Dinesman's multiple-dwelling problem: Difference between revisions

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<pre>[2, 1, 3, 4, 0]</pre>
This problem asks us to pick from one of several possibilities. We can represent these possibilities as a permutation of the residents' initials, arranged in order from lowest floor to top floor:
<lang j>possible=: ((i.!5) A. i.5) { 'BCFMS'</lang>
Additionally, we are given a variety of constraints which eliminate some possibilities:
<lang j>possible=: (#~ 'B' ~: {:"1) possible NB. Baker not on top floor
possible=: (#~ 'C' ~: {."1) possible NB. Cooper not on bottom floor
possible=: (#~ 'F' ~: {:"1) possible NB. Fletcher not on top floor
possible=: (#~ 'F' ~: {."1) possible NB. Fletcher not on bottom floor
possible=: (#~ </@i."1&'CM') possible NB. Miller on higher floor than Cooper
possible=: (#~ 0 = +/@E."1~&'SF') possible NB. Smith not immediately below Fletcher
possible=: (#~ 0 = +/@E."1~&'FS') possible NB. Fletcher not immediately below Smith
possible=: (#~ 0 = +/@E."1~&'CF') possible NB. Cooper not immediately below Fletcher
possible=: (#~ 0 = +/@E."1~&'FC') possible NB. Fletcher not immediately below Cooper</lang>
The answer is thus:
<lang j> possible
(bottom floor) Smith, Cooper, Baker, Fletcher, Miller (top floor)

Revision as of 19:13, 25 June 2011

Dinesman's multiple-dwelling problem is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

The task is to solve Dinesman's multiple dwelling problem but in a way that most naturally follows the problem statement given below. Solutions are allowed (but not required) to parse and interpret the problem text, but should remain flexible and should state what changes to the problem text are allowed. Flexibility and ease of expression are valued.

Examples may be be split into "setup", "problem statement", and "output" sections where the ease and naturalness of stating the problem and getting an answer, as well as the ease and flexibility of modifying the problem are the primary concerns.

Example output should be shown here, as well as any comments on the examples flexibility.

The problem
Baker, Cooper, Fletcher, Miller, and Smith live on different floors of an apartment house that contains only five floors. Baker does not live on the top floor. Cooper does not live on the bottom floor. Fletcher does not live on either the top or the bottom floor. Miller lives on a higher floor than does Cooper. Smith does not live on a floor adjacent to Fletcher's. Fletcher does not live on a floor adjacent to Cooper's. Where does everyone live?


<lang C>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>

int verbose = 0;

  1. define COND(a, b) int a(int *s) { return (b); }

typedef int(*condition)(int *);

/* BEGIN problem specific setup */

  1. define N_FLOORS 5
  2. define TOP (N_FLOORS - 1)

int solution[N_FLOORS] = { 0 }; int occupied[N_FLOORS] = { 0 };

enum tenants { baker = 0, cooper, fletcher, miller, smith, phantom_of_the_opera, };

char *names[] = { "baker", "cooper", "fletcher", "miller", "smith", };

COND(c0, s[baker] != TOP); COND(c1, s[cooper] != 0); COND(c2, s[fletcher] != 0 && s[fletcher] != TOP); COND(c3, s[miller] > s[cooper]); COND(c4, abs(s[smith] - s[fletcher]) != 1); COND(c5, abs(s[cooper] - s[fletcher]) != 1);

  1. define N_CONDITIONS 6

condition cond[] = { c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 };

/* END of problem specific setup */

int solve(int person) { int i, j; if (person == phantom_of_the_opera) { /* check condition */ for (i = 0; i < N_CONDITIONS; i++) { if (cond[i](solution)) continue;

if (verbose) { for (j = 0; j < N_FLOORS; j++) printf("%d %s\n", solution[j], names[j]); printf("cond %d bad\n\n", i); } return 0; }

printf("Found arrangement:\n"); for (i = 0; i < N_FLOORS; i++) printf("%d %s\n", solution[i], names[i]); return 1; }

for (i = 0; i < N_FLOORS; i++) { if (occupied[i]) continue; solution[person] = i; occupied[i] = 1; if (solve(person + 1)) return 1; occupied[i] = 0; } return 0; }

int main() { verbose = 0; if (!solve(0)) printf("Nobody lives anywhere\n"); return 0; }</lang>Output<lang>Found arrangement: 2 baker 1 cooper 3 fletcher 4 miller 0 smith</lang>C, being its compiled self, is not terribly flexible in dynamically changing runtime code content. Parsing some external problem specification would be one way, but for a small problem, it might as well just recompile with conditions hard coded. For this program, to change conditions, one needs to edit content between BEGIN and END of problem specific setup. Those could even be setup in an external file and gets #included if need be.


Works with: D version 2

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.range, std.math;

auto permutations(size_t n) {

   auto seq = array(iota(n));
   size_t[][] res;

   void perms(size_t[] s, size_t[] pre = []) {
       if (s.length) {
           foreach (i, c; s) {
              perms(s[0 .. i] ~ s[i + 1 .. $], pre ~ c);
       } else res ~= pre;

   return res;


size_t[] solve(T...)(size_t len, T fun) {

   auto perms = permutations(len);
   foreach (p; perms) {
       foreach (fn; fun)
           if (!fn(cast(int[])p)) 
               continue outer;
       return p;
   return null;


void main() {

   enum Floors = 5u;
   enum {Baker, Cooper, Fletcher, Miller, Smith};
   auto c1 = (int[] s){ return s[Baker] != s.length-1; }; 
   auto c2 = (int[] s){ return s[Cooper] != 0; }; 
   auto c3 = (int[] s){ return s[Fletcher] != 0 && s[Fletcher] != s.length-1; }; 
   auto c4 = (int[] s){ return s[Miller] > s[Cooper]; }; 
   auto c5 = (int[] s){ return abs(s[Smith] - s[Fletcher]) != 1; };
   auto c6 = (int[] s){ return abs(s[Cooper] - s[Fletcher]) != 1; };
   if (auto sol = solve(Floors, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6))


[2, 1, 3, 4, 0]


This problem asks us to pick from one of several possibilities. We can represent these possibilities as a permutation of the residents' initials, arranged in order from lowest floor to top floor:

<lang j>possible=: ((i.!5) A. i.5) { 'BCFMS'</lang>

Additionally, we are given a variety of constraints which eliminate some possibilities:

<lang j>possible=: (#~ 'B' ~: {:"1) possible NB. Baker not on top floor possible=: (#~ 'C' ~: {."1) possible NB. Cooper not on bottom floor possible=: (#~ 'F' ~: {:"1) possible NB. Fletcher not on top floor possible=: (#~ 'F' ~: {."1) possible NB. Fletcher not on bottom floor possible=: (#~ </@i."1&'CM') possible NB. Miller on higher floor than Cooper possible=: (#~ 0 = +/@E."1~&'SF') possible NB. Smith not immediately below Fletcher possible=: (#~ 0 = +/@E."1~&'FS') possible NB. Fletcher not immediately below Smith possible=: (#~ 0 = +/@E."1~&'CF') possible NB. Cooper not immediately below Fletcher possible=: (#~ 0 = +/@E."1~&'FC') possible NB. Fletcher not immediately below Cooper</lang>

The answer is thus:

<lang j> possible SCBFM</lang>

(bottom floor) Smith, Cooper, Baker, Fletcher, Miller (top floor)


<lang PureBasic>Prototype cond(Array t(1))

Enumeration #Null



Procedure checkTenands(Array tenants(1), Array Condions.cond(1))

 Protected i, j
 Protected.cond *f 
 For i=0 To j
   *f=Condions(i)              ; load the function pointer to the current condition
   If *f(tenants()) = #False
     ProcedureReturn  #False
 ProcedureReturn #True


Procedure C1(Array t(1))

 If Int(Abs(t(#Fletcher)-t(#Cooper)))<>1
   ProcedureReturn #True


Procedure C2(Array t(1))

 If t(#Baker)<>5
   ProcedureReturn #True


Procedure C3(Array t(1))

 If t(#Cooper)<>1
   ProcedureReturn #True


Procedure C4(Array t(1))

 If t(#Miller) >= t(#Cooper)
   ProcedureReturn #True


Procedure C5(Array t(1))

 If t(#Fletcher)<>1 And t(#Fletcher)<>5
   ProcedureReturn #True


Procedure C6(Array t(1))

 If Int(Abs(t(#Smith)-t(#Fletcher)))<>1
   ProcedureReturn #True


Procedure main()

 If OpenConsole()
   Dim People(4)
   Dim Conditions(5)
   Protected  a, b, c, d, e, i
   ;- Load pointers to all conditions
   Conditions(i)=@C1(): i+1
   Conditions(i)=@C2(): i+1
   Conditions(i)=@C3(): i+1
   Conditions(i)=@C4(): i+1
   Conditions(i)=@C5(): i+1
   ; generate and the all legal combinations
   For a=1 To 5
     For b=1 To 5
       If a=b: Continue: EndIf
       For c=1 To 5
         If a=c Or b=c: Continue: EndIf
         For d=1 To 5
           If d=a Or d=b Or d=c : Continue: EndIf
           For e=1 To 5 
             If e=a Or e=b Or e=c Or e=d: Continue: EndIf
             If checkTenands(People(), Conditions())
               PrintN("Solution found;")
   Print("Press ENTER to exit"): Input()



Solution found;