Determine if a string has all the same characters: Difference between revisions

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Line 986: Line 986:
" " 0x20 is different at position 5
" " 0x20 is different at position 5
<lang erlang>
-export([examine_all_same/1, all_same_examples/0]).

all_same_characters([], _Offset) ->
all_same_characters([_], _Offset) ->
all_same_characters([X, X | Rest], Offset) ->
all_same_characters([X | Rest], Offset + 1);
all_same_characters([X, Y | _Rest], Offset) when X =/= Y ->
{not_all_same, Y, Offset + 1}.

examine_all_same(String) ->
io:format("String \"~ts\" of length ~p:~n", [String, length(String)]),
case all_same_characters(String, 0) of
all_same ->
io:format(" All characters are the same.~n~n");
{not_all_same, OffendingChar, Offset} ->
io:format(" Not all characters are the same.~n"),
io:format(" Char '~tc' (0x~.16b) at offset ~p differs.~n~n",
[OffendingChar, OffendingChar, Offset])

all_same_examples() ->
Strings = ["",
" ",
"4444 444k",
lists:foreach(fun examine_all_same/1, Strings).
$ erl
Erlang/OTP 23 [erts-11.1.8] [source] [64-bit] [smp:12:12] [ds:12:12:10] [async-threads:1]

Eshell V11.1.8 (abort with ^G)
1> c(string_examples).
2> string_examples:all_same_examples().
String "" of length 0:
All characters are the same.

String " " of length 3:
All characters are the same.

String "2" of length 1:
All characters are the same.

String "333" of length 3:
All characters are the same.

String ".55" of length 3:
Not all characters are the same.
Char '5' (0x35) at offset 1 differs.

String "tttTTT" of length 6:
Not all characters are the same.
Char 'T' (0x54) at offset 3 differs.

String "4444 444k" of length 9:
Not all characters are the same.
Char ' ' (0x20) at offset 4 differs.

String "pΓ©pΓ©" of length 4:
Not all characters are the same.
Char 'Γ©' (0xe9) at offset 1 differs.

String "🐢🐢🐺🐢" of length 4:
Not all characters are the same.
Char '🐺' (0x1f43a) at offset 2 differs.

String "πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„" of length 4:
All characters are the same.


<lang fsharp>
<lang fsharp>
Line 1,014: Line 1,099:
First different character in <<<4444 444k>>> (length 9) is hex 20 at position 4
First different character in <<<4444 444k>>> (length 9) is hex 20 at position 4

<lang factor>USING: formatting io kernel math.parser sequences ;
<lang factor>USING: formatting io kernel math.parser sequences ;