De Bruijn sequences: Difference between revisions

Add 8086 assembly
(Add 8080 assembly)
(Add 8086 assembly)
Line 358:
Set seq[4444] to `.`...
Verifying... 1459 4591 5914 8145 missing</pre>
=={{header|8086 Assembly}}==
<lang asm>putch: equ 2 ; Print character
puts: equ 9 ; Print string
cpu 8086
bits 16
section .text
org 100h
;;; Calculate de_bruijn(10, 4) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
xor ax,ax ; zero a[]
mov di,arr
mov cx,20 ; 20 words = 40 bytes
rep stosw
mov di,seq ; start of sequence
mov dx,0101h ; db(1,1)
call db_
mov si,seq ; Add first 3 to end for wrapping
mov cx,3
rep movsb
lea bp,[di-1] ; Store pointer to last digit in BP
;;; Print length ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
mov ah,puts ; Print "Length:"
mov dx,slen
int 21h
mov ax,di ; Length = end - start
sub ax,seq
call putax ; Print length
;;; Print first and last 130 characters and verify ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
mov ah,puts ; Print "First 130..."
mov dx,sfrst
int 21h
mov si,seq ; print first 130 digits
call p130
mov ah,puts ; Print "Last 130..."
mov dx,slast
int 21h
mov si,di ; print last 130 digit
sub si,130
call p130
call verify
;;;; Reverse the sequence and verify ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
mov ah,puts ; Print "Reversing..."
mov dx,srev
int 21h
mov si,seq ; SI = first digit in sequence
mov di,bp ; DI = last digit in sequence
call rvrs ; Reverse
call verify ; Verify
mov si,seq ; Reverse again, putting it back
mov di,bp
call rvrs
;;; Set seq[4444] to '.' and verify ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
mov ah,puts ; Print "set seq[4444] to '.'"
mov dx,s4444
int 21h
mov [seq+4444],byte '.'
call verify ; Verify
;;; db(t, p); t=dh p=dl, di=seq ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
db_: cmp dh,4 ; t>n? (n=4)
jbe .els
cmp dl,3 ; for p in {1,2,3,4}, 4%p==0 iff p=3
je .out
mov si,arr+1 ; add DL=P bytes from a[1..] to sequence
mov cl,dl
xor ch,ch
rep movsb
jmp .out
.els: xor bh,bh
mov bl,dh
sub bl,dl ; t - p
mov al,[arr+bx] ; al = a[t-p]
mov bl,dh ; t
mov [arr+bx],al ; a[t] = al
push dx ; keep arguments
inc dh ; db(++t,p)
call db_
pop dx ; restore arguments
mov bl,dh ; al = a[t-p]
sub bl,dl
mov al,[arr+bx]
.loop: inc al ; al++
cmp al,10 ; when al>=k,
jae .out ; then stop.
mov bl,dh
mov [arr+bx],al ; a[t] = j
push ax ; keep state
push dx
mov dl,dh ; db(t+1, t)
inc dh
call db_
pop dx
pop ax
jmp .loop
.out: ret
;;; Verify that all numbers are there ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
verify: mov ah,puts ; Print "verifying..."
mov dx,sver
int 21h
mov di,val ; Zero validation array
mov cx,5000 ; 10000 bytes = 5000 words
xor ax,ax
rep stosw
mov di,val
mov si,seq ; Pointer to start of sequence
mov cx,6409h ; CH=100 (multiplier), CL=9 (highest digit)
.num: mov ax,[si] ; Read first two digits
cmp ah,cl ; Check that they are valid
ja .inval
cmp al,cl
ja .inval
xchg al,ah ; High digit * 10 + low digit
mul ch ; Multiply by 100 (to add in next two)
mov bx,ax
mov ax,[si+2] ; Read last two digits
cmp ah,cl ; Check that they are valid
ja .inval
cmp al,cl
ja .inval
xchg al,ah ; High digit * 10 + low digit
add bx,ax ; BX = final 4-digit number
inc byte [di+bx] ; Mark this 4-digit number as seen
.inval: inc si ; Next digit
cmp si,seq+10000 ; Are we at the end yet?
jne .num ; If not, do next number
mov si,val ; For each number < 10000, check if it's there
xor cl,cl ; Will be set if a number is missing
.test: lodsb ; Do we have this number?
test al,al
jnz .tnext ; If so, try next number
mov ax,si ; Otherwise, print the missing number
sub ax,val
call putax
mov cl,1 ; And set CL
.tnext: cmp si,val+10000 ; Are we at the end yet?
jne .test
test cl,cl
mov dx,smiss ; Print "... missing"
jnz .print ; if CL is set
mov dx,snone ; or "none missing" otherwise.
.print: mov ah,puts
int 21h
;;; Subroutines ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;; Print number in AX
putax: push ax ; Keep registers we're changing
push dx
push bx
push di
mov di,numbuf ; Pointer to number buffer
mov bx,10 ; Divisor
.digit: xor dx,dx ; Divide AX by 10
div bx
add dl,'0' ; Add '0' to remainder (digit)
dec di ; Store digit in buffer
mov [di],dl
test ax,ax ; Any more digits?
jnz .digit ; If so, do next digits
mov dx,di ; At the end, print the string
mov ah,puts
int 21h
pop di ; Restore registers
pop bx
pop dx
pop ax
;;; Print 130 digits starting at SI
p130: mov cx,130 ; 130 characters
mov ah,putch ; Print characters
.loop: lodsb ; Get digit
add al,'0' ; Make ASCII
mov dl,al ; Print digit
int 21h
loop .loop
;;; Reverse memory starting at SI and ending at DI
rvrs: mov al,[si] ; Load [SI],
mov ah,[di] ; Load [DI],
mov [di],al ; Set [DI] = old [SI]
mov [si],ah ; Set [SI] = old [DI]
inc si ; Increment bottom pointer
dec di ; Decrement top pointer
cmp si,di ; If SI >= DI, we're done
jb rvrs
section .data
slen: db 'Length: $'
sfrst: db 13,10,'First 130: $'
slast: db 13,10,'Last 130: $'
srev: db 13,10,'Reversing... $'
s4444: db 13,10,'Set seq[4444] to `.`...$'
sver: db 13,10,'Verifying... $'
snone: db 'none '
smiss: db 'missing.$'
db '00000'
numbuf: db ' $'
section .bss
arr: resb 40 ; a[]
val: resb 10000 ; validation array
seq: equ $</lang>
<pre>Length: 10003
First 130: 0000100020003000400050006000700080009001100120013001400150016001700180019002100220023002400250026002700280029003100320033003400350
Last 130: 6898689969697769786979698769886989699769986999777787779778877897798779978787978887889789878997979887989799879998888988998989999000
Verifying... none missing.
Verifying... none missing.
Set seq[4444] to `.`...
Verifying... 1460 4592 5915 8146 missing.</pre>
=={{header|C sharp|C#}}==
