Day of the week: Difference between revisions

Line 899:
<lang powershell>2008..2121 | Where-Object { ([DateTime] "$_-12-25").DayOfWeek -eq "Sunday" }</lang>
<lang xml><@ SAI>
<@ ITEFORLI3>2121|2008|
<@ LETVARCAP>Christmas Day|25-Dec-<@ SAYVALFOR>...</@></@>
<@ TSTDOWVARLIT>Christmas Day|1</@>
<@ IFF><@ SAYCAP>Christmas Day <@ SAYVALFOR>...</@> is a Sunday</@><@ SAYKEY>__Newline</@></@>
<pre>Christmas Day 2011 is a Sunday
Christmas Day 2016 is a Sunday
Christmas Day 2022 is a Sunday
Christmas Day 2033 is a Sunday
Christmas Day 2039 is a Sunday
Christmas Day 2044 is a Sunday
Christmas Day 2050 is a Sunday
Christmas Day 2061 is a Sunday
Christmas Day 2067 is a Sunday
Christmas Day 2072 is a Sunday
Christmas Day 2078 is a Sunday
Christmas Day 2089 is a Sunday
Christmas Day 2095 is a Sunday
Christmas Day 2101 is a Sunday
Christmas Day 2107 is a Sunday
Christmas Day 2112 is a Sunday
Christmas Day 2118 is a Sunday</pre>
Anonymous user