 0.
then x ** third
else ~-. (~-. x ** third)
(* Finds the left-most x on this curve *)
let ec_minx ({a; b} : ec_curve) : float =
let factor = ~-. b *. 0.5 in
let discr = (factor ** 2.) +. (a ** 3. /. 27.) in
if discr <= 0.
then failwith "Not a simple curve"
let root = sqrt discr in
cube_root (factor +. root) +. cube_root (factor -. root)
(* Negates the point by negating y coord *)
let ec_neg : ec_point -> ec_point = function
| Inf -> Inf
| Point (x, y) -> Point (x, ~-. y)
(*** Actual task at hand ***)
(* Generates a random point in the vicinity of x=0 *)
let ec_random ({a; b} as c : ec_curve) : ec_point =
let minx = ec_minx c in
let x = Random.float (~-. minx *. 2.) +. minx in
let rhs = x ** 3. +. a *. x +. b in
Point (x, sqrt rhs)
(* Verifies that the point is on curve.
Due to rounding errors, sometimes these calculations aren't perfect.
let on_curve ?(debug : bool = false) ({a; b} : ec_curve) : ec_point -> bool = function
| Inf -> true
| Point (x, y) ->
let lhs = y *. y in
let rhs = x ** 3. +. a *. x +. b in
let delta = abs_float (lhs -. rhs) in
if debug then Printf.printf "Delta = %.8f" delta;
delta < 0.000001
(* Doubles a point on the curve (adds a point to itself) *)
let ec_double ({a; b} as c : ec_curve) : ec_point -> ec_point = function
| Inf -> Inf
| Point (x, y) as p ->
if not (on_curve c p)
then failwith "Point not on this curve."
else if y = 0.
then Inf
let s = (3. *. x *. x +. a) /. (2. *. y) in
let x' = s *. s -. 2. *. x in
let y' = y +. s *. (x' -. x) in
Point (x', -. y')
(* Adds any two points on the curve *)
let ec_add ({a; b} as c : ec_curve) (p : ec_point) (q : ec_point) : ec_point =
match p, q with
| Inf, x | x, Inf -> x
| Point (px, py), Point (qx, qy) ->
if not (on_curve c p) || not (on_curve c q)
then failwith "Point not on this curve."
else if abs_float (px -. qx) < 0.000001 then
if abs_float (py +. qy) < 0.000001
then Inf
(* py must equal qy here, otherwise something goes real bad *)
ec_double c p |> ec_neg
let s = (py -. qy) /. (px -. qx) in
let rx = s *. s -. px -. qx in
let ry = py +. s *. (rx -. px) in
Point (rx, -. ry)
(* Extra credit : multiplies a point by a scalar *)
let ec_mul ({a; b} as c : ec_curve) (p : ec_point) (n : int) : ec_point =
let rec helper n curPow acc =
if n = 0 then acc
let doubled = ec_double c curPow in
if n mod 2 = 0
then helper (n / 2) doubled acc
else helper (n / 2) doubled (ec_add c acc curPow)
helper n p Inf
(*** Output ***)
let string_of_point : ec_point -> string = function
| Inf -> "Zero"
| Point (x, y) -> Printf.sprintf "(%.4f, %.4f)" x y
let print_output () =
let c = { a = 0.; b = 7. } in
let p = ec_random c in
let q = ec_random c in
let r = ec_add c p q in
let t = ec_neg r in
Printf.printf "p = %s\n" (string_of_point p);
Printf.printf "q = %s\n" (string_of_point q);
Printf.printf "r = p + q = %s\n" (string_of_point r);
Printf.printf "t = -r = %s\n" (string_of_point t);
Printf.printf "r + t = %s\n" (ec_add c r t |> string_of_point);
Printf.printf "p + (q + t) = %s\n" (ec_add c q t |> ec_add c p |> string_of_point);
Printf.printf "p * 12345 = %s\n" (ec_mul c p 12345 |> string_of_point)
let _ =
print_output ();
print_output ()
p = (-0.0489, 2.6457)
q = (-0.0236, 2.6457)
r = p + q = (0.0726, -2.6458)
t = -r = (0.0726, 2.6458)
r + t = Zero
p + (q + t) = Zero
p * 12345 = (-1.7905, -1.1224)
p = (1.2715, 3.0092)
q = (1.6370, 3.3745)
r = p + q = (-1.9103, 0.1696)
t = -r = (-1.9103, -0.1696)
r + t = Zero
p + (q + t) = Zero
p * 12345 = (-0.3948, -2.6341)