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hullPoints[{{16, 3}, {12, 17}, {0, 6}, {-4, -6}, {16, 6}, {16, -7}, {16, -3}, {17, -4}, {5, 19}, {19, -8}, {3, 16}, {12, 13}, {3, -4}, {17, 5}, {-3, 15}, {-3, -9}, {0, 11}, {-9, -3}, {-4, -2}, {12, 10}}]</lang>
{{out}}{{12., 17.}, {5., 19.}, {19., -8.}, {17., 5.}, {-3., 15.}, {-3., -9.}, {-9., -3.}}
{{trans|Standard ML}}
{{works with|Mercury|20.06.1}}
<lang mercury>:- module convex_hull_task.
:- interface.
:- import_module io.
:- pred main(io, io).
:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module exception.
:- import_module float.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module list.
:- import_module pair.
:- import_module string.
:- import_module version_array.
%% fetch_items/3 for version_array, similar to the library function
%% for regular array.
:- func fetch_items(version_array(T), int, int) = list(T).
fetch_items(Arr, I, J) = fetch_items_(Arr, I, J, []).
:- func fetch_items_(version_array(T), int, int, list(T)) = list(T).
fetch_items_(Arr, I, J, Lst0) = Lst :-
if (J < I) then (Lst = Lst0)
else (J1 = J - 1,
Lst = fetch_items_(Arr, I, J1, [Arr^elem(J) | Lst0])).
:- type point == pair(float).
:- type point_list == list(point).
:- type point_array == version_array(point).
:- pred point_eq(point, point).
:- mode point_eq(in, in) is semidet.
point_eq(P, Q) :-
(fst(P) - fst(Q) = 0.0),
(snd(P) - snd(Q) = 0.0).
:- pred point_comes_before(point, point).
:- mode point_comes_before(in, in) is semidet.
point_comes_before(P, Q) :-
(fst(P) < fst(Q); fst(P) - fst(Q) = (0.0),
snd(P) < snd(Q)).
:- pred point_compare(point, point, comparison_result).
:- mode point_compare(in, in, out) is det.
point_compare(P, Q, Cmp) :-
if (point_comes_before(P, Q)) then (Cmp = (<))
else if (point_comes_before(Q, P)) then (Cmp = (>))
else (Cmp = (=)).
:- func point_subtract(point, point) = point.
point_subtract(P, Q) = pair(fst(P) - fst(Q),
snd(P) - snd(Q)).
:- func point_cross_product(point, point) = float.
point_cross_product(P, Q) = (fst(P) * snd(Q)) - (snd(P) * fst(Q)).
:- func point_to_string(point) = string.
point_to_string(P) = ("(" ++ from_float(fst(P)) ++
" " ++ from_float(snd(P)) ++ ")").
:- func convex_hull(point_list) = point_list.
convex_hull(Pt) = Hull :-
Pt1 = unique_points_sorted(Pt),
(if (Pt1 = []; Pt1 = [_]; Pt1 = [_, _]) then (Hull = Pt1)
else (Hull = construct_hull(Pt1))).
:- func unique_points_sorted(point_list) = point_list.
unique_points_sorted(Pt0) = Pt :-
sort_and_remove_dups(point_compare, Pt0, Pt).
:- func construct_hull(point_list) = point_list.
construct_hull(Pt) = (construct_lower_hull(Pt) ++
:- func construct_lower_hull(point_list) = point_list.
construct_lower_hull(Pt) = Hull :-
if (Pt = [P0, P1 | Rest])
then (N = length(Pt),
Arr0 = (version_array.init(N, P0)),
Arr1 = (Arr0^elem(1) := P1),
hull_construction(Rest, Arr1, Arr2, 1, N_Hull),
%% In the fetch_items/3 call, we leave out the last item. It
%% is redundant with the first item of the upper hull.
N_Hull2 = N_Hull - 2,
Hull = fetch_items(Arr2, 0, N_Hull2))
else throw("construct_lower_hull expects list of length >= 3").
:- func construct_upper_hull(point_list) = point_list.
%% An upper hull is merely a lower hull for points going the other
%% way.
construct_upper_hull(Pt) = construct_lower_hull(reverse(Pt)).
:- pred hull_construction(point_list, point_array, point_array,
int, int).
:- mode hull_construction(in, in, out, in, out) is det.
hull_construction([], Arr0, Arr, J, N_Hull) :-
Arr = Arr0,
N_Hull = J + 1.
hull_construction([P | Rest], Arr0, Arr, J, N_Hull) :-
if cross_test(P, Arr0, J)
then (J1 = J + 1,
Arr1 = (Arr0^elem(J1) := P),
hull_construction(Rest, Arr1, Arr, J1, N_Hull))
else (J1 = J - 1,
hull_construction([P | Rest], Arr0, Arr, J1, N_Hull)).
:- pred cross_test(point, point_array, int).
:- mode cross_test(in, in, in) is semidet.
cross_test(P, Arr, J) :-
if (J = 0) then true
else (Elem_J = Arr^elem(J),
J1 = J - 1,
Elem_J1 = Arr^elem(J1),
0.0 < point_cross_product(point_subtract(Elem_J, Elem_J1),
point_subtract(P, Elem_J1))).
main(!IO) :-
Example_points = [pair(16.0, 3.0),
pair(12.0, 17.0),
pair(0.0, 6.0),
pair(-4.0, -6.0),
pair(16.0, 6.0),
pair(16.0, -7.0),
pair(16.0, -3.0),
pair(17.0, -4.0),
pair(5.0, 19.0),
pair(19.0, -8.0),
pair(3.0, 16.0),
pair(12.0, 13.0),
pair(3.0, -4.0),
pair(17.0, 5.0),
pair(-3.0, 15.0),
pair(-3.0, -9.0),
pair(0.0, 11.0),
pair(-9.0, -3.0),
pair(-4.0, -2.0),
pair(12.0, 10.0)],
Hull = convex_hull(Example_points),
HullStr = join_list(" ", map(point_to_string, Hull)),
write_string(HullStr, !IO),
%%% local variables:
%%% mode: mercury
%%% prolog-indent-width: 2
%%% end:</lang>
<pre>$ mmc convex_hull_task.m && ./convex_hull_task
(-9.0 -3.0) (-3.0 -9.0) (19.0 -8.0) (17.0 5.0) (12.0 17.0) (5.0 19.0) (-3.0 15.0)</pre>