Determine if a string has all the same characters: Difference between revisions

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Line 912:
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">#include <iostream>
#include <stringstring_view>
void all_characters_are_the_same(const std::string&string_view str) {
size_t len = str.length();
std::cout << "input: \"" << str << "\", length: " << len << '\n';
Line 922:
if (str[i] != ch) {
std::cout << "Not all characters are the same.\n";
std::cout << "Character '" << str[i] << "' (hex " << std::hex
<< "' (hex " << std::hex << static_cast<unsigned int>(str[i])
<< ") at position " << std::dec << i + 1
<< " is not the same as '" << ch << "'.\n\n";
Line 3,492:
Checking string "🎄🎄🎄🎄" of length 4:
All characters in the string are the same
<syntaxhighlight lang = "BASIC">
Return 0 if all the characters in s are the same
(including the special case of an empty string),
otherwise the first position where a character
differs from the preceeding one(s)
function samechars(s = string) = integer
var i, slen, result = integer
slen = len(s)
i = 1
while i < slen and mid(s,i,1) = mid(s,i+1,1) do
i = i+1
if i = slen or slen = 0 then
result = 0
result = i+1
end = result
procedure report(str = string)
var p = integer
print "Test string "; chr(34); str; chr(34); \
" has length ="; len(str)
p = samechars(str)
if p = 0 then
print "The characters are all the same"
print "Characters differ starting at position";p;" ('"; \
rem - apply to the test cases
report ""
report " "
report "2"
report "333"
report ".55"
report "tttTTT"
report "4444 444k"
Test string "" has length = 0
The characters are all the same
Test string " " has length = 0
The characters are all the same
Test string "2" has length = 1
The characters are all the same
Test string "333" has length = 3
The characters are all the same
Test string ".55" has length = 3
Characters differ starting at position 2 ('5'=35h)
Test string "tttTTT" has length = 6
Characters differ starting at position 4 ('T'=54h)
Test string "4444 444k" has length = 9
Characters differ starting at position 5 (' '=20h)
