Doubly-linked list/Definition: Difference between revisions

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=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
<lang lisp>(defstruct (node (:constructor make-node (element &key prev next)))
(element nil :type t)
(prev nil :type (or null node))
(next nil :type (or null node)))
(defun insert-head (element list)
"Returns the new head of the list."
(let ((new (make-node element :next list)))
(setf (node-prev list) new)))
(defun tail (list)
"Return the last node of the list."
(do ((tail list (node-next tail)))
((null (node-next tail)) tail)))
(defun insert-middle (element node)
"Returns the newly created node."
(let* ((next (node-next node))
(new (make-node element :prev node :next next)))
(unless (null next)
(setf (node-prev next) new))
(setf (node-next node) new)))
(defun insert-tail (element list)
"Returns the head of the list."
(insert-middle element (tail list))
(defun list-elements (list &aux (elements '()))
"Returns a normal Lisp list of the elements of list."
(do ((node list (node-next node)))
((null node) (nreverse elements))
(push (node-element node) elements)))</lang>
The following produces <code>(1 2 3 4)</code>.
<lang lisp>(let* ((dl (make-node 3))
(dl (insert-head 1 dl))
(dl (insert-tail 4 dl)))
(insert-middle 2 dl)
(list-elements dl))</lang>
=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==
Line 528 ⟶ 572:
End Class</lang>

Revision as of 03:26, 4 August 2009

Doubly-linked list/Definition
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Define the data structure for a complete Doubly Linked List.

  • The structure should support adding elements to the head, tail and middle of the list.
  • The structure should not allow circular loops

See also Linked List


Translation of: C
Works with: ALGOL 68 version Standard - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release mk15-0.8b.fc9.i386
Works with: ELLA ALGOL 68 version Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release 1.8.8d.fc9.i386

<lang ada> MODE DATA = STRING; # user defined data type #


 NODE pred,
 DATA value




 PROC LIST new list,
 PROC (LIST)BOOL is empty,
 PROC (LIST)NODE get head,
                 get tail,
 PROC (LIST, NODE)NODE add tail,
                           add head,
 PROC (LIST)NODE remove head,
                 remove tail,
 PROC (LIST, NODE, NODE)NODE insert after,
 PROC (LIST, NODE)NODE remove node

) class list;

new list OF class list := LIST: (

 HEAP MNODE master link; 
 master link := (master link, master link, ~);
 master link


is empty OF class list := (LIST self)BOOL:

 (LIST(pred OF self) :=: LIST(self)) AND (LIST(self) :=: LIST(succ OF self));

get head OF class list := (LIST self)NODE:

 succ OF self;

get tail OF class list := (LIST self)NODE:

 pred OF self;

add tail OF class list := (LIST self, NODE node)NODE:

 (insert after OF class list)(self, pred OF self, node);

add head OF class list := (LIST self, NODE node)NODE:

 (insert after OF class list)(self, succ OF self, node);

remove head OF class list := (LIST self)NODE:

 (remove node OF class list)(self, succ OF self);

remove tail OF class list := (LIST self)NODE:

 (remove node OF class list)(self, pred OF self);

insert after OF class list := (LIST self, NODE cursor, NODE node)NODE: (

 succ OF node := succ OF cursor;
 pred OF node := cursor;
 succ OF cursor := node;
 pred OF succ OF node := node;


remove node OF class list := (LIST self, NODE node)NODE: (

 succ OF pred OF node := succ OF node;
 pred OF succ OF node := pred OF node;
 succ OF node := pred OF node := NIL; # garbage collection hint #


main: (

   []DATA sample = ("Was", "it", "a", "cat", "I", "saw");
   LIST list a := new list OF class list;
   NODE tmp;
   IF list a :/=: REF LIST(NIL) THEN # technically "list a" is never NIL #
  1. Add some data to a list #
       FOR i TO UPB sample DO
           tmp := HEAP MNODE;
           IF tmp :/=: NODE(NIL) THEN # technically "tmp" is never NIL #
              value OF tmp := sample[i];
              (add tail OF class list)(list a, tmp)
  1. Iterate throught the list forward #
       NODE node := (get head OF class list)(list a);
       print("Iterate orward: ");
       WHILE  node :/=: NODE(list a) DO
           print((value OF node, " "));
           node := succ OF node
       print(new line);
  1. Iterate throught the list backward #
       node := (get tail OF class list)(list a);
       print("Iterate backward: ");
       WHILE  node :/=: NODE(list a) DO
           print((value OF node, " "));
           node := pred OF node
       print(new line);
  1. Finally empty the list #
       print("Empty from tail: ");
       WHILE NOT (is empty OF class list)(list a) DO
             tmp := (remove tail OF class list)(list a);
             print((value OF tmp, " "))
             # sweep heap #
       print(new line)
       # sweep heap #

) </lang> Output:

Iterate forward: Was it a cat I saw 
Iterate backward: saw I cat a it Was 
Empty from tail: saw I cat a it Was 


<lang AutoHotkey>a_prev = 0 a = 1 a_next = b b_prev = a b = 2 b_next = 0 c = 4 d = 5 insert_head("c", "a") insert_tail("e", "b") insert_between("d", "a", "b") ListVars msgbox % "tail= " . tail := traverse("c") msgbox % "head= " . head := traverse("d", "reverse") return

insert_head(new, head) {

 local temp
 %head%_prev := new
 %new%_prev := 0
 %new%_next := head


insert_tail(new, tail) {

 local temp
 %prev%_next := new
 %new%_prev := prev
 %new%_next := 0


insert_between(new, prev, next) {

 local temp
 %prev%_next := new
 %new%_prev := prev
 %new%_next := next
 %next%_prev := new


traverse(element, direction="forward") { if (direction = "forward") direction = _next if (direction = "reverse") direction = _prev

 name := element
 MsgBox % element . "= " . %element%
 name := element . direction
 while, %name%
 element := %name%
 msgbox % %name% . "= " . %element%
 oldname := name
 name := %name% . direction
 if (%oldname% == %name%)

goto circular


return (%oldname%) circular: msgbox % "error: list is circular: " . name . oldname . %name% . %oldname% }</lang>


<lang c>/* double linked list */

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <stdlib.h>

struct List {

  struct MNode *head;
  struct MNode *tail;
  struct MNode *tail_pred;


struct MNode {

  struct MNode *succ;
  struct MNode *pred;


typedef struct MNode *NODE; typedef struct List *LIST;


    • LIST l = newList()
    • create (alloc space for) and initialize a list
  • /

LIST newList(void);


    • int isEmpty(LIST l)
    • test if a list is empty
  • /

int isEmpty(LIST);


    • NODE n = getTail(LIST l)
    • get the tail node of the list, without removing it
  • /

NODE getTail(LIST);


    • NODE n = getHead(LIST l)
    • get the head node of the list, without removing it
  • /

NODE getHead(LIST);


    • NODE rn = addTail(LIST l, NODE n)
    • add the node n to the tail of the list l, and return it (rn==n)
  • /



    • NODE rn = addHead(LIST l, NODE n)
    • add the node n to the head of the list l, and return it (rn==n)
  • /



    • NODE n = remHead(LIST l)
    • remove the head node of the list and return it
  • /

NODE remHead(LIST);


    • NODE n = remTail(LIST l)
    • remove the tail node of the list and return it
  • /

NODE remTail(LIST);


    • NODE rn = insertAfter(LIST l, NODE r, NODE n)
    • insert the node n after the node r, in the list l; return n (rn==n)
  • /

NODE insertAfter(LIST, NODE, NODE);


    • NODE rn = removeNode(LIST l, NODE n)
    • remove the node n (that must be in the list l) from the list and return it (rn==n)
  • /

NODE removeNode(LIST, NODE);

LIST newList(void) {

   LIST tl = malloc(sizeof(struct List));
   if ( tl != NULL )
      tl->tail_pred = (NODE)&tl->head;
      tl->tail = NULL;
      tl->head = (NODE)&tl->tail;
      return tl;
   return NULL;


int isEmpty(LIST l) {

  return (l->head->succ == 0);


NODE getHead(LIST l) {

 return l->head;


NODE getTail(LIST l) {

 return l->tail_pred;


NODE addTail(LIST l, NODE n) {

   n->succ = (NODE)&l->tail;
   n->pred = l->tail_pred;
   l->tail_pred->succ = n;
   l->tail_pred = n;
   return n;


NODE addHead(LIST l, NODE n) {

   n->succ = l->head;
   n->pred = (NODE)&l->head;
   l->head->pred = n;
   l->head = n;
   return n;


NODE remHead(LIST l) {

  NODE h;
  h = l->head;
  l->head = l->head->succ;
  l->head->pred = (NODE)&l->head;
  return h;


NODE remTail(LIST l) {

  NODE t;
  t = l->tail_pred;
  l->tail_pred = l->tail_pred->pred;
  l->tail_pred->succ = (NODE)&l->tail;
  return t;


NODE insertAfter(LIST l, NODE r, NODE n) {

  n->pred = r; n->succ = r->succ;
  n->succ->pred = n; r->succ = n;
  return n;


NODE removeNode(LIST l, NODE n) {

  n->pred->succ = n->succ;
  n->succ->pred = n->pred;
  return n;


Simple test:

<lang c>/* basic test */

struct IntNode {

 struct MNode node;
 int data;


int main() {

   int i;
   LIST lista;
   struct IntNode *m;
   NODE n;
   lista = newList();
   if ( lista != NULL )
     for(i=0; i < 5; i++)
         m = malloc(sizeof(struct IntNode));
         if ( m != NULL )
            m->data = rand()%64;
            addTail(lista, (NODE)m);
     while( !isEmpty(lista) )
           m = (struct IntNode *)remTail(lista);
           printf("%d\n", m->data);


Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defstruct (node (:constructor make-node (element &key prev next)))

 (element nil :type t)
 (prev nil :type (or null node))
 (next nil :type (or null node)))

(defun insert-head (element list)

 "Returns the new head of the list."
 (let ((new (make-node element :next list)))
   (setf (node-prev list) new)))

(defun tail (list)

 "Return the last node of the list."
 (do ((tail list (node-next tail)))
     ((null (node-next tail)) tail)))

(defun insert-middle (element node)

 "Returns the newly created node."
 (let* ((next (node-next node))
        (new (make-node element :prev node :next next)))
   (unless (null next)
     (setf (node-prev next) new))
   (setf (node-next node) new)))

(defun insert-tail (element list)

 "Returns the head of the list."
 (insert-middle element (tail list))

(defun list-elements (list &aux (elements '()))

 "Returns a normal Lisp list of the elements of list."
 (do ((node list (node-next node)))
     ((null node) (nreverse elements))
   (push (node-element node) elements)))</lang>

The following produces (1 2 3 4).

<lang lisp>(let* ((dl (make-node 3))

      (dl (insert-head 1 dl))
      (dl (insert-tail 4 dl)))
 (insert-middle 2 dl)
 (list-elements dl))</lang>

Visual Basic .NET

<lang vbnet>Public Class DoubleLinkList(Of T)

  Private m_Head As Node(Of T)
  Private m_Tail As Node(Of T)
  Public Sub AddHead(ByVal value As T)
      Dim node As New Node(Of T)(Me, value)
      If m_Head Is Nothing Then
          m_Head = Node
          m_Tail = m_Head
          node.Next = m_Head
          m_Head = node
      End If
  End Sub
  Public Sub AddTail(ByVal value As T)
      Dim node As New Node(Of T)(Me, value)
      If m_Tail Is Nothing Then
          m_Head = node
          m_Tail = m_Head
          node.Previous = m_Tail
          m_Tail = node
      End If
  End Sub
  Public ReadOnly Property Head() As Node(Of T)
          Return m_Head
      End Get
  End Property
  Public ReadOnly Property Tail() As Node(Of T)
          Return m_Tail
      End Get
  End Property
  Public Sub RemoveTail()
      If m_Tail Is Nothing Then Return
      If m_Tail.Previous Is Nothing Then 'empty
          m_Head = Nothing
          m_Tail = Nothing
          m_Tail = m_Tail.Previous
          m_Tail.Next = Nothing
      End If
  End Sub
  Public Sub RemoveHead()
      If m_Head Is Nothing Then Return
      If m_Head.Next Is Nothing Then 'empty
          m_Head = Nothing
          m_Tail = Nothing
          m_Head = m_Head.Next
          m_Head.Previous = Nothing
      End If
  End Sub

End Class

Public Class Node(Of T)

  Private ReadOnly m_Value As T
  Private m_Next As Node(Of T)
  Private m_Previous As Node(Of T)
  Private ReadOnly m_Parent As DoubleLinkList(Of T)
  Public Sub New(ByVal parent As DoubleLinkList(Of T), ByVal value As T)
      m_Parent = parent
      m_Value = value
  End Sub
  Public Property [Next]() As Node(Of T)
          Return m_Next
      End Get
      Friend Set(ByVal value As Node(Of T))
          m_Next = value
      End Set
  End Property
  Public Property Previous() As Node(Of T)
          Return m_Previous
      End Get
      Friend Set(ByVal value As Node(Of T))
          m_Previous = value
      End Set
  End Property
  Public ReadOnly Property Value() As T
          Return m_Value
      End Get
  End Property
  Public Sub InsertAfter(ByVal value As T)
      If m_Next Is Nothing Then
      ElseIf m_Previous Is Nothing Then
          Dim node As New Node(Of T)(m_Parent, value)
          node.Previous = Me
          node.Next = Me.Next
          Me.Next.Previous = node
          Me.Next = node
      End If
  End Sub
  Public Sub Remove()
      If m_Next Is Nothing Then
      ElseIf m_Previous Is Nothing Then
          m_Previous.Next = Me.Next
          m_Next.Previous = Me.Previous
      End If
  End Sub

End Class</lang>


<lang d> class LinkedList(T) {

Node!(T) head, tail;

/** Iterate in the forward direction. */
int opApply (int delegate(uint, Node!(T)) dg)
 uint i = 0;
 auto link = head;
 int result = 0;
 while (link)
  result = dg (i, link);
  if (result) return result;
  link =;
 return result;

static LinkedList!(T) fromArray (T[] array)
 Node!(T) link = null;
 auto head = link;
 auto self = new LinkedList!(T);
 foreach (elem; array)
  link = new Node!(T)(null, link, elem, self);
  if (!head)
   head = link;
 return self;


class Node(T) {

Node!(T) next;
Node!(T) previous;
LinkedList!(T) parent;
T value;

this (Node!(T) next, Node!(T) previous, T value, LinkedList!(T) parent)
 assert (parent !is null);
{ = next;
 if (next)
  next.previous = this;
 if (previous) = this;
 this.previous = previous;
 this.value = value;
 this.parent = parent;
 if (parent.head == next)
  parent.head = this;
 if (parent.tail == previous)
  parent.tail = this;

/** Insert an element after this one. */
void insertAfter (T value)
 new Node!(T)(this, next, value, parent);

/** Insert an element before this one. */
void insertBefore (T value)
 new Node!(T)(previous, this, value, parent);

/** Remove the current node from the list. */
void remove ()
 if (next)
  next.previous = previous;
 if (previous) = next;
 if (parent.tail == this)
  parent.tail = previous;
 if (parent.head == this)
  parent.head = next;


void main () {

char[][] sample = ["was", "it", "a", "cat", "I", "saw"];
auto list = LinkedList!(char[]).fromArray (sample);
for (auto elem = list.head; elem; elem =
 writef ("%s ", elem.value);
 if (elem.value == "it") elem.insertAfter("really");
for (auto elem = list.tail; elem; elem = elem.previous)
 writef ("%s ", elem.value);

} </lang> Output:

Iterate forward: Was it really a cat I saw 
Iterate backward: saw I cat a really it Was 
Empty from tail: saw I cat a really it Was 


<lang e>def makeDLList() {

   def firstINode
   def lastINode
   def makeNode(var value, var prevI, var nextI) {
       # To meet the requirement that the client cannot create a loop, the 
       # inter-node refs are protected: clients only get the external facet 
       # with invariant-preserving operations.
       def iNode
       def node { # external facet
           to get() { return value }
           to put(new) { value := new }
           /** Return the value of the element of the list at the specified offset
               from this element. */
           to get(index :int) {
               if (index > 0 && node.hasNext()) {
                   return nextI.node().get(index - 1)
               } else if (index < 0 && node.hasPrev()) {
                   return prevI.node().get(index + 1)
               } else if (index <=> 0) {
                   return value
               } else {
                   throw("index out of range in dlList")
           to hasPrev() {
               return nextI != firstINode && nextI != null
           to prev() {
               if (!node.hasPrev()) {
                   throw("there is no previous node")
               return prevI.node()
           to hasNext() {
               return nextI != lastINode && nextI != null
           to next() {
               if (!node.hasNext()) {
                   throw("there is no previous node")
               return nextI.node()
           to remove() {
               if (prevI == null || nextI == null) { return }
               prevI := null
               nextI := null
           to insertAfter(newValue) {
               def newI := makeNode(newValue, iNode, nextI)
               nextI := newI
           to insertBefore(newValue) {
       bind iNode { # internal facet
           to node() { return node }
           to nextI() { return nextI }
           to prevI() { return prevI }
           to setNextI(new) { nextI := new }
           to setPrevI(new) { prevI := new }
       return iNode
   } # end makeNode
   bind firstINode := makeNode(null, Ref.broken("no first prev"), lastINode)
   bind lastINode := makeNode(null, firstINode, Ref.broken("no last next"))
   def dlList {
       to __printOn(out) {
           var sep := ""
           for x in dlList {
               sep := ", "
       to iterate(f) {
           var n := firstINode
           while (n.node().hasNext()) {
               n := n.nextI()
               f(n.node(), n.node()[])
       to atFirst() { return firstINode.nextI().node() }
       to atLast() { return lastINode.prevI().node() }
       to insertFirst(new) { return firstINode.node().insertAfter(new) }
       to push(new) { return lastINode.node().insertBefore(new) }
       /** Return the node which has the specified value */
       to nodeOf(value) {
           for node => v ? (v == value) in dlList { return node }
   return dlList


<lang e>? def list := makeDLList()

  1. value: <>

? list.push(1) ? list

  1. value: <1>

? list.push(10) ? list.push(100) ? list

  1. value: <1, 10, 100>

? list.atFirst().insertAfter(5) ? list

  1. value: <1, 5, 10, 100>

? list.insertFirst(0) ? list

  1. value: <0, 1, 5, 10, 100>

? list.atLast().prev().remove() ? list

  1. value: <0, 1, 5, 100>

? list.atLast()[] := 10 ? list

  1. value: <0, 1, 5, 10>

? for x in 11..20 { list.push(x) } ? list

  1. value: <0, 1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20></lang>


In the high level language Python, its list native datatype should be used. It automatically preserves the integrity of the list w.r.t. loops and allows insertion at any point using list.insert() via an integer index into the list rather than a machine-code level pointer to a list element.


See Doubly-Linked List (element)#Ruby and Doubly-Linked List (element insertion)#Ruby


This task was earlier marked as unfeasible for Tcl. Tcl lists are compact arrays of pointers to values. However, on very long lists, insertions and deletions (if not at end) may require copying a large amount of data. In such cases, the implementation below may be helpful. It provides a single dl command, which is called with the name of a DList, a method name, and possibly more arguments as required. The testcases below should give a good idea. The asList and asList2 methods demonstrate forward and backward traversal.

See also Doubly-Linked List (element) for a TclOO-based version.

<lang Tcl>package require Tcl 8.4 proc dl {_name cmd {where error} {value ""}} {

   upvar 1 $_name N
   switch -- $cmd {
       insert {
           if ![info exists N()] {set N() {"" "" 0}}
           set id [lindex $N() 2]
           lset N() 2 [incr id]
           switch -- $where {
               head {
                   set prev {}
                   set next [lindex $N() 0]
                   lset N() 0 $id
               end {
                   set prev [lindex $N() 1]
                   set next {}
                   lset N() 1 $id
               default {
                   set prev $where
                   set next [lindex $N($where) 1]
                   lset N($where) 1 $id
           if {$prev ne ""} {lset N($prev) 1 $id}
           if {$next ne ""} {lset N($next) 0 $id}
           if {[lindex $N() 1] eq ""} {lset N() 1 $id}
           set N($id) [list $prev $next $value]
           return $id
       delete {
           set i $where
           if {$where eq "head"} {set i [dl N head]}
           if {$where eq "end"}  {set i [dl N end]}
           foreach {prev next} $N($i) break
           if {$prev ne ""} {lset N($prev) 1 $next}
           if {$next ne ""} {lset N($next) 0 $prev}
           if {[dl N head] == $i} {lset N() 0 $next} 
           if {[dl N end] == $i}  {lset N() 1 $prev}
           unset N($i)
       findfrom {
           if {$where eq "head"} {set where [dl N head]}
           for {set i $where} {$i ne ""} {set i [dl N next $i]} {
               if {[dl N get $i] eq $value} {return $i}
       get    {lindex $N($where) 2}
       set    {lset   N($where) 2 $value; set value}
       head   {lindex $N() 0}
       end    {lindex $N() 1}
       next   {lindex $N($where) 1}
       prev   {lindex $N($where) 0}
       length {expr {[array size N]-1}}
       asList {
           set res {}
           for {set i [dl N head]} {$i ne ""} {set i [dl N next $i]} {
               lappend res [dl N get $i]
           return $res
       asList2 {
           set res {}
           for {set i [dl N end]} {$i ne ""} {set i [dl N prev $i]} {
               lappend res [dl N get $i]
           return $res

}</lang> <lang tcl># Testing code set testcases [split {

   dl D insert head foo
   dl D insert end  bar
   dl D insert head hello
   dl D set [dl D head] hi
   dl D insert end  grill
   set i [dl D findfrom head bar]
   dl D set    $i BAR
   dl D insert $i and
   dl D length
   dl D asList2
   dl D delete $i
   dl D findfrom head nix
   dl D delete head
   dl D delete end
   dl D delete end
   dl D delete head
   dl D length

} \n] foreach case $testcases {

   if {[string trim $case] ne ""} {
       puts " $case -> [eval $case] : [dl D asList]"
       if {[lsearch $argv -p] >= 0} {parray D}
