Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string: Difference between revisions

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(Realize in F#)
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<lang fsharp>
// Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string. Nigel Galloway: August 1th., 202
type cType = Vowel |Consonant |Other
let fN g=match g with 'a'|'e'|'i'|'o'|'u'->Vowel |g when System.Char.IsLetter g->Consonant |_->Other
let n="Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country."|>Seq.countBy(System.Char.ToLower>>fN)
printfn "%A" n
seq [(Consonant, 31); (Vowel, 22); (Other, 16)]
{{works with|Factor|0.99 2021-06-02}}