Convex hull: Difference between revisions

4,731 bytes added ,  2 years ago
m (→‎{{header|F#}}: Corrected header as suggested on the Count examples/Full list/Tier 4 talk page)
Line 3,540:
List((-3.0,-9.0), (-9.0,-3.0), (-3.0,15.0), (5.0,19.0), (12.0,17.0), (17.0,5.0), (19.0,-8.0))
{{works with|Gauche Scheme|0.9.11-p1}}
{{works with|CHICKEN Scheme|5.3.0}}
The program is in R7RS Scheme. For CHICKEN, you need to install the '''r7rs''' and '''srfi-132''' eggs.
<lang scheme>(define-library (convex-hulls)
(export vector-convex-hull)
(export list-convex-hull)
(import (scheme base))
(import (srfi 132)) ; Sorting.
;; The implementation is based on Andrew's monotone chain
;; algorithm, and is adapted from a Fortran implementation I wrote
;; myself in 2011.
;; For a description of the algorithm, see
(define x@ car)
(define y@ cadr)
(define (cross u v)
;; Cross product (as a signed scalar).
(- (* (x@ u) (y@ v)) (* (y@ u) (x@ v))))
(define (point- u v)
(list (- (x@ u) (x@ v)) (- (y@ u) (y@ v))))
(define (sort-points-vector points-vector)
;; Ascending sort on x-coordinates, followed by ascending sort
;; on y-coordinates.
(vector-sort (lambda (u v)
(or (< (x@ u) (x@ v))
(and (= (x@ u) (x@ v))
(< (y@ u) (y@ v)))))
(define (construct-lower-hull sorted-points-vector)
(let* ((pt sorted-points-vector)
(n (vector-length pt))
(hull (make-vector n))
(j 1))
(vector-set! hull 0 (vector-ref pt 0))
(vector-set! hull 1 (vector-ref pt 1))
(do ((i 2 (+ i 1)))
((= i n))
(let inner-loop ()
(if (or (zero? j)
(cross (point- (vector-ref hull j)
(vector-ref hull (- j 1)))
(point- (vector-ref pt i)
(vector-ref hull (- j 1))))))
(set! j (+ j 1))
(vector-set! hull j (vector-ref pt i)))
(set! j (- j 1))
(values (+ j 1) hull))) ; Hull size, hull points.
(define (construct-upper-hull sorted-points-vector)
(let* ((pt sorted-points-vector)
(n (vector-length pt))
(hull (make-vector n))
(j 1))
(vector-set! hull 0 (vector-ref pt (- n 1)))
(vector-set! hull 1 (vector-ref pt (- n 2)))
(do ((i (- n 3) (- i 1)))
((= i -1))
(let inner-loop ()
(if (or (zero? j)
(cross (point- (vector-ref hull j)
(vector-ref hull (- j 1)))
(point- (vector-ref pt i)
(vector-ref hull (- j 1))))))
(set! j (+ j 1))
(vector-set! hull j (vector-ref pt i)))
(set! j (- j 1))
(values (+ j 1) hull))) ; Hull size, hull points.
(define (construct-hull sorted-points-vector)
;; Notice that the lower and upper hulls could be constructed in
;; parallel.
(let-values (((lower-hull-size lower-hull)
(construct-lower-hull sorted-points-vector))
((upper-hull-size upper-hull)
(construct-upper-hull sorted-points-vector)))
(let* ((hull-size (+ lower-hull-size upper-hull-size -2))
(hull (make-vector hull-size)))
(vector-copy! hull 0 lower-hull 0 (- lower-hull-size 1))
(vector-copy! hull (- lower-hull-size 1) upper-hull
0 (- upper-hull-size 1))
(define (vector-convex-hull points)
(let* ((points-vector (if (vector? points)
(list->vector points)))
(sorted-points-vector (sort-points-vector
(construct-hull sorted-points-vector)))
(define (list-convex-hull points)
(vector->list (vector-convex-hull points)))
)) ;; end of library convex-hulls.
;; A demonstration.
(import (scheme base))
(import (scheme write))
(import (convex-hulls))
(define example-points
'((16 3) (12 17) (0 6) (-4 -6) (16 6)
(16 -7) (16 -3) (17 -4) (5 19) (19 -8)
(3 16) (12 13) (3 -4) (17 5) (-3 15)
(-3 -9) (0 11) (-9 -3) (-4 -2) (12 10)))
(write (list-convex-hull example-points))
