Damm algorithm: Difference between revisions

Add 8086 assembly
(Add 8080 assembly)
(Add 8086 assembly)
Line 106:
A>damm 112949
NOT OK</pre>
=={{header|8086 Assembly}}==
<lang asm> cpu 8086
bits 16
section .text
org 100h
jmp demo
;;; Given a 0-terminated ASCII string containing digits in
;;; [DS:SI], see if the check digit matches. Returns with zero flag
;;; set if it matches.
damm: xor cl,cl ; Interim digit starts out at 0
mov bx,.tab ; Index for table lookup
.dgt: lodsb ; Get next string byte
test al,al ; If it is zero, we're done
jz .out
sub al,'0' ; Make ASCII digit
mov ah,cl ; Table lookup, AH = interim digit
aad ; AL += AH * 10 (such handy instructions the 8086 has)
cs xlatb ; AL = CS:table[AL]
mov cl,al ; CL = new interim digit
jmp .dgt ; Get next string
.out: test cl,cl ; Interim digit should be zero at the end
.tab: db 0,3,1,7,5,9,8,6,4,2 ; Table can be stored as part of the
db 7,0,9,2,1,5,4,8,6,3 ; code
db 4,2,0,6,8,7,1,3,5,9
db 1,7,5,0,9,8,3,4,2,6
db 6,1,2,3,0,4,5,9,7,8
db 3,6,7,4,2,0,9,5,8,1
db 5,8,6,9,7,2,0,1,3,4
db 8,9,4,5,3,6,2,0,1,7
db 9,4,3,8,6,1,7,2,0,5
db 2,5,8,1,4,3,6,7,9,0
;;; Demo: see if the argument on the MS-DOS command line is valid
demo: xor bh,bh ; Zero-terminate the input
mov bl,[80h]
mov [bx+81h],bh
mov si,82h ; Start of input skipping first space
call damm ; Is it valid?
mov dx,ok ; If so, print OK
jz .print
mov dx,no ; Otherwise, print NOT OK
.print: mov ah,9
int 21h
section .data
no: db 'NOT '
ok: db 'OK$'</lang>
<pre>C:\>damm86 5724
C:\>damm86 5725
C:\>damm86 112946
C:\>damm86 112949
NOT OK</pre>
